import reducer from 'components/ui/popup/reducer'; import {create, destroy} from 'components/ui/popup/actions'; describe('popup/reducer', () => { it('should have no popups by default', () => { const actual = reducer(undefined, {}); expect(actual.popups)'array'); expect(actual.popups); }); describe('#create', () => { it('should create popup', () => { const actual = reducer(undefined, create(FakeComponent)); expect(actual.popups[0]){ type: FakeComponent, props: {} }); }); it('should store props', () => { const expectedProps = {foo: 'bar'}; const actual = reducer(undefined, create(FakeComponent, expectedProps)); expect(actual.popups[0]){ type: FakeComponent, props: expectedProps }); }); it('should not remove existed popups', () => { let actual = reducer(undefined, create(FakeComponent)); actual = reducer(actual, create(FakeComponent)); expect(actual.popups[1]){ type: FakeComponent, props: {} }); }); it('throws when no type provided', () => { expect(() => reducer(undefined, create())).to.throw('Popup type is required'); }); }); describe('#destroy', () => { let state; let popup; beforeEach(() => { state = reducer(state, create(FakeComponent)); popup = state.popups[0]; }); it('should remove popup', () => { expect(state.popups).to.have.length(1); state = reducer(state, destroy(popup)); expect(state.popups).to.have.length(0); }); it('should not remove something, that it should not', () => { state = reducer(state, create('foo')); state = reducer(state, destroy(popup)); expect(state.popups).to.have.length(1); expect(state.popups[0]).to.not.equal(popup); }); it('throws when no type provided', () => { expect(() => reducer(undefined, destroy({}))).to.throw('Popup type is required'); }); }); }); function FakeComponent() {}