/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */
 * Utility routines.
 * Copyright (C) tons of folks.  Tracking down who wrote what
 * isn't something I'm going to worry about...  If you wrote something
 * here, please feel free to acknowledge your work.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
 * Based in part on code from sash, Copyright (c) 1999 by David I. Bell 
 * Permission has been granted to redistribute this code under the GPL.

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "busybox.h"

#undef APPLET
#include "applets.h"

struct BB_applet *applet_using;

/* The -1 arises because of the {0,NULL,0,-1} entry above. */
const size_t NUM_APPLETS = (sizeof (applets) / sizeof (struct BB_applet) - 1);


static void check_suid ( struct BB_applet *app );


#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "pwd.h"
#include "grp.h"

static void parse_error ( int line, const char *err );
static void parse_config_file ( void );

#define CONFIG_FILE "/etc/busybox.conf"

// applets [] is const, so we have to define this "override" structure
struct BB_suid_config {
	struct BB_applet *m_applet;

	uid_t  m_uid;
	gid_t  m_gid;
	mode_t m_mode;
	struct BB_suid_config *m_next;

static struct BB_suid_config *suid_config;



extern void show_usage(void)
	const char *format_string;
	const char *usage_string = usage_messages;
	int i;

	for (i = applet_using - applets; i > 0; ) {
		if (!*usage_string++) {
	format_string = "%s\n\nUsage: %s %s\n\n";
	if(*usage_string == 0)
		format_string = "%s\n\nNo help available.\n\n";
	fprintf(stderr, format_string,
			full_version, applet_using->name, usage_string);

static int applet_name_compare(const void *x, const void *y)
	const char *name = x;
	const struct BB_applet *applet = y;

	return strcmp(name, applet->name);

extern const size_t NUM_APPLETS;

struct BB_applet *find_applet_by_name(const char *name)
	return bsearch(name, applets, NUM_APPLETS, sizeof(struct BB_applet),

void run_applet_by_name(const char *name, int argc, char **argv)
	static int recurse_level = 0;
	extern int been_there_done_that; /* From busybox.c */

	if ( recurse_level == 0 )
		parse_config_file ( );

	/* Do a binary search to find the applet entry given the name. */
	if ((applet_using = find_applet_by_name(name)) != NULL) {
		applet_name = applet_using->name;
		if (argv[1] && strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) {
			if (strcmp(applet_using->name, "busybox")==0) {
				  applet_using = find_applet_by_name(argv[2]);
				  applet_using = NULL;
			busybox_main(0, NULL);
		check_suid ( applet_using );
		exit((*(applet_using->main)) (argc, argv));
	/* Just in case they have renamed busybox - Check argv[1] */
	if (recurse_level == 1) {
		run_applet_by_name("busybox", argc, argv);



// check if u is member of group g
static int ingroup ( uid_t u, gid_t g )
	struct group *grp = getgrgid ( g );
	if ( grp ) {
		char **mem;
		for ( mem = grp-> gr_mem; *mem; mem++ ) {
			struct passwd *pwd = getpwnam ( *mem );
			if ( pwd && ( pwd-> pw_uid == u ))
				return 1;
	return 0;


void check_suid ( struct BB_applet *applet )
	uid_t ruid = getuid ( ); // real [ug]id
	uid_t rgid = getgid ( );
	struct BB_suid_config *sct;
	for ( sct = suid_config; sct; sct = sct-> m_next ) {
		if ( sct-> m_applet == applet )
	if ( sct ) {
		mode_t m = sct-> m_mode;
		if ( sct-> m_uid == ruid ) // same uid
			m >>= 6;
		else if (( sct-> m_gid == rgid ) || ingroup ( ruid, sct-> m_gid )) // same group / in group
			m >>= 3;

		if (!( m & S_IXOTH ))   // is x bit not set ?
			error_msg_and_die ( "You have no permission to run this applet!" );
		if (( sct-> m_mode & ( S_ISGID | S_IXGRP )) == ( S_ISGID | S_IXGRP )) { // *both* have to be set for sgid
			if ( setegid ( sct-> m_gid ))
				error_msg_and_die ( "BusyBox binary has insufficient rights to set proper GID for applet!" );
			setgid ( rgid ); // no sgid -> drop
		if ( sct-> m_mode & S_ISUID ) {
			if ( seteuid ( sct-> m_uid ))
				error_msg_and_die ( "BusyBox binary has insufficient rights to set proper UID for applet!" );
			setuid ( ruid ); // no suid -> drop
	else { // default: drop all priviledges
		setgid ( rgid );
		setuid ( ruid );

