/* top.h - Header file: show Linux processes */ /* * Copyright (c) 2002-2018, by: James C. Warner * * This file may be used subject to the terms and conditions of the * GNU Library General Public License Version 2, or any later version * at your option, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. */ /* For contributions to this program, the author wishes to thank: * Craig Small, * Albert D. Cahalan, * Sami Kerola, */ #ifndef _Itop #define _Itop /* Defines represented in configure.ac ----------------------------- */ //#define BOOST_MEMORY /* enable extra precision for mem fields */ //#define BOOST_PERCNT /* enable extra precision for 2 % fields */ //#define ORIG_TOPDEFS /* with no rcfile retain original defaults */ //#define SIGNALS_LESS /* favor reduced signal load over response */ /* Development/Debugging defines ----------------------------------- */ //#define ATEOJ_RPTSTD /* report on misc stuff, at end-of-job */ //#define CASEUP_HEXES /* show any hex values in upper case */ //#define CASEUP_SUFIX /* show time/mem/cnts suffix in upper case */ //#define EQUCOLHDRYES /* yes, do equalize column header lengths */ //#define INSP_JUSTNOT /* don't smooth unprintable right margins */ //#define INSP_OFFDEMO /* disable demo screens, issue msg instead */ //#define INSP_SAVEBUF /* preserve 'Insp_buf' contents in a file */ //#define INSP_SLIDE_1 /* when scrolling left/right don't move 8 */ //#define MEMGRAPH_OLD /* don't use 'available' when graphing Mem */ //#define OFF_SCROLLBK /* disable tty emulators scrollback buffer */ //#define OFF_STDERROR /* disable our stderr buffering (redirect) */ //#define OFF_STDIOLBF /* disable our own stdout _IOFBF override */ //#define OFF_XTRAWIDE /* disable our extra wide multi-byte logic */ //#define PRETENDNOCAP /* use a terminal without essential caps */ //#define QUICK_GRAPHS /* use fast algorithm, accept +2% distort */ //#define RCFILE_NOERR /* rcfile errs silently default, vs. fatal */ //#define RECALL_FIXED /* don't reorder saved strings if recalled */ //#define RMAN_IGNORED /* don't consider auto right margin glitch */ //#define SCROLLVAR_NO /* disable intra-column horizontal scroll */ //#define STRINGCASENO /* case insenstive compare/locate versions */ //#define TERMIOS_ONLY /* just limp along with native input only */ //#define TREE_NORESET /* sort keys do NOT force forest view OFF */ //#define TREE_SCANALL /* rescan array w/ forest view, avoid sort */ //#define TREE_VPROMPT /* pid collapse/expand prompt, vs. top row */ //#define TREE_VWINALL /* pid collapse/expand impacts all windows */ //#define USE_X_COLHDR /* emphasize header vs. whole col, for 'x' */ //#define VALIDATE_NLS /* validate the integrity of all nls tbls */ //#define VER_J_RCFILE /* increase # of fields, rcfile ver to 'j' */ //#define WIDEN_COLUMN /* base column widths on translated header */ /*###### Notes, etc. ###################################################*/ /* For introducing inaugural cgroup support, thanks to: Jan Gorig - April, 2011 */ /* For the motivation and path to nls support, thanks to: Sami Kerola, - December, 2011 */ /* There are still some short strings that may yet be candidates for nls support inclusion. They're identified with: // nls_maybe */ /* For the impetus and NUMA/Node prototype design, thanks to: Lance Shelton - April, 2013 */ /* For prompting & helping with top's utf-8 support, thanks to: Göran Uddeborg - September, 2017 */ // pretend as if #define _GNU_SOURCE char *strcasestr(const char *haystack, const char *needle); #ifdef STRINGCASENO #define STRSTR strcasestr #define STRCMP strcasecmp #else #define STRSTR strstr #define STRCMP strcmp #endif /*###### Some Miscellaneous constants ##################################*/ /* The default delay twix updates */ #ifdef ORIG_TOPDEFS #define DEF_DELAY 3.0 #else #define DEF_DELAY 1.5 #endif /* Length of time a message is displayed and the duration of a 'priming' wait during library startup (in microseconds) */ #define MSG_USLEEP 1250000 #define LIB_USLEEP 150000 /* Specific process id monitoring support (command line only) */ #define MONPIDMAX 20 /* Output override minimums (the -w switch and/or env vars) */ #define W_MIN_COL 3 #define W_MIN_ROW 3 /* Miscellaneous buffers with liberal values and some other defines -- mostly just to pinpoint source code usage/dependancies */ #define SCREENMAX 512 /* the above might seem pretty stingy, until you consider that with every field displayed the column header would be approximately 250 bytes -- so SCREENMAX provides for all fields