# Finances for September 2022: ## One time donations: ```diff + Monero (XMR): 0.00119316 (~ 0.16805 € when we noticed it) on the 16th of september. + Monero (XMR): 0.04 (~ 5.6336 € when we noticed it) on the 16th of september. + FIAT (€): 13 € on the 24th of september. (Currently on hold because the PayPal account is fairly new.) ``` ## Recurring donations: - 0.68 € per week on [LiberaPay](https://liberapay.com/ProjectSegfault) ## Expenses ```diff - 11.99 € (renew the projectsegfau.lt domain). - 0.0246121 XMR (3.5 € On the 21st of September.) ``` ## Current balance: * 0.34636765 XMR (~ 49.82498 € at the time of writing this.) * 14 € + 13 € **[On hold]** (in FIAT) * Total (in €) : 63.82498 € + 13 € **[On hold]** ## How we used the funds - We paid 12 € to OVH to renew the domain name. - We also paid our monthly bill for the BuyVM VPS (3.5$).