originalRemoteAddr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] ?? null; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; parent::setUp(); } protected function tearDown() { parent::tearDown(); $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $this->originalRemoteAddr; } public function _fixtures(): array { return [ 'accounts' => AccountFixture::class, ]; } public function testValidateLogin() { $this->specify('error.login_not_exist if login not exists', function() { $model = $this->createModel([ 'login' => 'mr-test', 'account' => null, ]); $model->validateLogin('login'); $this->assertSame(['error.login_not_exist'], $model->getErrors('login')); }); $this->specify('no errors if login exists', function() { $model = $this->createModel([ 'login' => 'mr-test', 'account' => new Account(), ]); $model->validateLogin('login'); $this->assertEmpty($model->getErrors('login')); }); } public function testValidatePassword() { $this->specify('error.password_incorrect if password invalid', function() { $model = $this->createModel([ 'password' => '87654321', 'account' => new Account(['password' => '12345678']), ]); $model->validatePassword('password'); $this->assertSame(['error.password_incorrect'], $model->getErrors('password')); }); $this->specify('no errors if password valid', function() { $model = $this->createModel([ 'password' => '12345678', 'account' => new Account(['password' => '12345678']), ]); $model->validatePassword('password'); $this->assertEmpty($model->getErrors('password')); }); } public function testValidateTotp() { $account = new Account(['password' => '12345678']); $account->password = '12345678'; $account->is_otp_enabled = true; $account->otp_secret = 'AAAA'; $this->specify('error.totp_incorrect if totp invalid', function() use ($account) { $model = $this->createModel([ 'password' => '12345678', 'totp' => '321123', 'account' => $account, ]); $model->validateTotp('totp'); $this->assertSame(['error.totp_incorrect'], $model->getErrors('totp')); }); $totp = TOTP::create($account->otp_secret); $this->specify('no errors if password valid', function() use ($account, $totp) { $model = $this->createModel([ 'password' => '12345678', 'totp' => $totp->now(), 'account' => $account, ]); $model->validateTotp('totp'); $this->assertEmpty($model->getErrors('totp')); }); } public function testValidateActivity() { $this->specify('error.account_not_activated if account in not activated state', function() { $model = $this->createModel([ 'account' => new Account(['status' => Account::STATUS_REGISTERED]), ]); $model->validateActivity('login'); $this->assertSame(['error.account_not_activated'], $model->getErrors('login')); }); $this->specify('error.account_banned if account has banned status', function() { $model = $this->createModel([ 'account' => new Account(['status' => Account::STATUS_BANNED]), ]); $model->validateActivity('login'); $this->assertSame(['error.account_banned'], $model->getErrors('login')); }); $this->specify('no errors if account active', function() { $model = $this->createModel([ 'account' => new Account(['status' => Account::STATUS_ACTIVE]), ]); $model->validateActivity('login'); $this->assertEmpty($model->getErrors('login')); }); } public function testLogin() { $model = $this->createModel([ 'login' => 'erickskrauch', 'password' => '12345678', 'account' => new Account([ 'username' => 'erickskrauch', 'password' => '12345678', 'status' => Account::STATUS_ACTIVE, ]), ]); $this->assertNotNull($model->login(), 'model should login user'); $this->assertEmpty($model->getErrors(), 'error message should not be set'); } public function testLoginWithRehashing() { $model = new LoginForm([ 'login' => $this->tester->grabFixture('accounts', 'user-with-old-password-type')['username'], 'password' => '12345678', ]); $this->assertNotNull($model->login()); $this->assertEmpty($model->getErrors()); $this->assertSame( Account::PASS_HASH_STRATEGY_YII2, $model->getAccount()->password_hash_strategy, 'user, that login using account with old pass hash strategy should update it automatically' ); } /** * @param array $params * @return LoginForm */ private function createModel(array $params = []) { return new class($params) extends LoginForm { private $_account; public function setAccount($value) { $this->_account = $value; } public function getAccount(): ?Account { return $this->_account; } }; } }