#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2007-2008 Roy Marples # All rights reserved # void single_user() # Drop to a shell, remount / ro, and then reboot single_user() { exit 1 } # This basically mounts $svcdir as a ramdisk, but preserving its content # which allows us to run depscan.sh # FreeBSD has a nice ramdisk - we don't set a size as we should always # be fairly small and we unmount them after the boot level is done anyway # NOTE we don't set a size for Linux either # FreeBSD-7 supports tmpfs now :) mount_svcdir() { local dotmp=false release=false if [ -e "${RC_SVCDIR}"/deptree ]; then dotmp=true if ! mount -t tmpfs none "${RC_LIBDIR}"/tmp 2>/dev/null; then mdconfig -a -t malloc -s 1m -u 1 newfs /dev/md1 mount /dev/md1 "${RC_LIBDIR}"/tmp release=true fi cp -p "${RC_SVCDIR}"/deptree "${RC_SVCDIR}"/depconfig \ "${RC_SVCDIR}"/nettree "${RC_LIBDIR}"/tmp 2>/dev/null fi if ! mount -t tmpfs -o rw,noexec,nosuid none "${RC_SVCDIR}" 2>/dev/null; then mdconfig -a -t malloc -s "${rc_svcsize:-1024}"k -u 0 newfs -b 4096 -i 1024 -n /dev/md0 mount -o rw,noexec,nosuid /dev/md0 "${RC_SVCDIR}" fi if ${dotmp}; then cp -p "${RC_LIBDIR}"/tmp/deptree "${RC_LIBDIR}"/tmp/depconfig \ "${RC_LIBDIR}"/tmp/nettree "${RC_SVCDIR}" 2>/dev/null umount "${RC_LIBDIR}"/tmp ${release} && mdconfig -d -u 1 fi } . "${RC_LIBDIR}"/sh/functions.sh [ -r /etc/rc.conf ] && . /etc/rc.conf # Disable devd until we need it [ "${RC_UNAME}" = "FreeBSD" ] && sysctl hw.bus.devctl_disable=1 >/dev/null . "${RC_LIBDIR}"/sh/init-common-post.sh