# Segfautils Web utilities for Project Segfault ## What does it do? For now it powers our contact form and our announcements page. In the future we will expand our APIs so you can do more cool things. (We currently do not have any new idea so please open issues and give us suggestions!!) ## Setup ### Docker: ``` docker run -d --restart=always -p 6893:6893 --name segfautils -v "$(pwd)"/data:/segfautils/data projectsegfault/segfautils:latest ``` You need to copy the ``config.example.toml`` to ```config.toml`` and customize the values in the config file. YAML works as well, if you'd like to use that instead. We recommend using Docker as it provides better security (we suck in security, so that's why) and we are constantly updating Segfautils. Docker makes it easy to update the program. If you're using Portainer, you should know how to add Segfautils. ### Manual (recommended for development) ``` git clone https://github.com/ProjectSegfault/segfautils cd segfautils/ # You need to config file located in data/config.toml. go run main.go # Run this when you've done above, and you're planning on developing, if not, do below go build . -o segfautils ./segfautils ```