
Since the qemu docs blow, I'll make some quick notes here for how to get a
system running for baselayout testing.

- create rootfs (feel free to tweak 500M):
	$ dd if=/dev/zero of=root.img bs=1M count=500M
	$ mke2fs -F -j root.img
- install Gentoo stage3:
	$ mkdir loop
	$ mount -o loop root.img loop
	$ sudo tar pjxf stage3-x86.tar.bz2 -C loop
	$ sudo chroot loop
	<all you really need to configure is like /etc/fstab>
		/dev/hda / ext3 noatime 0 1
	$ umount loop
- create an x86 kernel from a vanilla tarball:
	- make sure you enable serial console support
	- you shouldn't need any modifications, just grab a recent vanilla
- run qemu:
	$ qemu \
		-hda root.img \
		-append "root=/dev/hda console=ttyS0" \
		-kernel your-compiled-vmlinux \