# Purpose and description OpenRC is an init system for Unixoid operating systems. It takes care of startup and shutdown of the whole system, including services. It evolved out of the Gentoo "Baselayout" package which was a custom pure-shell startup solution. (This was both hard to maintain and debug, and not very performant) Most of the core parts are written in C99 for performance and flexibility reasons, while everything else is posix sh. The License is 2-clause BSD Current size is about 10k LoC C, and about 4k LoC shell. OpenRC is known to work on Linux, many BSDs (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD at least) and HURD. Services are stateful (i.e. `start`; `start` will lead to "it's already started") # Startup Usually PID1 (aka. `init`) calls the OpenRC binary (`/sbin/openrc` by default). (The default setup assumes sysvinit for this) openrc scans the runlevels (default: `/etc/runlevels`) and builds a dependency graph, then starts the needed service scripts, either serialized (default) or in parallel. When all the init scripts are started openrc terminates. There is no persistent daemon. (Integration with tools like monit, runit or s6 can be done) # Shutdown On change to runlevel 0/6 or running `reboot`, `halt` etc., openrc stops all services that are started and runs the services in the `shutdown` runlevel. # Modifying Service Scripts Any service can, at any time, be started/stopped/restarted by executing `rc-service someservice start`, `rc-service someservice stop`, etc. Another, less preferred method, is to run the service script directly, e.g. `/etc/init.d/service start`, `/etc/init.d/service stop`, etc. OpenRC will take care of dependencies, e.g starting apache will start network first, and stopping network will stop apache first. There is a special command `zap` that makes OpenRC 'forget' that a service is started; this is mostly useful to reset a crashed service to stopped state without invoking the (possibly broken) stop function of the service script. Calling `openrc` without any arguments will try to reset all services so that the current runlevel is satisfied; if you manually started apache it will be stopped, and if squid died but is in the current runlevel it'll be restarted. # Runlevels OpenRC has a concept of runlevels, similar to what sysvinit historically offered. A runlevel is basically a collection of services that needs to be started. Instead of random numbers they are named, and users can create their own if needed. This allows, for example, to have a default runlevel with "everything" enabled, and a "powersaving" runlevel where some services are disabled. The `rc-status` helper will print all currently active runlevels and the state of init scripts in them: ``` # rc-status * Caching service dependencies ... [ ok ] Runlevel: default modules [ started ] lvm [ started ] ``` All runlevels are represented as folders in `/etc/runlevels/` with symlinks to the actual init scripts. Calling openrc with an argument (`openrc default`) will switch to that runlevel; this will start and stop services as needed. Managing runlevels is usually done through the `rc-update` helper, but could of course be done by hand if desired. e.g. `rc-update add nginx default` - add nginx to the default runlevel Note: This will not auto-start nginx! You'd still have to trigger `rc` or run the initscript by hand. FIXME: Document stacked runlevels The default startup uses the runlevels `boot`, `sysinit` and `default`, in that order. Shutdown uses the `shutdown` runlevel. # Syntax of Service Scripts Service scripts are shell scripts. OpenRC aims at using only the standardized POSIX sh subset for portability reasons. The default interpreter (build-time toggle) is `/bin/sh`, so using for example mksh is not a problem. OpenRC has been tested with busybox sh, ash, dash, bash, mksh, zsh and possibly others. Using busybox sh has been difficult as it replaces commands with builtins that don't offer the expected features. The interpreter for initscripts is `#!/sbin/openrc-run`. Not using this interpreter will break the use of dependencies and is not supported. (iow: if you insist on using `#!/bin/sh` you're on your own) A `depend` function declares the dependencies of this service script. All scripts must have start/stop/status functions, but defaults are provided. Extra functions can be added easily: ``` extra_commands="checkconfig" checkconfig() { doSomething } ``` This exports the checkconfig function so that `/etc/init.d/someservice checkconfig` will be available, and it "just" runs this function. While commands defined in `extra_commands` are always available, commands defined in `extra_started_commands` will only work when the service is started and those defined in `extra_stopped_commands` will only work when the service is stopped. This can be used for implementing graceful reload and similar behaviour. Adding a restart function will not work, this is a design decision within OpenRC. Since there may be dependencies involved (e.g. network -> apache) a restart function is in general not going to work. restart is internally mapped to `stop()` + `start()` (plus handling dependencies). If a service needs to behave differently when it is being restarted vs started or stopped, it should test the `$RC_CMD` variable, for example: ``` [ "$RC_CMD" = restart ] && do_something ``` # The Depend Function This function declares the dependencies for a service script. This determines the order the service scripts start. ``` depend() { need net use dns logger netmount want coolservice } ``` `need` declares a hard dependency - net always needs to be started before this service does `use` is a soft dependency - if dns, logger or netmount is in this runlevel start it before, but we don't care if it's not in this runlevel. `want` is between need and use - try to start coolservice if it is installed on the system, regardless of whether it is in the runlevel, but we don't care if it starts. `before` declares that we need to be started before another service `after` declares that we need to be started after another service, without creating a dependency (so on calling stop the two are independent) `provide` allows multiple implementations to provide one service type, e.g.: `provide cron` is set in all cron-daemons, so any one of them started satisfies a cron dependency `keyword` allows platform-specific overrides, e.g. `keyword -lxc` makes this service script a noop in lxc containers. Useful for things like keymaps, module loading etc. that are either platform-specific or not available in containers/virtualization/... FIXME: Anything missing in this list? # The Default Functions All service scripts are assumed to have the following functions: ``` start() stop() status() ``` There are default implementations in `lib/rc/sh/openrc-run.sh` - this allows very compact service scripts. These functions can be overridden per service script as needed. The default functions assume the following variables to be set in the service script: ``` command= command_args= pidfile= ``` Thus the 'smallest' service scripts can be half a dozen lines long # The Magic of `conf.d` Most service scripts need default values. It would be fragile to explicitly source some arbitrary files. By convention `openrc-run` will source the matching file in `/etc/conf.d/` for any script in `/etc/init.d/` This allows you to set random startup-related things easily. Example: ``` conf.d/foo: START_OPTS="--extraparameter sausage" init.d/foo: start() { /usr/sbin/foo-daemon ${STARTOPTS} } ``` The big advantage of this split is that most of the time editing of the init script can be avoided. # Start-Stop-Daemon OpenRC has its own modified version of s-s-d, which is historically related and mostly syntax-compatible to Debian's s-s-d, but has been rewritten from scratch. It helps with starting daemons, backgrounding, creating PID files and many other convenience functions related to managing daemons. # `/etc/rc.conf` This file manages the default configuration for OpenRC, and it has examples of per-service-script variables. Among these are `rc_parallel` (for parallelized startup), `rc_log` (logs all boot messages to a file), and a few others. # ulimit and CGroups Setting `ulimit` and `nice` values per service can be done through the `rc_ulimit` variable. Under Linux, OpenRC can use cgroups for process management as well. Once the kernel is configured appropriately, the `rc_cgroup_mode` setting in /etc/rc.conf should be used to control whether cgroups version one,, two, or both are used. The default is to use both if they are available. By changing certain settings in the service's `conf.d` file limits can be enforced per service. These settings are documented in detail in the default /etc/rc.conf under `LINUX CGROUPS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT`. # Dealing with Orphaned Processes It is possible to get into a state where there are orphaned processes running which were part of a service. For example, if you are monitoring a service with supervise-daemon and supervise-daemon dies for an unknown reason. The way to deal with this will be different for each system. On Linux systems with cgroups enabled, the cgroup_cleanup command is added to all services. You can run it manually, when the service is stopped, by using: ``` # rc-service someservice cgroup_cleanup ``` The `rc_cgroup_cleanup` setting can be changed to yes to make this happen automatically when the service is stopped. # Caching For performance reasons OpenRC keeps a cache of pre-parsed initscript metadata (e.g. `depend`). The default location for this is `/${RC_SVCDIR}/cache`. The cache uses `mtime` to check for file staleness. Should any service script change it'll re-source the relevant files and update the cache # Convenience functions OpenRC has wrappers for many common output tasks in libeinfo. This allows to print colour-coded status notices and other things. To make the output consistent the bundled initscripts all use ebegin/eend to print nice messages.