#FROM codemix/yii2-base:2.0.8-apache FROM codemix/yii2-base:2.0.8-php-fpm #FROM codemix/yii2-base:2.0.8-hhvm # Composer packages are installed first. This will only add packages # that are not already in the yii2-base image. COPY composer.json /var/www/html/ COPY composer.lock /var/www/html/ RUN composer self-update --no-progress && \ composer install --no-progress --ignore-platform-reqs # Copy the working dir to the image's web root COPY . /var/www/html # The following directories are .dockerignored to not pollute the docker images # with local logs and published assets from development. So we need to create # empty dirs and set right permissions inside the container. RUN mkdir api/runtime api/web/assets console/runtime \ && chown www-data:www-data api/runtime api/web/assets console/runtime # Expose everything under /var/www (vendor + html) # This is only required for the nginx setup VOLUME ["/var/www"]