import React, { MouseEventHandler } from 'react'; import { TransitionMotion, spring, presets, TransitionStyle, TransitionPlainStyle, PlainStyle, Style, } from 'react-motion'; import { FormattedMessage as Message } from 'react-intl'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import LocaleItem from './LocaleItem'; import messages from './languageSwitcher.intl.json'; import { LocalesMap } from './LanguageSwitcher'; import styles from './languageSwitcher.scss'; import thatFuckingPumpkin from './images/that_fucking_pumpkin.svg'; import mayTheForceBeWithYou from './images/may_the_force_be_with_you.svg'; import biteMyShinyMetalAss from './images/bite_my_shiny_metal_ass.svg'; import iTookAnArrowInMyKnee from './images/i_took_an_arrow_in_my_knee.svg'; interface EmptyCaption { src: string; caption: string; } const emptyCaptions: ReadonlyArray = [ { // Homestuck src: thatFuckingPumpkin, caption: 'That fucking pumpkin', }, { // Star Wars src: mayTheForceBeWithYou, caption: 'May The Force Be With You', }, { // Futurama src: biteMyShinyMetalAss, caption: 'Bite my shiny metal ass', }, { // The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim src: iTookAnArrowInMyKnee, caption: 'I took an arrow in my knee', }, ]; const itemHeight = 51; export default class LanguageList extends React.Component<{ selectedLocale: string; langs: LocalesMap; onChangeLang: (lang: string) => void; }> { emptyListStateInner: HTMLDivElement | null; render() { const { selectedLocale, langs } = this.props; const isListEmpty = Object.keys(langs).length === 0; const firstLocale = Object.keys(langs)[0] || null; const emptyCaption = this.getEmptyCaption(); return ( {(items) => (
(this.emptyListStateInner = elem) } className={styles.emptyLanguagesList} > {emptyCaption.caption}
{{ key: locale, data: definition, style }) => (
); } getEmptyCaption(): EmptyCaption { return emptyCaptions[Math.floor(Math.random() * emptyCaptions.length)]; } onChangeLang(lang: string): MouseEventHandler { return (event) => { event.preventDefault(); this.props.onChangeLang(lang); }; } getItemsWithDefaultStyles = (): Array => { return Object.keys({ ...this.props.langs }).reduce( (previous, key) => [ ...previous, { key, data: this.props.langs[key], style: { height: itemHeight, opacity: 1, }, }, ], [] as Array, ); }; getItemsWithStyles = (): Array => { return Object.keys({ ...this.props.langs }).reduce( (previous, key) => [ ...previous, { key, data: this.props.langs[key], style: { height: spring(itemHeight, presets.gentle), opacity: spring(1, presets.gentle), }, }, ], [] as Array, ); }; willEnter(): PlainStyle { return { height: 0, opacity: 1, }; } willLeave(): Style { return { height: spring(0), opacity: spring(0), }; } }