#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; # collect lines continued with a '\' into an array sub continuation { my $fh = shift; my @line; while (<$fh>) { my $s = $_; $s =~ s/\\\s*$//; $s =~ s/#.*$//; push @line, $s; last unless (/\\\s*$/); } return @line; } # regex && eval away unwanted strings from documentation sub beautify { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/USAGE_\w+\([\s]*?(".*?").*?\)/$1/sg; $text =~ s/"[\s]*"//sg; my @line = split("\n", $text); $text = join('', map { eval } map { qq[ sprintf(qq#$_#) ] } map { s/^\s*//; s/"//g; s/% /%% /g; $_ } @line ); return $text; } # generate POD for an applet sub pod_for_usage { my $name = shift; my $usage = shift; my $trivial = $usage->{trivial}; $trivial =~s/(?/sxg; my $full = join("\n", map { $_ !~ /^\s/ && s/(?/g; $_ } split("\n", $usage->{full})); return "-------------------------------\n". "\n". "=item $name". "\n\n". "$name $trivial". "\n\n". $full. "\n\n" ; } # generate SGML for an applet sub sgml_for_usage { my $name = shift; my $usage = shift; return "FIXME"; } # the keys are applet names, and # the values will contain hashrefs of the form: # # { # trivial => "...", # full => "...", # } my %docs; # get command-line options my %opt; GetOptions( \%opt, "help|h", "sgml|s", "pod|p", "verbose|v", ); if (defined $opt{help}) { print "$0 [OPTION]... [FILE]...\n", "\t--help\n", "\t--sgml\n", "\t--pod\n", "\t--verbose\n", ; exit 1; } # collect documenation into %docs foreach (@ARGV) { open(USAGE, $_) || die("$0: $!"); my $fh = *USAGE; my ($applet, $type, @line); while (<$fh>) { if (/^#define (\w+)_(\w+)_usage/) { $applet = $1; $type = $2; @line = continuation($fh); my $doc = $docs{$applet} ||= { }; my $text = join("\n", @line); $doc->{$type} = beautify($text); } } } #use Data::Dumper; #print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%docs], [qw(docs)]); foreach my $name (sort keys %docs) { print pod_for_usage($name, $docs{$name}); } exit 0; __END__ =head1 NAME autodocifier.pl - generate docs for busybox based on usage.h =head1 SYNOPSIS autodocifier.pl usage.h > something =head1 DESCRIPTION The purpose of this script is to automagically generate documentation for busybox using its usage.h as the original source for content. Currently, the same content has to be duplicated in 3 places in slightly different formats -- F, F, and F. This is tedious, so Perl has come to the rescue. This script was based on a script by Erik Andersen (andersen@lineo.com). =head1 OPTIONS these control my behaviour =over 8 =item --help This displays the help message. =back =head1 FILES files that I manipulate =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001 John BEPPU. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR John BEPPU =cut # $Id: autodocifier.pl,v 1.5 2001/02/23 13:04:39 beppu Exp $