type = $type; $this->payloads = $payloads; } public static function createAccountEdit(Account $account, array $changedAttributes): self { return new static('account.edit', [ 'id' => $account->id, 'uuid' => $account->uuid, 'username' => $account->username, 'email' => $account->email, 'lang' => $account->lang, 'isActive' => $account->status === Account::STATUS_ACTIVE, 'isDeleted' => $account->status === Account::STATUS_DELETED, 'registered' => date('c', (int)$account->created_at), 'changedAttributes' => $changedAttributes, ]); } public static function createAccountDeletion(Account $account): self { return new static('account.deletion', [ 'id' => $account->id, 'uuid' => $account->uuid, 'username' => $account->username, 'email' => $account->email, 'registered' => date('c', (int)$account->created_at), 'deleted' => date('c', (int)$account->deleted_at), ]); } /** * @return int time to reserve in seconds */ public function getTtr(): int { return 10; } /** * @param int $attempt number * @param \Exception|\Throwable $error from last execute of the job * * @return bool */ public function canRetry($attempt, $error): bool { return true; } /** * @param \yii\queue\Queue $queue which pushed and is handling the job */ public function execute($queue): void { /** @var WebHook[] $targets */ $targets = WebHook::find() ->joinWith('events e', false) ->andWhere(['e.event_type' => $this->type]) ->all(); foreach ($targets as $target) { $job = new DeliveryWebHook(); $job->type = $this->type; $job->url = $target->url; $job->secret = $target->secret; $job->payloads = $this->payloads; Yii::$app->queue->push($job); } } }