services: website: container_name: website image: realprojectsegfault/website:latest # or :dev if you want to use the dev version restart: unless-stopped # uncomment these lines if you want to build from source #build: # context: . # dockerfile: Dockerfile ports: - 1339:3000 # change the first number to whatever port you want to use environment: # these are documented in the readme AUTH_SECRET: ${AUTH_SECRET} AUTH_CLIENT_ID: ${AUTH_CLIENT_ID} AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: ${AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET} AUTH_ISSUER: ${AUTH_ISSUER} AUTH_TRUST_HOST: ${AUTH_TRUST_HOST} HCAPTCHA_SECRET: ${HCAPTCHA_SECRET} HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY: ${HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY} WEBHOOK: ${WEBHOOK} GHOST_API_KEY: ${GHOST_API_KEY} DB_URL: ${DB_URL} ORIGIN: ${ORIGIN} website-db: # this is the mongodb database container image: mongo:6 container_name: website-db restart: unless-stopped volumes: - website-db-data:/data/db environment: # these are documented in the readme MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: ${MONGO_USER} MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: ${MONGO_PASSWORD} MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE: website command: [--auth] volumes: website-db-data: