# Start / stop / status functions for s6 support # Copyright (c) 2015 The OpenRC Authors. # See the Authors file at the top-level directory of this distribution and # https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/blob/master/AUTHORS # # This file is part of OpenRC. It is subject to the license terms in # the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this # distribution and at https://github.com/OpenRC/openrc/blob/master/LICENSE # This file may not be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed # except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. [ -z "${s6_service_path}" ] && s6_service_path="/var/svc.d/${RC_SVCNAME}" s6_start() { if [ ! -d "${s6_service_path}" ]; then eerror "${s6_service_path} does not exist." return 1 fi s6_service_link="${RC_SVCDIR}/s6-scan/${s6_service_path##*/}" ebegin "Starting ${name:-$RC_SVCNAME}" ln -sf "${s6_service_path}" "${s6_service_link}" s6-svscanctl -na "${RC_SVCDIR}"/s6-scan sleep 1.5 s6-svc -u "${s6_service_link}" if [ -n "$s6_svwait_options_start" ]; then s6-svwait ${s6_svwait_options_start} "${s6_service_link}" fi sleep 1.5 set -- $(s6-svstat "${s6_service_link}") [ "$1" = "up" ] eend $? "Failed to start ${name:-$RC_SVCNAME}" } s6_stop() { if [ ! -d "${s6_service_path}" ]; then eerror "${s6_service_path} does not exist." return 1 fi s6_service_link="${RC_SVCDIR}/s6-scan/${s6_service_path##*/}" ebegin "Stopping ${name:-$RC_SVCNAME}" s6-svc -wD -d -T ${s6_service_timeout_stop:-10000} "${s6_service_link}" set -- $(s6-svstat "${s6_service_link}") [ "$1" = "down" ] eend $? "Failed to stop ${name:-$RC_SVCNAME}" } s6_status() { s6_service_link="${RC_SVCDIR}/s6-scan/${s6_service_path##*/}" if [ -L "${s6_service_link}" ]; then s6-svstat "${s6_service_link}" else _status fi }