#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ndhc-defines.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "arp.h" #include "ndhc.h" #include "ifchd.h" #include "sockd.h" #include "nk/log.h" #include "nk/privs.h" #include "nk/copy_cmdarg.h" #include "nk/io.h" struct cfgparse { char buf[MAX_BUF]; size_t buflen; int ternary; // = 0 nothing, -1 = false, +1 = true int cs; }; %%{ machine cfg_actions; access ccfg.; action clear { memset(&ccfg.buf, 0, sizeof ccfg.buf); ccfg.buflen = 0; ccfg.ternary = 0; } action append { if (ccfg.buflen < sizeof ccfg.buf - 1) ccfg.buf[ccfg.buflen++] = *p; else suicide("line or option is too long"); } action term { if (ccfg.buflen < sizeof ccfg.buf) ccfg.buf[ccfg.buflen] = 0; } action truval { ccfg.ternary = 1; } action falsval { ccfg.ternary = -1; } action clientid { get_clientid_string(ccfg.buf, ccfg.buflen); } action hostname { copy_cmdarg(client_config.hostname, ccfg.buf, sizeof client_config.hostname, "hostname"); } action interface { copy_cmdarg(client_config.interface, ccfg.buf, sizeof client_config.interface, "interface"); } action now { switch (ccfg.ternary) { case 1: client_config.abort_if_no_lease = true; break; case -1: client_config.abort_if_no_lease = false; default: break; } } action request { set_client_addr(ccfg.buf); } action vendorid { copy_cmdarg(client_config.vendor, ccfg.buf, sizeof client_config.vendor, "vendorid"); } action user { if (nk_uidgidbyname(ccfg.buf, &ndhc_uid, &ndhc_gid)) suicide("invalid ndhc user '%s' specified", ccfg.buf); } action ifch_user { if (nk_uidgidbyname(ccfg.buf, &ifch_uid, &ifch_gid)) suicide("invalid ifch user '%s' specified", ccfg.buf); } action sockd_user { if (nk_uidgidbyname(ccfg.buf, &sockd_uid, &sockd_gid)) suicide("invalid sockd user '%s' specified", ccfg.buf); } action chroot { copy_cmdarg(chroot_dir, ccfg.buf, sizeof chroot_dir, "chroot"); } action state_dir { copy_cmdarg(state_dir, ccfg.buf, sizeof state_dir, "state-dir"); } action seccomp_enforce { log_line("seccomp_enforce option is deprecated; please remove it"); log_line("In the meanwhile, it is ignored and seccomp is disabled."); } action relentless_defense { switch (ccfg.ternary) { case 1: set_arp_relentless_def(true); break; case -1: set_arp_relentless_def(false); default: break; } } action arp_probe_wait { int t = atoi(ccfg.buf); if (t >= 0) arp_probe_wait = t; } action arp_probe_num { int t = atoi(ccfg.buf); if (t >= 0) arp_probe_num = t; } action arp_probe_min { int t = atoi(ccfg.buf); arp_probe_min = t; if (arp_probe_min > arp_probe_max) { t = arp_probe_max; arp_probe_max = arp_probe_min; arp_probe_min = t; } } action arp_probe_max { int t = atoi(ccfg.buf); arp_probe_max = t; if (arp_probe_min > arp_probe_max) { t = arp_probe_max; arp_probe_max = arp_probe_min; arp_probe_min = t; } } action gw_metric { char *q; long mt = strtol(ccfg.buf, &q, 10); if (q == ccfg.buf) suicide("gw-metric arg '%s' isn't a valid number", ccfg.buf); if (mt > INT_MAX) suicide("gw-metric arg '%s' is too large", ccfg.buf); if (mt < 0) mt = 0; client_config.metric = (int)mt; } action resolv_conf { copy_cmdarg(resolv_conf_d, ccfg.buf, sizeof resolv_conf_d, "resolv-conf"); } action dhcp_set_hostname { switch (ccfg.ternary) { case 1: allow_hostname = 1; break; case -1: allow_hostname = 0; default: break; } } action rfkill_idx { uint32_t t = (uint32_t)atoi(ccfg.buf); client_config.rfkillIdx = t; client_config.enable_rfkill = true; } action version { print_version(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } action help { show_usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } }%% %%{ machine file_cfg; access ccfg.; include cfg_actions; spc = [ \t]; delim = spc* '=' spc*; string = [^\n]+ >clear $append %term; term = '\n'; value = delim string term; truval = ('true'|'1') % truval; falsval = ('false'|'0') % falsval; boolval = delim (truval|falsval) term; blankline = term; clientid = 'clientid' value @clientid; hostname = 'hostname' value @hostname; interface = 'interface' value @interface; now = 'now' boolval @now; request = 'request' value @request; vendorid = 'vendorid' value @vendorid; user = 'user' value @user; ifch_user = 'ifch-user' value @ifch_user; sockd_user = 'sockd-user' value @sockd_user; chroot = 'chroot' value @chroot; state_dir = 'state-dir' value @state_dir; seccomp_enforce = 'seccomp-enforce' boolval @seccomp_enforce; relentless_defense = 'relentless-defense' boolval @relentless_defense; arp_probe_wait = 'arp-probe-wait' value @arp_probe_wait; arp_probe_num = 'arp-probe-num' value @arp_probe_num; arp_probe_min = 'arp-probe-min' value @arp_probe_min; arp_probe_max = 'arp-probe-max' value @arp_probe_max; gw_metric = 'gw-metric' value @gw_metric; resolv_conf = 'resolv-conf' value @resolv_conf; dhcp_set_hostname = 'dhcp-set-hostname' boolval @dhcp_set_hostname; rfkill_idx = 'rfkill-idx' value @rfkill_idx; main := blankline | clientid | hostname | interface | now | request | vendorid | user | ifch_user | sockd_user | chroot | state_dir | seccomp_enforce | relentless_defense | arp_probe_wait | arp_probe_num | arp_probe_min | arp_probe_max | gw_metric | resolv_conf | dhcp_set_hostname | rfkill_idx ; }%% %% write data; static void parse_cfgfile(const char fname[static 1]) { bool reached_eof = false; struct cfgparse ccfg; memset(&ccfg, 0, sizeof ccfg); char l[MAX_BUF]; size_t lc = 0; memset(l, 0, sizeof l); int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC, 0); if (fd < 0) suicide("Unable to open config file '%s'.", fname); size_t linenum = 0; for (;;) { if (lc + 1 >= sizeof l) suicide("sizeof l - 1 - lc would underflow"); ssize_t rc = safe_read(fd, l + lc, sizeof l - 1 - lc); if (rc < 0) suicide("Error reading config file '%s'.", fname); if (rc == 0) { l[lc] = '\n'; rc = 1; reached_eof = true; // Emulate a LF to terminate the line. } lc += (size_t)rc; size_t lstart = 0, lend = 0, consumed = 0; for (; lend < lc; ++lend) { if (l[lend] == '\n') { ++linenum; consumed = lend; size_t llen = lend - lstart; const char *p = l + lstart; const char *pe = l + lstart + llen + 1; %% write init; %% write exec; if (ccfg.cs == file_cfg_error) suicide("error parsing config file line %zu: malformed", linenum); if (ccfg.cs < file_cfg_first_final) suicide("error parsing config file line %zu: incomplete", linenum); lstart = lend + 1; } } if (reached_eof) break; if (!consumed && lend >= sizeof l - 1) suicide("Line %zu in config file '%s' is too long: %zu > %zu.", linenum, fname, lend, sizeof l - 1); if (consumed + 1 > lc) suicide("lc[%zu] - consumed[%zu] would underflow", lc, lend); if (consumed) { memmove(l, l + consumed + 1, lc - consumed - 1); lc -= consumed + 1; } } close(fd); } %%{ machine cmd_cfg; access ccfg.; include cfg_actions; action cfgfile { parse_cfgfile(ccfg.buf); } action tbv { ccfg.ternary = 1; } string = [^\0]+ >clear $append %term; argval = 0 string 0; tbv = 0 % tbv; cfgfile = ('-c'|'--config') argval @cfgfile; clientid = ('-I'|'--clientid') argval @clientid; hostname = ('-h'|'--hostname') argval @hostname; interface = ('-i'|'--interface') argval @interface; now = ('-n'|'--now') tbv @now; request = ('-r'|'--request') argval @request; vendorid = ('-V'|'--vendorid') argval @vendorid; user = ('-u'|'--user') argval @user; ifch_user = ('-U'|'--ifch-user') argval @ifch_user; sockd_user = ('-D'|'--sockd-user') argval @sockd_user; chroot = ('-C'|'--chroot') argval @chroot; state_dir = ('-s'|'--state-dir') argval @state_dir; seccomp_enforce = ('-S'|'--seccomp-enforce') tbv @seccomp_enforce; relentless_defense = ('-d'|'--relentless-defense') tbv @relentless_defense; arp_probe_wait = ('-w'|'--arp-probe-wait') argval @arp_probe_wait; arp_probe_num = ('-W'|'--arp-probe-num') argval @arp_probe_num; arp_probe_min = ('-m'|'--arp-probe-min') argval @arp_probe_min; arp_probe_max = ('-M'|'--arp-probe-max') argval @arp_probe_max; gw_metric = ('-t'|'--gw-metric') argval @gw_metric; resolv_conf = ('-R'|'--resolv-conf') argval @resolv_conf; dhcp_set_hostname = ('-H'|'--dhcp-set-hostname') tbv @dhcp_set_hostname; rfkill_idx = ('-K'|'--rfkill-idx') argval @rfkill_idx; version = ('-v'|'--version') 0 @version; help = ('-?'|'--help') 0 @help; main := ( cfgfile | clientid | hostname | interface | now | request | vendorid | user | ifch_user | sockd_user | chroot | state_dir | seccomp_enforce | relentless_defense | arp_probe_wait | arp_probe_num | arp_probe_min | arp_probe_max | gw_metric | resolv_conf | dhcp_set_hostname | rfkill_idx | version | help )*; }%% %% write data; void parse_cmdline(int argc, char *argv[]) { char argb[8192]; size_t argbl = 0; for (size_t i = 1; i < (size_t)argc; ++i) { ssize_t snl; if (i > 1) snl = snprintf(argb + argbl, sizeof argb - argbl, "%c%s", 0, argv[i]); else snl = snprintf(argb + argbl, sizeof argb - argbl, "%s", argv[i]); if (snl < 0 || (size_t)snl >= sizeof argb) suicide("error parsing command line option: option too long"); argbl += (size_t)snl; } if (argbl == 0) return; struct cfgparse ccfg; memset(&ccfg, 0, sizeof ccfg); const char *p = argb; const char *pe = argb + argbl + 1; const char *eof = pe; %% write init; %% write exec; if (ccfg.cs == cmd_cfg_error) suicide("error parsing command line option: malformed"); if (ccfg.cs >= cmd_cfg_first_final) return; suicide("error parsing command line option: incomplete"); }