struct InvidiousChannel include DB::Serializable property id : String property author : String property updated : Time property deleted : Bool property subscribed : Time? end struct ChannelVideo include DB::Serializable property id : String property title : String property published : Time property updated : Time property ucid : String property author : String property length_seconds : Int32 = 0 property live_now : Bool = false property premiere_timestamp : Time? = nil property views : Int64? = nil def to_json(locale, json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field "type", "shortVideo" json.field "title", self.title json.field "videoId", json.field "videoThumbnails" do generate_thumbnails(json, end json.field "lengthSeconds", self.length_seconds json.field "author", json.field "authorId", self.ucid json.field "authorUrl", "/channel/#{self.ucid}" json.field "published", self.published.to_unix json.field "publishedText", translate(locale, "`x` ago", recode_date(self.published, locale)) json.field "viewCount", self.views end end def to_json(locale, json : JSON::Builder | Nil = nil) if json to_json(locale, json) else do |json| to_json(locale, json) end end end def to_xml(locale, query_params, xml : XML::Builder) query_params["v"] = xml.element("entry") do xml.element("id") { xml.text "yt:video:#{}" } xml.element("yt:videoId") { xml.text } xml.element("yt:channelId") { xml.text self.ucid } xml.element("title") { xml.text self.title } xml.element("link", rel: "alternate", href: "#{HOST_URL}/watch?#{query_params}") xml.element("author") do xml.element("name") { xml.text } xml.element("uri") { xml.text "#{HOST_URL}/channel/#{self.ucid}" } end xml.element("content", type: "xhtml") do xml.element("div", xmlns: "") do xml.element("a", href: "#{HOST_URL}/watch?#{query_params}") do xml.element("img", src: "#{HOST_URL}/vi/#{}/mqdefault.jpg") end end end xml.element("published") { xml.text self.published.to_s("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z") } xml.element("updated") { xml.text self.updated.to_s("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z") } xml.element("media:group") do xml.element("media:title") { xml.text self.title } xml.element("media:thumbnail", url: "#{HOST_URL}/vi/#{}/mqdefault.jpg", width: "320", height: "180") end end end def to_xml(locale, xml : XML::Builder | Nil = nil) if xml to_xml(locale, xml) else do |xml| to_xml(locale, xml) end end end def to_tuple {% begin %} { {{*}} } {% end %} end end class ChannelRedirect < Exception property channel_id : String def initialize(@channel_id) end end def get_batch_channels(channels, refresh = false, pull_all_videos = true, max_threads = 10) finished_channel = Channel(String | Nil).new spawn do active_threads = 0 active_channel = Channel(Nil).new channels.each do |ucid| if active_threads >= max_threads active_channel.receive active_threads -= 1 end active_threads += 1 spawn do begin get_channel(ucid, refresh, pull_all_videos) finished_channel.send(ucid) rescue ex finished_channel.send(nil) ensure active_channel.send(nil) end end end end final = [] of String channels.size.times do if ucid = finished_channel.receive final << ucid end end return final end def get_channel(id, refresh = true, pull_all_videos = true) if channel = if refresh && Time.utc - channel.updated > 10.minutes channel = fetch_channel(id, pull_all_videos: pull_all_videos) Invidious::Database::Channels.insert(channel, update_on_conflict: true) end else channel = fetch_channel(id, pull_all_videos: pull_all_videos) Invidious::Database::Channels.insert(channel) end return channel end def fetch_channel(ucid, pull_all_videos = true, locale = nil) LOGGER.debug("fetch_channel: #{ucid}") LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : pull_all_videos = #{pull_all_videos}, locale = #{locale}") LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : Downloading RSS feed") rss = YT_POOL.client &.get("/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=#{ucid}").body LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : Parsing RSS feed") rss = XML.parse_html(rss) author = rss.xpath_node(%q(//feed/title)) if !author raise"Deleted or invalid channel") end author = author.content # Auto-generated channels # if author.ends_with?(" - Topic") || {"Popular on YouTube", "Music", "Sports", "Gaming"}.includes? author auto_generated = true end LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : author = #{author}, auto_generated = #{auto_generated}") page = 1 LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : Downloading channel videos page") initial_data = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated) videos = extract_videos(initial_data, author, ucid) LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : Extracting videos from channel RSS feed") rss.xpath_nodes("//feed/entry").each do |entry| video_id = entry.xpath_node("videoid").not_nil!.content title = entry.xpath_node("title").not_nil!.content published = Time.parse_rfc3339(entry.xpath_node("published").not_nil!.content) updated = Time.parse_rfc3339(entry.xpath_node("updated").not_nil!.content) author = entry.xpath_node("author/name").not_nil!.content ucid = entry.xpath_node("channelid").not_nil!.content views = entry.xpath_node("group/community/statistics").try &.["views"]?.try &.to_i64? views ||= 0_i64 channel_video = { |video| == video_id }[0]? length_seconds = channel_video.try &.length_seconds length_seconds ||= 0 live_now = channel_video.try &.live_now live_now ||= false premiere_timestamp = channel_video.try &.premiere_timestamp video ={ id: video_id, title: title, published: published, updated: Time.utc, ucid: ucid, author: author, length_seconds: length_seconds, live_now: live_now, premiere_timestamp: premiere_timestamp, views: views, }) LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : video #{video_id} : Updating or inserting video") # We don't include the 'premiere_timestamp' here because channel pages don't include them, # meaning the above timestamp is always null was_insert = Invidious::Database::ChannelVideos.insert(video) if was_insert LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : video #{video_id} : Inserted, updating subscriptions") Invidious::Database::Users.add_notification(video) else LOGGER.trace("fetch_channel: #{ucid} : video #{video_id} : Updated") end end if pull_all_videos page += 1 ids = [] of String loop do initial_data = get_channel_videos_response(ucid, page, auto_generated: auto_generated) videos = extract_videos(initial_data, author, ucid) count = videos.size videos = { |video|{ id:, title: video.title, published: video.published, updated: Time.utc, ucid: video.ucid, author:, length_seconds: video.length_seconds, live_now: video.live_now, premiere_timestamp: video.premiere_timestamp, views: video.views, }) } videos.each do |video| ids << # We are notified of Red videos elsewhere (PubSub), which includes a correct published date, # so since they don't provide a published date here we can safely ignore them. if Time.utc - video.published > 1.minute was_insert = Invidious::Database::ChannelVideos.insert(video) Invidious::Database::Users.add_notification(video) if was_insert end end break if count < 25 page += 1 end end channel ={ id: ucid, author: author, updated: Time.utc, deleted: false, subscribed: nil, }) return channel end