import expect from 'unexpected'; import { routeActions } from 'react-router-redux'; import request from 'services/request'; import { logout, setUser } from 'components/user/actions'; describe('components/user/actions', () => { const getState = sinon.stub().named('store.getState'); const dispatch = sinon.spy((arg) => typeof arg === 'function' ? arg(dispatch, getState) : arg ).named('store.dispatch'); const callThunk = function(fn, ...args) { const thunk = fn(...args); return thunk(dispatch, getState); }; beforeEach(() => { dispatch.reset(); getState.reset(); getState.returns({}); sinon.stub(request, 'get').named('request.get'); sinon.stub(request, 'post').named(''); }); afterEach(() => { request.get.restore();; }); describe('#logout()', () => { beforeEach(() => {; }); describe('user with jwt', () => { beforeEach(() => { getState.returns({ user: { token: 'iLoveRockNRoll', lang: 'foo' } }); }); it('should post to /api/authentication/logout with user jwt', () => { // TODO: need an integration test with a middleware, because this // test is not reliable to check, whether logout request will have token inside Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { // we must not overwrite user's token till request starts expect(dispatch, 'was not called'); resolve(); }, 0); })); return callThunk(logout).then(() => { expect(, 'to have a call satisfying', [ '/api/authentication/logout' ]); }); }); testChangedToGuest(); testRedirectedToLogin(); }); describe('user without jwt', () => { // (a guest with partially filled user's state) beforeEach(() => { getState.returns({ user: { lang: 'foo' } }); }); it('should not post to /api/authentication/logout', () => callThunk(logout).then(() => { expect(, 'was not called'); }) ); testChangedToGuest(); testRedirectedToLogin(); }); function testChangedToGuest() { it('should change user to guest', () => callThunk(logout).then(() => { expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ setUser({ lang: 'foo', isGuest: true }) ]); }) ); } function testRedirectedToLogin() { it('should redirect to /login', () => callThunk(logout).then(() => { expect(dispatch, 'to have a call satisfying', [ routeActions.push('/login') ]); }) ); } }); });