This package allows rendering of React components into plain HTML to use it in emails. Each directory in `emails` dir corresponds to separate email template. Each email component will receive payload, passed from command line: ``` node cli --type= --payload= ``` Try `php example.php` for demo. # Email component structure * `index.js` — required. This file should export the main component, wich will receive payload. * `fixtures.js` — an optional file exports hash `{featureId: payload, featureId2: payload}`. Use this to create data samples for testing in dev mode. * `styles.js` — an optional file, that will hold style objects for email components to allow style inlining. * `messages.intl.json` — an optional file, that exports hash with `{messageId: defaultMessage}` for `react-intl`. # Available npm scripts * `npm start` — starts app in dev mode. * `npm run i18n` — collects translations and places in `src/i18n`. * `npm run build` — builds app for usage in `cli.js`. * `npm run eslint` — lints source files.