Mozhi logo


License: AGPLv3 Matrix

Mozhi (spelt moḻi) is an alternative-frontend for many translation engines.

It was initially made as a maintained fork/rewrite of [simplytranslate](, but has grown to have a lot more features as well! I'm initially focusing on the api and engines, but eventually Mozhi will have a functioning CLI and webapp. ## Supported Engines: - Google - Reverso - DeepL - LibreTranslate - Yandex - IBM Watson - MyMemory - DuckDuckGo (almost 1-1 with Bing Translate) ## Where is the engine code? The engine code has recently been split from the main codebase. Please check [aryak/libmozhi]( for it. ## Installing You can either use [docker]( or the build artifacts from [CI jobs on]( ## Building ``` go mod download go run init --parseDependency go build -o mozhi ``` ## API Docs Mozhi makes use of swagger (using the fiber middleware) to manage the documentation of the API. You can find it in /api/swagger of any instance ([example]( ## Configuration Features of Mozhi can be customized and toggled on/off using Environment Variables. - `MOZHI_PORT`: Port the webserver listens on (if hosting API) - `MOZHI_USER_AGENT`: Change user agent used to make HTTP requests - `MOZHI_LIBRETRANSLATE_URL`: URL of Libretranslate instance (Example: `MOZHI_LIBRETRANSLATE_URL=`) These envvars turn off/on engines. By default all of them are enabled. - `MOZHI_GOOGLE_ENABLED` - `MOZHI_REVERSO_ENABLED` - `MOZHI_DEEPL_ENABLED` - `MOZHI_LIBRETRANSLATE_ENABLED` - `MOZHI_YANDEX_ENABLED` - `MOZHI_WATSON_ENABLED` - `MOZHI_MYMEMORY_ENABLED` - `MOZHI_DUCKDUCKGO_ENABLED` ## Instances | Link | Cloudflare | Country | ISP | | -------- | ---------- | ----------- | ----- | | []( | No | India | Airtel | ## Features - An all mode where the responses of all supported engines will be shown. - Autodetect which will show the language that was detected - Text-To-Speech for multiple engines - A good API (subjective :P) - All the stuff you expect from a translation utility :) ## Etymology Mozhi is the word in Tamil for language. Simple as that :P ## Credits - [Arya]( creator - [Midou36o]( made the logo - [Missuo]( making gDeepLX that does the hard part of making DeepL work - [SimplyTranslate]( Inspiration and base code for the webui