require "./" # # This module contains functions related to the "channels" table. # module Invidious::Database::Channels extend self # ------------------- # Insert / delete # ------------------- def insert(channel : InvidiousChannel, update_on_conflict : Bool = false) channel_array = channel.to_a request = <<-SQL INSERT INTO channels VALUES (#{arg_array(channel_array)}) SQL if update_on_conflict request += <<-SQL ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET author = $2, updated = $3 SQL end PG_DB.exec(request, args: channel_array) end # ------------------- # Update # ------------------- def update_author(id : String, author : String) request = <<-SQL UPDATE channels SET updated = $1, author = $2, deleted = false WHERE id = $3 SQL PG_DB.exec(request, Time.utc, author, id) end def update_mark_deleted(id : String) request = <<-SQL UPDATE channels SET updated = $1, deleted = true WHERE id = $2 SQL PG_DB.exec(request, Time.utc, id) end # ------------------- # Select # ------------------- def select(id : String) : InvidiousChannel? request = <<-SQL SELECT * FROM channels WHERE id = $1 SQL return PG_DB.query_one?(request, id, as: InvidiousChannel) end def select(ids : Array(String)) : Array(InvidiousChannel)? return [] of InvidiousChannel if ids.empty? values = { |id| %(('#{id}')) }.join(",") request = <<-SQL SELECT * FROM channels WHERE id = ANY(VALUES #{values}) SQL return PG_DB.query_all(request, as: InvidiousChannel) end end # # This module contains functions related to the "channel_videos" table. # module Invidious::Database::ChannelVideos extend self # ------------------- # Insert # ------------------- # This function returns the status of the query (i.e: success?) def insert(video : ChannelVideo, with_premiere_timestamp : Bool = false) : Bool if with_premiere_timestamp last_items = "premiere_timestamp = $9, views = $10" else last_items = "views = $10" end request = <<-SQL INSERT INTO channel_videos VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10) ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET title = $2, published = $3, updated = $4, ucid = $5, author = $6, length_seconds = $7, live_now = $8, #{last_items} RETURNING (xmax=0) AS was_insert SQL return PG_DB.query_one(request, *video.to_tuple, as: Bool) end # ------------------- # Select # ------------------- def select(ids : Array(String)) : Array(ChannelVideo) return [] of ChannelVideo if ids.empty? request = <<-SQL SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE id IN (#{arg_array(ids)}) ORDER BY published DESC SQL return PG_DB.query_all(request, args: ids, as: ChannelVideo) end def select_notfications(ucid : String, since : Time) : Array(ChannelVideo) request = <<-SQL SELECT * FROM channel_videos WHERE ucid = $1 AND published > $2 ORDER BY published DESC LIMIT 15 SQL return PG_DB.query_all(request, ucid, since, as: ChannelVideo) end def select_popular_videos : Array(ChannelVideo) request = <<-SQL SELECT DISTINCT ON (ucid) * FROM channel_videos WHERE ucid IN (SELECT channel FROM (SELECT UNNEST(subscriptions) AS channel FROM users) AS d GROUP BY channel ORDER BY COUNT(channel) DESC LIMIT 40) ORDER BY ucid, published DESC SQL PG_DB.query_all(request, as: ChannelVideo) end end