// flow-typed signature: e68caa23426dedefced5662fb92b4638 // flow-typed version: d13a175635/react-intl_v2.x.x/flow_>=v0.57.x /** * Original implementation of this file by @marudor at https://github.com/marudor/flowInterfaces * Copied here based on intention to merge with flow-typed expressed here: * https://github.com/marudor/flowInterfaces/issues/6 */ // Mostly from https://github.com/yahoo/react-intl/wiki/API#react-intl-api import type { Element, ChildrenArray } from "react"; type $npm$ReactIntl$LocaleData = { locale: string, [key: string]: any }; type $npm$ReactIntl$MessageDescriptor = { id: string, description?: string, defaultMessage?: string }; type $npm$ReactIntl$IntlConfig = { locale: string, formats: Object, messages: { [id: string]: string }, defaultLocale?: string, defaultFormats?: Object }; type $npm$ReactIntl$IntlProviderConfig = { locale?: string, formats?: Object, messages?: { [id: string]: string }, defaultLocale?: string, defaultFormats?: Object }; type $npm$ReactIntl$IntlFormat = { formatDate: (value: any, options?: Object) => string, formatTime: (value: any, options?: Object) => string, formatRelative: (value: any, options?: Object) => string, formatNumber: (value: any, options?: Object) => string, formatPlural: (value: any, options?: Object) => string, formatMessage: ( messageDescriptor: $npm$ReactIntl$MessageDescriptor, values?: Object ) => string, formatHTMLMessage: ( messageDescriptor: $npm$ReactIntl$MessageDescriptor, values?: Object ) => string }; type $npm$ReactIntl$IntlShape = $npm$ReactIntl$IntlConfig & $npm$ReactIntl$IntlFormat & { now: () => number }; type $npm$ReactIntl$DateTimeFormatOptions = { localeMatcher?: "best fit" | "lookup", formatMatcher?: "basic" | "best fit", timeZone?: string, hour12?: boolean, weekday?: "narrow" | "short" | "long", era?: "narrow" | "short" | "long", year?: "numeric" | "2-digit", month?: "numeric" | "2-digit" | "narrow" | "short" | "long", day?: "numeric" | "2-digit", hour?: "numeric" | "2-digit", minute?: "numeric" | "2-digit", second?: "numeric" | "2-digit", timeZoneName?: "short" | "long" }; type $npm$ReactIntl$RelativeFormatOptions = { style?: "best fit" | "numeric", units?: "second" | "minute" | "hour" | "day" | "month" | "year" }; type $npm$ReactIntl$NumberFormatOptions = { localeMatcher?: "best fit" | "lookup", style?: "decimal" | "currency" | "percent", currency?: string, currencyDisplay?: "symbol" | "code" | "name", useGrouping?: boolean, minimumIntegerDigits?: number, minimumFractionDigits?: number, maximumFractionDigits?: number, minimumSignificantDigits?: number, maximumSignificantDigits?: number }; type $npm$ReactIntl$PluralFormatOptions = { style?: "cardinal" | "ordinal" }; type $npm$ReactIntl$PluralCategoryString = | "zero" | "one" | "two" | "few" | "many" | "other"; type $npm$ReactIntl$DateParseable = number | string | Date; declare module "react-intl" { // PropType checker declare function intlShape( props: Object, propName: string, componentName: string ): void; declare function addLocaleData( data: $npm$ReactIntl$LocaleData | Array<$npm$ReactIntl$LocaleData> ): void; declare function defineMessages< T: { [key: string]: $npm$ReactIntl$MessageDescriptor } >( messageDescriptors: T ): T; declare type InjectIntlProvidedProps = { intl: $npm$ReactIntl$IntlShape } declare type ComponentWithDefaultProps = | React$ComponentType | React$StatelessFunctionalComponent | ChildrenArray>; declare type InjectIntlOptions = { intlPropName?: string, withRef?: boolean } declare class IntlInjectedComponent extends React$Component { static WrappedComponent: Class>, static defaultProps: TDefaultProps, props: TOwnProps } declare type IntlInjectedComponentClass = Class< IntlInjectedComponent >; declare function injectIntl ( component: ComponentWithDefaultProps, options?: InjectIntlOptions, ): IntlInjectedComponentClass<$Diff, DefaultProps> declare function injectIntl ( component: React$ComponentType, options?: InjectIntlOptions, ): IntlInjectedComponentClass<$Diff>; declare function formatMessage( messageDescriptor: $npm$ReactIntl$MessageDescriptor, values?: Object ): string; declare function formatHTMLMessage( messageDescriptor: $npm$ReactIntl$MessageDescriptor, values?: Object ): string; declare function formatDate( value: any, options?: $npm$ReactIntl$DateTimeFormatOptions & { format: string } ): string; declare function formatTime( value: any, options?: $npm$ReactIntl$DateTimeFormatOptions & { format: string } ): string; declare function formatRelative( value: any, options?: $npm$ReactIntl$RelativeFormatOptions & { format: string, now: any } ): string; declare function formatNumber( value: any, options?: $npm$ReactIntl$NumberFormatOptions & { format: string } ): string; declare function formatPlural( value: any, options?: $npm$ReactIntl$PluralFormatOptions ): $npm$ReactIntl$PluralCategoryString; declare class FormattedMessage extends React$Component< $npm$ReactIntl$MessageDescriptor & { values?: Object, tagName?: string, children?: (...formattedMessage: Array) => React$Node } > {} declare class FormattedHTMLMessage extends React$Component< $npm$ReactIntl$DateTimeFormatOptions & { values?: Object, tagName?: string, children?: (...formattedMessage: Array) => React$Node } > {} declare class FormattedDate extends React$Component< $npm$ReactIntl$DateTimeFormatOptions & { value: $npm$ReactIntl$DateParseable, format?: string, children?: (formattedDate: string) => React$Node } > {} declare class FormattedTime extends React$Component< $npm$ReactIntl$DateTimeFormatOptions & { value: $npm$ReactIntl$DateParseable, format?: string, children?: (formattedDate: string) => React$Node } > {} declare class FormattedRelative extends React$Component< $npm$ReactIntl$RelativeFormatOptions & { value: $npm$ReactIntl$DateParseable, format?: string, updateInterval?: number, initialNow?: $npm$ReactIntl$DateParseable, children?: (formattedDate: string) => React$Node } > {} declare class FormattedNumber extends React$Component< $npm$ReactIntl$NumberFormatOptions & { value: number | string, format?: string, children?: (formattedNumber: string) => React$Node } > {} declare class FormattedPlural extends React$Component< $npm$ReactIntl$PluralFormatOptions & { value: number | string, other: React$Node, zero?: React$Node, one?: React$Node, two?: React$Node, few?: React$Node, many?: React$Node, children?: (formattedPlural: React$Node) => React$Node } > {} declare class IntlProvider extends React$Component< $npm$ReactIntl$IntlProviderConfig & { children?: React$Node, initialNow?: $npm$ReactIntl$DateParseable } > {} declare type IntlShape = $npm$ReactIntl$IntlShape; declare type MessageDescriptor = $npm$ReactIntl$MessageDescriptor; }