#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2008 by Denys Vlasenko # Licensed under GPLv2, see file LICENSE in this source tree. . ./testing.sh # Need this in order to not execute shell builtin bb="busybox " # testing "test name" "command" "expected result" "file input" "stdin" testing "printf produces no further output 1" \ "${bb}printf '\c' foo" \ "" \ "" "" testing "printf produces no further output 2" \ "${bb}printf '%s\c' foo bar" \ "foo" \ "" "" testing "printf repeatedly uses pattern for each argv" \ "${bb}printf '%s\n' foo '$HOME'" \ "foo\n$HOME\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %b escaped_string" \ "${bb}printf '%b' 'a\tb' 'c\\d\n' 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "a\tbc\\d\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %d '\"x' \"'y\" \"'zTAIL\"" \ "${bb}printf '%d\n' '\"x' \"'y\" \"'zTAIL\" 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "120\n""121\n""122\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %s '\"x' \"'y\" \"'zTAIL\"" \ "${bb}printf '%s\n' '\"x' \"'y\" \"'zTAIL\" 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "\"x\n""'y\n""'zTAIL\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %23.12f" \ "${bb}printf '|%23.12f|\n' 5.25 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "| 5.250000000000|\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %*.*f" \ "${bb}printf '|%*.*f|\n' 23 12 5.25 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "| 5.250000000000|\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %*f with negative width" \ "${bb}printf '|%*f|\n' -23 5.25 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "|5.250000 |\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %.*f with negative precision" \ "${bb}printf '|%.*f|\n' -12 5.25 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "|5.250000|\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %*.*f with negative width/precision" \ "${bb}printf '|%*.*f|\n' -23 -12 5.25 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "|5.250000 |\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %zd" \ "${bb}printf '%zd\n' -5 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "-5\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %ld" \ "${bb}printf '%ld\n' -5 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "-5\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %Ld" \ "${bb}printf '%Ld\n' -5 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "-5\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf understands %%" \ "${bb}printf '%%\n' 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "%\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf handles positive numbers for %d" \ "${bb}printf '%d\n' 3 +3 ' 3' ' +3' 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "3\n"\ "3\n"\ "3\n"\ "3\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf handles positive numbers for %i" \ "${bb}printf '%i\n' 3 +3 ' 3' ' +3' 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "3\n"\ "3\n"\ "3\n"\ "3\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf handles positive numbers for %x" \ "${bb}printf '%x\n' 42 +42 ' 42' ' +42' 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "2a\n"\ "2a\n"\ "2a\n"\ "2a\n""0\n" \ "" "" testing "printf handles positive numbers for %f" \ "${bb}printf '%0.3f\n' .42 +.42 ' .42' ' +.42' 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "0.420\n"\ "0.420\n"\ "0.420\n"\ "0.420\n""0\n" \ "" "" # "FIXED" now to act compatibly ## We are "more correct" here than bash/coreutils: they happily print -2 ## as if it is a huge unsigned number #testing "printf handles %u -N" \ # "${bb}printf '%u\n' 1 -2 3 2>&1; echo \$?" \ # "1\n""printf: -2: invalid number\n""0\n""3\n""0\n" \ # "" "" testing "printf handles %d bad_input" \ "${bb}printf '%d\n' 1 - 2 bad 3 123bad 4 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "1\n""printf: invalid number '-'\n""0\n"\ "2\n""printf: invalid number 'bad'\n""0\n"\ "3\n""printf: invalid number '123bad'\n""0\n"\ "4\n""1\n" \ "" "" testing "printf aborts on bare %" \ "${bb}printf '%' a b c 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "printf: %: invalid format\n""1\n" \ "" "" testing "printf aborts on %r" \ "${bb}printf '%r' a b c 2>&1; echo \$?" \ "printf: %r: invalid format\n""1\n" \ "" "" exit $FAILCOUNT