package http import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "regexp" "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) //noinspection GoSnakeCaseUsage const UUID_ANY = "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$" var regexUuidAny = regexp.MustCompile(UUID_ANY) func init() { govalidator.AddCustomRule("skinUploadingNotAvailable", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error { if message == "" { message = "Skin uploading is temporary unavailable" } return errors.New(message) }) // Add ability to validate any possible uuid form govalidator.AddCustomRule("uuid_any", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error { str := value.(string) if !regexUuidAny.MatchString(str) { if message == "" { message = fmt.Sprintf("The %s field must contain valid UUID", field) } return errors.New(message) } return nil }) } func (cfg *Config) PostSkin(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { cfg.Logger.IncCounter("", 1) validationErrors := validatePostSkinRequest(req) if validationErrors != nil { cfg.Logger.IncCounter("", 1) apiBadRequest(resp, validationErrors) return } identityId, _ := strconv.Atoi(req.Form.Get("identityId")) username := req.Form.Get("username") record, err := findIdentity(cfg.SkinsRepo, identityId, username) if err != nil { cfg.Logger.Error("Error on requesting a skin from the repository: :err", wd.ErrParam(err)) apiServerError(resp) return } skinId, _ := strconv.Atoi(req.Form.Get("skinId")) is18, _ := strconv.ParseBool(req.Form.Get("is1_8")) isSlim, _ := strconv.ParseBool(req.Form.Get("isSlim")) record.Uuid = req.Form.Get("uuid") record.SkinId = skinId record.Hash = req.Form.Get("hash") record.Is1_8 = is18 record.IsSlim = isSlim record.Url = req.Form.Get("url") record.MojangTextures = req.Form.Get("mojangTextures") record.MojangSignature = req.Form.Get("mojangSignature") err = cfg.SkinsRepo.Save(record) if err != nil { cfg.Logger.Error("Unable to save record to the repository: :err", wd.ErrParam(err)) apiServerError(resp) return } cfg.Logger.IncCounter("", 1) resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated) } func (cfg *Config) DeleteSkinByUserId(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { cfg.Logger.IncCounter("api.skins.delete.request", 1) id, _ := strconv.Atoi(mux.Vars(req)["id"]) skin, err := cfg.SkinsRepo.FindByUserId(id) if err != nil { cfg.Logger.IncCounter("api.skins.delete.not_found", 1) apiNotFound(resp, "Cannot find record for requested user id") return } cfg.deleteSkin(skin, resp) } func (cfg *Config) DeleteSkinByUsername(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { cfg.Logger.IncCounter("api.skins.delete.request", 1) username := mux.Vars(req)["username"] skin, err := cfg.SkinsRepo.FindByUsername(username) if err != nil { cfg.Logger.IncCounter("api.skins.delete.not_found", 1) apiNotFound(resp, "Cannot find record for requested username") return } cfg.deleteSkin(skin, resp) } func (cfg *Config) Authenticate(handler http.Handler) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { cfg.Logger.IncCounter("authentication.challenge", 1) err := cfg.Auth.Check(req) if err != nil { if _, ok := err.(*auth.Unauthorized); ok { cfg.Logger.IncCounter("authentication.failed", 1) apiForbidden(resp, err.Error()) } else { cfg.Logger.Error("Unknown error on validating api request: :err", wd.ErrParam(err)) apiServerError(resp) } return } cfg.Logger.IncCounter("authentication.success", 1) handler.ServeHTTP(resp, req) }) } func (cfg *Config) deleteSkin(skin *model.Skin, resp http.ResponseWriter) { err := cfg.SkinsRepo.RemoveByUserId(skin.UserId) if err != nil { cfg.Logger.Error("Cannot delete skin by error: :err", wd.ErrParam(err)) apiServerError(resp) return } cfg.Logger.IncCounter("api.skins.delete.success", 1) resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent) } func validatePostSkinRequest(request *http.Request) map[string][]string { const maxMultipartMemory int64 = 32 << 20 const oneOfSkinOrUrlMessage = "One of url or skin should be provided, but not both" request.ParseMultipartForm(maxMultipartMemory) validationRules := govalidator.MapData{ "identityId": {"required", "numeric", "min:1"}, "username": {"required"}, "uuid": {"required", "uuid_any"}, "skinId": {"required", "numeric", "min:1"}, "url": {"url"}, "file:skin": {"ext:png", "size:24576", "mime:image/png"}, "hash": {}, "is1_8": {"bool"}, "isSlim": {"bool"}, } shouldAppendSkinRequiredError := false url := request.Form.Get("url") _, _, skinErr := request.FormFile("skin") if (url != "" && skinErr == nil) || (url == "" && skinErr != nil) { shouldAppendSkinRequiredError = true } else if skinErr == nil { validationRules["file:skin"] = append(validationRules["file:skin"], "skinUploadingNotAvailable") } else if url != "" { validationRules["hash"] = append(validationRules["hash"], "required") validationRules["is1_8"] = append(validationRules["is1_8"], "required") validationRules["isSlim"] = append(validationRules["isSlim"], "required") } mojangTextures := request.Form.Get("mojangTextures") if mojangTextures != "" { validationRules["mojangSignature"] = []string{"required"} } validator := govalidator.New(govalidator.Options{ Request: request, Rules: validationRules, RequiredDefault: false, FormSize: maxMultipartMemory, }) validationResults := validator.Validate() if shouldAppendSkinRequiredError { validationResults["url"] = append(validationResults["url"], oneOfSkinOrUrlMessage) validationResults["skin"] = append(validationResults["skin"], oneOfSkinOrUrlMessage) } if len(validationResults) != 0 { return validationResults } return nil } func findIdentity(repo interfaces.SkinsRepository, identityId int, username string) (*model.Skin, error) { var record *model.Skin record, err := repo.FindByUserId(identityId) if err != nil { if _, isSkinNotFound := err.(*db.SkinNotFoundError); !isSkinNotFound { return nil, err } record, err = repo.FindByUsername(username) if err == nil { repo.RemoveByUsername(username) record.UserId = identityId } else { record = &model.Skin{ UserId: identityId, Username: username, } } } else if record.Username != username { repo.RemoveByUserId(identityId) record.Username = username } return record, nil } func apiBadRequest(resp http.ResponseWriter, errorsPerField map[string][]string) { resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest) resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") result, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{ "errors": errorsPerField, }) resp.Write(result) } func apiForbidden(resp http.ResponseWriter, reason string) { resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusForbidden) resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") result, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}{ "error": reason, }) resp.Write(result) } func apiNotFound(resp http.ResponseWriter, reason string) { resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) resp.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") result, _ := json.Marshal([]interface{}{ reason, }) resp.Write(result) } func apiServerError(resp http.ResponseWriter) { resp.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) }