#!@PREFIX@/sbin/runscript # Copyright 2008 Roy Marples # All rights reserved. Released under the 2-clause BSD license. description="Configures terminal encoding." ttyn=${rc_tty_number:-${RC_TTY_NUMBER:-12}} unicode=${unicode:-${UNICODE}} depend() { keyword noopenvz noprefix nouml novserver noxenu } start() { local ttydev=/dev/tty n= [ -d /dev/vc ] && ttydev=/dev/vc/ # Set terminal encoding to either ASCII or UNICODE. # See utf-8(7) for more information. local termencoding="%@" termmsg="ASCII" if yesno ${unicode}; then termencoding="%G" termmsg="UTF-8" fi ebegin "Setting terminal encoding to ${termmsg}" n=1 while [ ${n} -le "${ttyn}" ]; do printf "\033%s" "${termencoding}" >"${ttydev}${n}" n=$((${n} + 1)) done eend 0 }