import { routeActions } from 'react-router-redux'; import logger from 'services/logger'; import localStorage from 'services/localStorage'; import loader from 'services/loader'; import history from 'services/history'; import { updateUser, acceptRules as userAcceptRules } from 'components/user/actions'; import { authenticate, logoutAll } from 'components/accounts/actions'; import authentication from 'services/api/authentication'; import oauth from 'services/api/oauth'; import signup from 'services/api/signup'; import dispatchBsod from 'components/ui/bsod/dispatchBsod'; import { create as createPopup } from 'components/ui/popup/actions'; import ContactForm from 'components/contact/ContactForm'; export { updateUser } from 'components/user/actions'; export { authenticate, logoutAll as logout } from 'components/accounts/actions'; /** * Reoutes user to the previous page if it is possible * * @param {string} fallbackUrl - an url to route user to if goBack is not possible * * @return {object} - action definition */ export function goBack(fallbackUrl = null) { if (history.canGoBack()) { return routeActions.goBack(); } else if (fallbackUrl) { return routeActions.push(fallbackUrl); } return { type: 'noop' }; } export function redirect(url) {; return () => new Promise(() => { // do not resolve promise to make loader visible and // overcome app rendering location.href = url; }); } export function login({login = '', password = '', rememberMe = false}) { const PASSWORD_REQUIRED = 'error.password_required'; const LOGIN_REQUIRED = 'error.login_required'; const ACTIVATION_REQUIRED = 'error.account_not_activated'; return wrapInLoader((dispatch) => authentication.login( {login, password, rememberMe} ) .then(authHandler(dispatch)) .catch((resp) => { if (resp.errors) { if (resp.errors.password === PASSWORD_REQUIRED) { return dispatch(setLogin(login)); } else if (resp.errors.login === ACTIVATION_REQUIRED) { return dispatch(needActivation()); } else if (resp.errors.login === LOGIN_REQUIRED && password) { logger.warn('No login on password panel'); return dispatch(logoutAll()); } } return validationErrorsHandler(dispatch)(resp); }) ); } export function acceptRules() { return wrapInLoader((dispatch) => dispatch(userAcceptRules()) .catch(validationErrorsHandler(dispatch)) ); } export function forgotPassword({ login = '', captcha = '' }) { return wrapInLoader((dispatch, getState) => authentication.forgotPassword({login, captcha}) .then(({data = {}}) => dispatch(updateUser({ maskedEmail: data.emailMask || getState() }))) .catch(validationErrorsHandler(dispatch)) ); } export function recoverPassword({ key = '', newPassword = '', newRePassword = '' }) { return wrapInLoader((dispatch) => authentication.recoverPassword({key, newPassword, newRePassword}) .then(authHandler(dispatch)) .catch(validationErrorsHandler(dispatch, '/forgot-password')) ); } export function register({ email = '', username = '', password = '', rePassword = '', captcha = '', rulesAgreement = false }) { return wrapInLoader((dispatch, getState) => signup.register({ email, username, password, rePassword, rulesAgreement, lang: getState().user.lang, captcha }) .then(() => { dispatch(updateUser({ username, email })); dispatch(needActivation()); dispatch(routeActions.push('/activation')); }) .catch(validationErrorsHandler(dispatch)) ); } export function activate({key = ''}) { return wrapInLoader((dispatch) => signup.activate({key}) .then(authHandler(dispatch)) .catch(validationErrorsHandler(dispatch, '/resend-activation')) ); } export function resendActivation({email = '', captcha}) { return wrapInLoader((dispatch) => signup.resendActivation({email, captcha}) .then((resp) => { dispatch(updateUser({ email })); return resp; }) .catch(validationErrorsHandler(dispatch)) ); } export function contactUs() { return createPopup(ContactForm); } export const SET_LOGIN = 'auth:setLogin'; export function setLogin(login) { return { type: SET_LOGIN, payload: login }; } export const SET_SWITCHER = 'auth:setAccountSwitcher'; export function setAccountSwitcher(isOn) { return { type: SET_SWITCHER, payload: isOn }; } export const ERROR = 'auth:error'; export function setErrors(errors) { return { type: ERROR, payload: errors, error: true }; } export function clearErrors() { return setErrors(null); } /** * @param {object} oauthData * @param {string} oauthData.clientId * @param {string} oauthData.redirectUrl * @param {string} oauthData.responseType * @param {string} oauthData.description * @param {string} oauthData.scope * @param {string} [oauthData.prompt='none'] - comma-separated list of values to adjust auth flow * Posible values: * * none - default behaviour * * consent - forcibly prompt user for rules acceptance * * select_account - force account choosage, even if user has only one * @param {string} oauthData.loginHint - allows to choose the account, which will be used for auth * The possible values: account id, email, username * @param {string} oauthData.state * * @return {Promise} */ export function oAuthValidate(oauthData) { // TODO: move to oAuth actions? // test request: /oauth?client_id=ely& return wrapInLoader((dispatch) => oauth.validate(oauthData) .then((resp) => { let prompt = (oauthData.prompt || 'none').split(',').map((item) => item.trim); if (prompt.includes('none')) { prompt = ['none']; } dispatch(setClient(resp.client)); dispatch(setOAuthRequest({ ...resp.oAuth, prompt: oauthData.prompt || 'none', loginHint: oauthData.loginHint })); dispatch(setScopes(resp.session.scopes)); localStorage.setItem('oauthData', JSON.stringify({ // @see services/authFlow/AuthFlow timestamp:, payload: oauthData })); }) .catch(handleOauthParamsValidation) ); } /** * @param {object} params * @param {bool} params.accept=false * * @return {Promise} */ export function oAuthComplete(params = {}) { return wrapInLoader((dispatch, getState) => oauth.complete(getState().auth.oauth, params) .then((resp) => { localStorage.removeItem('oauthData'); if (resp.redirectUri.startsWith('static_page')) { resp.code = resp.redirectUri.match(/code=(.+)&/)[1]; resp.redirectUri = resp.redirectUri.match(/^(.+)\?/)[1]; resp.displayCode = resp.redirectUri === 'static_page_with_code'; dispatch(setOAuthCode({ success: resp.success, code: resp.code, displayCode: resp.displayCode })); } return resp; }, (resp) => { if (resp.acceptRequired) { dispatch(requirePermissionsAccept()); return Promise.reject(resp); } return handleOauthParamsValidation(resp); }) ); } function handleOauthParamsValidation(resp = {}) { dispatchBsod(); localStorage.removeItem('oauthData'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-alert resp.userMessage && setTimeout(() => alert(resp.userMessage), 500); // 500 ms to allow re-render return Promise.reject(resp); } export const SET_CLIENT = 'set_client'; export function setClient({id, name, description}) { return { type: SET_CLIENT, payload: {id, name, description} }; } export function resetOAuth() { return (dispatch) => { localStorage.removeItem('oauthData'); dispatch(setOAuthRequest({})); }; } /** * Resets all temporary state related to auth * * @return {function} */ export function resetAuth() { return (dispatch) => { dispatch(setLogin(null)); dispatch(resetOAuth({})); }; } export const SET_OAUTH = 'set_oauth'; export function setOAuthRequest(oauth) { return { type: SET_OAUTH, payload: { clientId: oauth.client_id, redirectUrl: oauth.redirect_uri, responseType: oauth.response_type, scope: oauth.scope, prompt: oauth.prompt, loginHint: oauth.loginHint, state: oauth.state } }; } export const SET_OAUTH_RESULT = 'set_oauth_result'; export function setOAuthCode(oauth) { return { type: SET_OAUTH_RESULT, payload: { success: oauth.success, code: oauth.code, displayCode: oauth.displayCode } }; } export const REQUIRE_PERMISSIONS_ACCEPT = 'require_permissions_accept'; export function requirePermissionsAccept() { return { type: REQUIRE_PERMISSIONS_ACCEPT }; } export const SET_SCOPES = 'set_scopes'; export function setScopes(scopes) { if (!(scopes instanceof Array)) { throw new Error('Scopes must be array'); } return { type: SET_SCOPES, payload: scopes }; } export const SET_LOADING_STATE = 'set_loading_state'; export function setLoadingState(isLoading) { return { type: SET_LOADING_STATE, payload: isLoading }; } function wrapInLoader(fn) { return (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch(setLoadingState(true)); const endLoading = () => dispatch(setLoadingState(false)); return Reflect.apply(fn, null, [dispatch, getState]).then((resp) => { endLoading(); return resp; }, (resp) => { endLoading(); return Promise.reject(resp); }); }; } function needActivation() { return updateUser({ isActive: false, isGuest: false }); } function authHandler(dispatch) { return (resp) => dispatch(authenticate({ token: resp.access_token, refreshToken: resp.refresh_token })).then((resp) => { dispatch(setLogin(null)); return resp; }); } function validationErrorsHandler(dispatch, repeatUrl) { return (resp) => { if (resp.errors) { const firstError = Object.keys(resp.errors)[0]; const error = { type: resp.errors[firstError], payload: { isGuest: true } }; if ( { // TODO: this should be formatted on backend Object.assign(error.payload,; } if (['error.key_not_exists', 'error.key_expire'].includes(error.type) && repeatUrl) { // TODO: this should be formatted on backend Object.assign(error.payload, { repeatUrl }); } resp.errors[firstError] = error; dispatch(setErrors(resp.errors)); } return Promise.reject(resp); }; }