	if ( applet-> need_suid == _BB_SUID_ALWAYS ) {
		if ( geteuid ( ) != 0 ) 
			error_msg_and_die ( "This applet requires root priviledges!" );
	else if ( applet-> need_suid == _BB_SUID_NEVER ) {
		setgid ( rgid ); // drop all priviledges
		setuid ( ruid );


void parse_error ( int line, const char *err )
	char msg [512];
	snprintf ( msg, sizeof( msg ) - 1, "Parse error in %s, line %d: %s", CONFIG_FILE, line, err );

	error_msg_and_die ( msg );

void parse_config_file ( void )
	struct stat st;

	suid_config = 0;
	// is there a config file ?
	if ( stat ( CONFIG_FILE, &st ) == 0 ) {
		// is it owned by root with no write perm. for group and others ?
		if ( S_ISREG( st. st_mode ) && ( st. st_uid == 0 )	&& (!( st. st_mode & ( S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH )))) {
			// that's ok .. then try to open it
			FILE *f = fopen ( CONFIG_FILE, "r" );

			if ( f ) {
				char buffer [4096];
				int section = 0;
				int lc = 0;
				while ( fgets ( buffer, sizeof( buffer ) - 1, f )) {
					char c = buffer [0];
					char *p;
					p = strchr ( buffer, '#' );
					if ( p )
						*p = 0;
					p = buffer + xstrlen ( buffer );
					while (( p > buffer ) && isspace ( *--p ))
						*p = 0;		
					if ( p == buffer )
					if ( c == '[' ) {
						p = strchr ( buffer, ']' );
						if ( !p || ( p == ( buffer + 1 )))  // no matching ] or empty []
							parse_error ( lc, "malformed section header" );

						*p = 0;
						if ( strcasecmp ( buffer + 1, "SUID" ) == 0 )
							section = 1;
							section = -1; // unknown section - just skip
					else if ( section ) {
						switch ( section ) {
							case 1: { // SUID
								int l;
								struct BB_applet *applet;

								p = strchr ( buffer, '=' ); // <key>[::space::]*=[::space::]*<value>
								if ( !p || ( p == ( buffer + 1 ))) // no = or key is empty
									parse_error ( lc, "malformed keyword" );
								l = p - buffer;
								while ( isspace ( buffer [--l] )) { } // skip whitespace
								buffer [l+1] = 0;
								if (( applet = find_applet_by_name ( buffer ))) {
									struct BB_suid_config *sct = xmalloc ( sizeof( struct BB_suid_config ));
									sct-> m_applet = applet;
									sct-> m_next = suid_config;
									suid_config = sct;
									while ( isspace ( *++p )) { } // skip whitespace
									sct-> m_mode = 0;			
									switch ( *p++ ) {
										case 'S': sct-> m_mode |= S_ISUID; break;
										case 's': sct-> m_mode |= S_ISUID; // no break
										case 'x': sct-> m_mode |= S_IXUSR; break;
										case '-': break;
										default : parse_error ( lc, "invalid user mode" );
									switch ( *p++ ) {
										case 's': sct-> m_mode |= S_ISGID; // no break
										case 'x': sct-> m_mode |= S_IXGRP; break;
										case 'S': break;
										case '-': break;
										default : parse_error ( lc, "invalid group mode" );
									switch ( *p ) {
										case 't': 
										case 'x': sct-> m_mode |= S_IXOTH; break;
										case 'T':
										case '-': break;
										default : parse_error ( lc, "invalid other mode" );
									while ( isspace ( *++p )) { } // skip whitespace
									if ( isdigit ( *p )) {
										sct-> m_uid = strtol ( p, &p, 10 );
										if ( *p++ != '.' )
											parse_error ( lc, "parsing <uid>.<gid>" );										
									else {
										struct passwd *pwd;
										char *p2 = strchr ( p, '.' );
										if ( !p2 ) 
											parse_error ( lc, "parsing <uid>.<gid>" );										
										*p2 = 0;
										pwd = getpwnam ( p );
										if ( !pwd ) 
											parse_error ( lc, "invalid user name" );
										sct-> m_uid = pwd-> pw_uid;
										p = p2 + 1;
									if ( isdigit ( *p )) 
										sct-> m_gid = strtol ( p, &p, 10 );
									else {
										struct group *grp = getgrnam ( p );
										if ( !grp ) 
											parse_error ( lc, "invalid group name" );
										sct-> m_gid = grp-> gr_gid;
							default: // unknown - skip
						parse_error ( lc, "keyword not within section" );
				fclose ( f );



/* END CODE */
Local Variables:
c-file-style: "linux"
c-basic-offset: 4
tab-width: 4