import { routeActions } from 'react-router-redux'; import { updateUser, logout as logoutUser, authenticate } from 'components/user/actions'; import request from 'services/request'; export function login({login = '', password = '', rememberMe = false}) { const PASSWORD_REQUIRED = 'error.password_required'; const LOGIN_REQUIRED = 'error.login_required'; return (dispatch) => '/api/authentication/login', {login, password, rememberMe} ) .then((resp) => { dispatch(updateUser({ isGuest: false, token: resp.jwt })); dispatch(authenticate(resp.jwt)); dispatch(redirectToGoal()); }) .catch((resp) => { if (resp.errors.password === PASSWORD_REQUIRED) { dispatch(updateUser({ username: login, email: login })); dispatch(routeActions.push('/password')); } else { if (resp.errors.login === LOGIN_REQUIRED && password) { dispatch(logout()); } const errorMessage = resp.errors[Object.keys(resp.errors)[0]]; dispatch(setError(errorMessage)); } // TODO: log unexpected errors }) ; } export function register({ email = '', username = '', password = '', rePassword = '', rulesAgreement = false }) { return (dispatch) => '/api/signup', {email, username, password, rePassword, rulesAgreement} ) .then(() => { dispatch(updateUser({ username, email, isGuest: false })); dispatch(routeActions.push('/activation')); }) .catch((resp) => { const errorMessage = resp.errors[Object.keys(resp.errors)[0]]; dispatch(setError(errorMessage)); // TODO: log unexpected errors }) ; } export function activate({key = ''}) { return (dispatch) => '/api/signup/confirm', {key} ) .then((resp) => { dispatch(updateUser({ isActive: true })); dispatch(authenticate(resp.jwt)); dispatch(redirectToGoal()); }) .catch((resp) => { const errorMessage = resp.errors[Object.keys(resp.errors)[0]]; dispatch(setError(errorMessage)); // TODO: log unexpected errors }) ; } function redirectToGoal() { return (dispatch, getState) => { const {user} = getState(); switch (user.goal) { case 'oauth': dispatch(routeActions.push('/oauth/permissions')); break; case 'account': default: dispatch(routeActions.push('/')); break; } // dispatch(updateUser({ // TODO: mb create action resetGoal? // goal: null // })); }; } export const ERROR = 'error'; export function setError(error) { return { type: ERROR, payload: error, error: true }; } export function clearErrors() { return setError(null); } export function logout() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(logoutUser()); dispatch(routeActions.push('/login')); }; } // TODO: move to oAuth actions? // test request: /oauth?client_id=ely& export function oAuthValidate(oauth) { return (dispatch) => request.get( '/api/oauth/validate', getOAuthRequest(oauth) ) .then((resp) => { dispatch(setClient(resp.client)); dispatch(setOAuthRequest(resp.oAuth)); }) .catch((resp = {}) => { // TODO handleOauthParamsValidation(resp); if (resp.statusCode === 401 && resp.error === 'accept_required') { alert('Accept required.'); } }); } export function oAuthComplete(params = {}) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const oauth = getState().auth.oauth; const query = request.buildQuery(getOAuthRequest(oauth)); return `/api/oauth/complete?${query}`, typeof params.accept === 'undefined' ? {} : {accept: params.accept} ) .then((resp) => { if (resp.status === 401 && === 'Unauthorized') { // TODO: temporary solution for oauth init by guest // TODO: request serivce should handle http status codes dispatch(routeActions.push('/oauth/permissions')); return; } if (resp.redirectUri) { location.href = resp.redirectUri; } }) .catch((resp = {}) => { // TODO handleOauthParamsValidation(resp); if (resp.statusCode === 401 && resp.error === 'accept_required') { dispatch(routeActions.push('/oauth/permissions')); } if (resp.statusCode === 401 && resp.error === 'access_denied') { // user declined permissions location.href = resp.redirectUri; } }); }; } function getOAuthRequest(oauth) { return { client_id: oauth.clientId, redirect_uri: oauth.redirectUrl, response_type: oauth.responseType, scope: oauth.scope, state: oauth.state }; } function handleOauthParamsValidation(resp = {}) { if (resp.statusCode === 400 && resp.error === 'invalid_request') { alert(`Invalid request (${resp.parameter} required).`); } if (resp.statusCode === 400 && resp.error === 'unsupported_response_type') { alert(`Invalid response type '${resp.parameter}'.`); } if (resp.statusCode === 400 && resp.error === 'invalid_scope') { alert(`Invalid scope '${resp.parameter}'.`); } if (resp.statusCode === 401 && resp.error === 'invalid_client') { alert('Can not find application you are trying to authorize.'); } } export const SET_CLIENT = 'set_client'; export function setClient({id, name, description}) { return { type: SET_CLIENT, payload: {id, name, description} }; } export const SET_OAUTH = 'set_oauth'; export function setOAuthRequest(oauth) { return { type: SET_OAUTH, payload: { clientId: oauth.client_id, redirectUrl: oauth.redirect_uri, responseType: oauth.response_type, scope: oauth.scope, state: oauth.state } }; }