import datetime import praw import os import sys import json import requests client_id = os.environ["REDDIT_CLIENT_ID"] client_secret = os.environ["REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET"] reddit_pass = os.environ["REDDIT_PASSWORD"] username = os.environ["REDDIT_USERNAME"] user_agent = "Community Roundup Post" token = os.environ["GIST_TOKEN"] gist_id = os.environ["GIST_ID"] sub = "developersIndia" def is_last_day_of_month(): today = tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1) return == 1 def get_posts_by_flair(subreddit, flair): current_year = current_month = posts = [] for post in'flair_name:"{flair}"', time_filter="month"): post_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(post.created_utc) if post_date.year == current_year and post_date.month == current_month and post.selftext != '[deleted]': post.title = post.title.replace("|", "\\|") # Escape the "|" character posts.append(post) posts = sorted(posts, key=lambda post: post.created_utc, reverse=True) return posts def get_weekly_discussion_posts(subreddit): flair = next( filter( lambda flair: "Weekly Discussion" in flair["flair_text"], subreddit.flair.link_templates.user_selectable(), ) ) return get_posts_by_flair(subreddit, flair["flair_text"]) def get_ama_posts(subreddit): flair = next( filter( lambda flair: "AMA" in flair["flair_text"], subreddit.flair.link_templates.user_selectable(), ) ) return get_posts_by_flair(subreddit, flair["flair_text"]) def get_i_made_this_posts(subreddit): flair = next( filter( lambda flair: "I Made This" in flair["flair_text"], subreddit.flair.link_templates.user_selectable(), ) ) # Get all posts with the specified flair posts = get_posts_by_flair(subreddit, flair["flair_text"]) # Sort the posts by upvotes and then comments in descending order posts = sorted( posts, key=lambda post: (post.score, post.num_comments), reverse=True ) # Return only the top 10 posts return posts[:20] def get_announcement_posts(subreddit): flair = next( filter( lambda flair: "Announcement" in flair["flair_text"], subreddit.flair.link_templates.user_selectable(), ) ) return get_posts_by_flair(subreddit, flair["flair_text"]) def code_collaboration_posts(subreddit): flair = next( filter( lambda flair: "Code Collab" in flair["flair_text"], subreddit.flair.link_templates.user_selectable(), ) ) return get_posts_by_flair(subreddit, flair["flair_text"]) def get_gist_content(gist_id): headers = { "Authorization": f"token {token}", "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", } response = requests.get(f"{gist_id}", headers=headers) gist = response.json() filename = list(gist["files"].keys())[0] return gist["files"][filename]["content"] def get_community_threads(): saved_collection_posts = json.loads(get_gist_content(gist_id)) # filter posts for this month & year saved_collection_posts = list( filter( lambda post: datetime.datetime.strptime( post["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ).year == and datetime.datetime.strptime( post["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" ).month ==, saved_collection_posts["posts"], ) ) return saved_collection_posts def create_community_roundup_post( subreddit, posts, i_made_this_posts, weekly_discussion_posts, ama_posts, announcement_posts, collab_posts, ): flair = next( filter( lambda flair: "Community Roundup" in flair["flair_text"], subreddit.flair.link_templates.user_selectable(), ) ) title = "Community Roundup: List of interesting discussions that happened in {month} {year}".format("%B"), ) footer_text = """\n\n --- **Community Roundup is posted on the last day of each month. To explore a compilation of all interesting posts and community threads over time, [visit our wiki](**\n The collection is curated by our volunteer team & is independent of the number of upvotes and comments (except for "I made This" posts). If you believe we may have overlooked any engaging posts or discussions, please share them with us via [modmail](\n """ if len(announcement_posts) > 0: text = "## Announcements\n|Announcements from volunteer team|\n|--------|\n" for post in announcement_posts: text += f"| [**{post.title.strip()}**]({post.url}) |\n" else: print("No announcements found. Skipping") if len(ama_posts) > 0: text += "\n## AMAs\n|Read insights from guests that joined us for a day |\n|--------|\n" for post in ama_posts: text += f"| [**{post.title.strip()}**]({post.url}) |\n" else: print("No AMAs found. Skipping") if len(posts) > 0: text += "\n## Community Threads\n|S.No|Insightful discussions started by community members|\n|--------|--------|\n" posts_counter = 0 for post in posts: posts_counter += 1 text += f"| {posts_counter} | [**{post['title']}**]({post['url']}) |\n" else: print("No posts found in the collection for this month. Skipping") if len(weekly_discussion_posts) > 0: text += "\n## Weekly Discussions\n|Weekly tech discussions started by Volunteer Team|\n|--------|\n" for post in weekly_discussion_posts: text += f"| [**{post.title.strip()}**]({post.url}) |\n" else: print("No weekly discussions found. Skipping") if len(collab_posts) > 0: text += "\n## Code Collab\n|Folks looking for collaborations on hackathons, projects etc.|\n|--------|\n" for post in collab_posts: text += f"| [**{post.title.strip()}**]({post.url}) |\n" else: print("No Code Collaboration posts found. Skipping") if len(i_made_this_posts) > 0: text += "\n## I Made This\n\nFind more projects & builders on our [Showcase Sunday Megathreads](\n\n" text += "|Top 20 projects built by community members|\n|--------|\n" for post in i_made_this_posts: text += f"| [**{post.title.strip()}**]({post.url}) |\n" else: print("No I Made This posts found. Skipping") text = text + footer_text submission = subreddit.submit( title, selftext=text, flair_id=flair["flair_template_id"], ) submission.mod.approve() submission.mod.sticky() submission.mod.distinguish() submission.mod.lock() return submission def main(): reddit = praw.Reddit( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, username=username, password=reddit_pass, user_agent=user_agent, ) subreddit = reddit.subreddit(sub) if is_last_day_of_month(): posts = get_community_threads() i_made_this_posts = get_i_made_this_posts(subreddit) weekly_discussion_posts = get_weekly_discussion_posts(subreddit) ama_posts = get_ama_posts(subreddit) announcement_posts = get_announcement_posts(subreddit) collab_posts = code_collaboration_posts(subreddit) create_community_roundup_post( subreddit, posts, i_made_this_posts, weekly_discussion_posts, ama_posts, announcement_posts, collab_posts ) print("Community Roundup post created successfully!") else: print("Skipping. Not the last day of the month") if __name__ == "__main__": main()