import expect from 'unexpected'; import request from 'services/request'; import { setLoadingState, oAuthValidate, oAuthComplete, setClient, setOAuthRequest, setScopes, setOAuthCode, requirePermissionsAccept } from 'components/auth/actions'; const oauthData = { clientId: '', redirectUrl: '', responseType: '', scope: '', state: '' }; describe('components/auth/actions', () => { const dispatch = sinon.stub().named('dispatch'); const getState = sinon.stub().named('getState'); function callThunk(fn, ...args) { const thunk = fn(...args); return thunk(dispatch, getState); } function expectDispatchCalls(calls) { expect(dispatch, 'to have calls satisfying', [ [setLoadingState(true)] ].concat(calls).concat([ [setLoadingState(false)] ])); } beforeEach(() => { dispatch.reset(); getState.reset(); getState.returns({}); sinon.stub(request, 'get').named('request.get'); sinon.stub(request, 'post').named(''); }); afterEach(() => { request.get.restore();; }); describe('#oAuthValidate()', () => { let resp; beforeEach(() => { resp = { client: {id: 123}, oAuth: {state: 123}, session: { scopes: ['scopes'] } }; request.get.returns(Promise.resolve(resp)); }); it('should send get request to an api', () => { return callThunk(oAuthValidate, oauthData).then(() => { expect(request.get, 'to have a call satisfying', ['/api/oauth2/v1/validate', {}]); }); }); it('should dispatch setClient, setOAuthRequest and setScopes', () => { return callThunk(oAuthValidate, oauthData).then(() => { expectDispatchCalls([ [setClient(resp.client)], [setOAuthRequest(resp.oAuth)], [setScopes(resp.session.scopes)] ]); }); }); }); describe('#oAuthComplete()', () => { beforeEach(() => { getState.returns({ auth: { oauth: oauthData } }); }); it('should post to api/oauth2/complete', () => {{ redirectUri: '' })); return callThunk(oAuthComplete).then(() => { expect(, 'to have a call satisfying', [ '/api/oauth2/v1/complete?client_id=&redirect_uri=&response_type=&description=&scope=&state=', {} ]); }); }); it('should dispatch setOAuthCode for static_page redirect', () => { const resp = { success: true, redirectUri: 'static_page?code=123&state=' };; return callThunk(oAuthComplete).then(() => { expectDispatchCalls([ [ setOAuthCode({ success: true, code: '123', displayCode: false }) ] ]); }); }); it('should resolve to with success false and redirectUri for access_denied', () => { const resp = { statusCode: 401, error: 'access_denied', redirectUri: 'redirectUri' };; return callThunk(oAuthComplete).then((resp) => { expect(resp, 'to equal', { success: false, redirectUri: 'redirectUri' }); }); }); it('should dispatch requirePermissionsAccept if accept_required', () => { const resp = { statusCode: 401, error: 'accept_required' };; return callThunk(oAuthComplete).catch((resp) => { expect(resp.acceptRequired, 'to be true'); expectDispatchCalls([ [requirePermissionsAccept()] ]); }); }); }); });