diff --git a/_data/menu.yml b/_data/menu.yml
index 79982a65..d760149c 100644
--- a/_data/menu.yml
+++ b/_data/menu.yml
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ Authorization Server:
Resource Server:
'Securing your API': '/resource-server/securing-your-api/'
Respository Interfaces:
- 'Scope Repository Interface': '/a'
- 'Auth Code Repository Interface': '/a'
- 'User Repository Interface': '/a' 'Access Token Repository Interface': '/access-token-repository-interface/'
'Access Token Repository Interface': '/access-token-repository-interface/'
'Client Repository Interface': '/client-repository-interface/'
'Refresh Token Repository Interface': '/refresh-token-repository-interface/'
+ 'Scope Repository Interface': '/scope-repository-interface/'
+ 'Auth Code Repository Interface': '/auth-code-repository-interface/'
+ 'User Repository Interface': '/user-repository-interface/'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index 0c1ba788..aff8eafe 100755
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
@@ -3,6 +3,17 @@ layout: default
title: Introduction
This is the documentation for the version 5 release candidate.
Version 5 is stable and is the recommended version that you should implement as it is significantly simpler to work with.
Version 4 docs can be found here.
# Introduction
diff --git a/repository-interface-auth-code.md b/repository-interface-auth-code.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8a41efd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repository-interface-auth-code.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+layout: default
+title: AuthCodeRepositoryInterface documentation
+permalink: /auth-code-repository-interface/
+# Auth Code Repository Interface
+## persistNewAuthCode() : void
+When a new access token is created this method will be called. You don't have to do anything here but for auditing you probably want to.
+The access token entity passed in has a number of methods you can call which contain data worth saving to a database:
+* `getIdentifier() : string` this is randomly generated unique identifier (of 80+ characters in length) for the access token.
+* `getExpiryDateTime() : \DateTime` the expiry date and time of the access token.
+* `getUserIdentifier() : string|null` the user identifier represented by the access token.
+* `getScopes() : ScopeEntityInterface[]` an array of scope entities
+* `getClient()->getIdentifier() : string` the identifier of the client who requested the access token.
+JWT access tokens contain an expiry date and so will be rejected automatically when used. You can safely clean up expired access tokens from your database.
+## revokeAuthCode() : void
+This method is called when an authorization code is exchanged for an access token.
+## isAuthCodeRevoked() : boolean
+This method is called before an authorization code is exchanged for an access token by the authorization server. Return `true` if the auth code has been manually revoked before it expired. If the auth code is still valid return `false`.
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..049fd8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repository-interface-scope.md
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+layout: default
+title: ScopeRepositoryInterface documentation
+permalink: /scope-repository-interface/
+# Scope Repository Interface
+## getScopeEntityByIdentifier() : ScopeEntityInterface
+This method is called to validate a scope.
+If the scope is valid validated you should return an instance of `\League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Interfaces\ScopeEntityInterface`
+## finalizeScopes() : ScopeEntityInterface[]
+This method is called right before an access token or authorization code is created.
+Given a client, grant type and optional user identifier validate the set of scopes requested are valid and optionally append additional scopes or remove requested scopes.
+This method is useful for integrating with your own app's permissions system.
+You must return an array of `ScopeEntityInterface` instances; either the original scopes or an updated set.
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diff --git a/repository-interface-user.md b/repository-interface-user.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b5640403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repository-interface-user.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+layout: default
+title: UserRepositoryInterface documentation
+permalink: /user-repository-interface/
+# User Repository Interface
+## getUserEntityByUserCredentials() : UserEntityInterface
+This method is called to validate a user's credentials.
+You can use the grant type to determine if the user is permitted to use the grant type.
+You can use the client entity to determine to if the user is permitted to use the client.
+If the client's credentials are validated you should return an instance of `\League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\Interfaces\UserEntityInterface`
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