# *.po and *.pot are kept in VCS and generated by po4a-dist command # translated/* are put in distribution but not found in VCS # # run: # make -C man-po po4a-dist # To update man page translations DIST_translated_MANS = $(shell find translated -name '*.[1-9]') EXTRA_DIST = po4a.cfg $(DIST_translated_MANS) if USE_PO4A po4a-dist: -@po4a -M utf-8 -k 0 po4a.cfg endif get-trans: rsync -Lrtvz translationproject.org::tp/latest/procps-ng-man/ . translated_langs = $(notdir $(wildcard translated/*)) install-data-local: for l in $(translated_langs) ; do \ for sect in `ls translated/$$l` ; do \ $(MKDIR_P) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/$$l/$$sect ; \ for file in `ls translated/$$l/$$sect` ; do \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$file $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)/$$l/$$sect ; \ done ; \ done ; \ done .PHONY = translated_langs get-trans po4a-dist