plus a 250+ byte command line */ #define CAPBUFSIZ 32 #define CLRBUFSIZ 64 #define PFLAGSSIZ 100 #define SMLBUFSIZ 128 #define MEDBUFSIZ 256 #define LRGBUFSIZ 512 #define OURPATHSZ 1024 #define BIGBUFSIZ 2048 /* in addition to the actual display data, our row might have to accommodate many termcap/color transitions - these definitions ensure we have room */ #define ROWMINSIZ ( SCREENMAX + 4 * (CAPBUFSIZ + CLRBUFSIZ) ) #define ROWMAXSIZ ( SCREENMAX + 16 * (CAPBUFSIZ + CLRBUFSIZ) ) // minimum size guarantee for dynamically acquired 'readfile' buffer #define READMINSZ 2048 // size of preallocated search string buffers, same as ioline() #define FNDBUFSIZ MEDBUFSIZ // space between task fields/columns #define COLPADSTR " " #define COLPADSIZ ( sizeof(COLPADSTR) - 1 ) // continuation ch when field/column truncated #define COLPLUSCH '+' // support for keyboard stuff (cursor motion keystrokes, mostly) #define kbd_ESC '\033' #define kbd_SPACE ' ' #define kbd_ENTER '\n' #define kbd_UP 129 #define kbd_DOWN 130 #define kbd_LEFT 131 #define kbd_RIGHT 132 #define kbd_PGUP 133 #define kbd_PGDN 134 #define kbd_HOME 135 #define kbd_END 136 #define kbd_BKSP 137 #define kbd_INS 138 #define kbd_DEL 139 #define kbd_CtrlO '\017' #define kbd_CtrlV '\026' /* Special value in Pseudo_row to force an additional procs refresh -- used at startup and for task/thread mode transitions */ #define PROC_XTRA -1 /* ##### Enum's and Typedef's ############################################ */ /* Flags for each possible field (and then some) -- these MUST be kept in sync with the Fieldstab[] array !! */ enum pflag { EU_PID = 0, EU_PPD, EU_UED, EU_UEN, EU_URD, EU_URN, EU_USD, EU_USN, EU_GID, EU_GRP, EU_PGD, EU_TTY, EU_TPG, EU_SID, EU_PRI, EU_NCE, EU_THD, EU_CPN, EU_CPU, EU_TME, EU_TM2, EU_MEM, EU_VRT, EU_SWP, EU_RES, EU_COD, EU_DAT, EU_SHR, EU_FL1, EU_FL2, EU_DRT, EU_STA, EU_CMD, EU_WCH, EU_FLG, EU_CGR, EU_SGD, EU_SGN, EU_TGD, EU_OOA, EU_OOM, EU_ENV, EU_FV1, EU_FV2, EU_USE, EU_NS1, EU_NS2, EU_NS3, EU_NS4, EU_NS5, EU_NS6, EU_LXC, EU_RZA, EU_RZF, EU_RZL, EU_RZS, EU_CGN, EU_NMA, EU_LID, #ifdef USE_X_COLHDR // not really pflags, used with tbl indexing EU_MAXPFLGS #else // not really pflags, used with tbl indexing & col highlighting EU_MAXPFLGS, EU_XON, EU_XOF #endif }; /* The scaling 'target' used with memory fields */ enum scale_enum { SK_Kb, SK_Mb, SK_Gb, SK_Tb, SK_Pb, SK_Eb }; /* Used to manipulate (and document) the Frames_signal states */ enum resize_states { BREAK_off = 0, BREAK_kbd, BREAK_sig }; /* This typedef just ensures consistent 'process flags' handling */ typedef unsigned char FLG_t; /* These typedefs attempt to ensure consistent 'ticks' handling */ typedef unsigned long long TIC_t; typedef long long SIC_t; /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* Special Section: multiple windows/field groups --------------- */ /* ( kind of a header within a header: constants, types & macros ) */ #define CAPTABMAX 9 /* max entries in each win's caps table */ #define GROUPSMAX 4 /* the max number of simultaneous windows */ #define WINNAMSIZ 4 /* size of RCW_t winname buf (incl '\0') */ #define GRPNAMSIZ WINNAMSIZ+2 /* window's name + number as in: '#:...' */ /* The Persistent 'Mode' flags! These are preserved in the rc file, as a single integer and the letter shown is the corresponding 'command' toggle */ // 'View_' flags affect the summary (minimum), taken from 'Curwin' #define View_CPUSUM 0x008000 // '1' - show combined cpu stats (vs. each) #define View_CPUNOD 0x400000 // '2' - show numa node cpu stats ('3' also) #define View_LOADAV 0x004000 // 'l' - display load avg and uptime summary #define View_STATES 0x002000 // 't' - display task/cpu(s) states summary #define View_MEMORY 0x001000 // 'm' - display memory summary #define View_NOBOLD 0x000008 // 'B' - disable 'bold' attribute globally #define View_SCROLL 0x080000 // 'C' - enable coordinates msg w/ scrolling // 'Show_' & 'Qsrt_' flags are for task display in a visible window #define Show_COLORS 0x000800 // 'z' - show in color (vs. mono) #define Show_HIBOLD 0x000400 // 'b' - rows and/or cols bold (vs. reverse) #define Show_HICOLS 0x000200 // 'x' - show sort column emphasized #define Show_HIROWS 0x000100 // 'y' - show running tasks highlighted #define Show_CMDLIN 0x000080 // 'c' - show cmdline vs. name #define Show_CTIMES 0x000040 // 'S' - show times as cumulative #define Show_IDLEPS 0x000020 // 'i' - show idle processes (all tasks) #define Show_TASKON 0x000010 // '-' - tasks showable when Mode_altscr #define Show_FOREST 0x000002 // 'V' - show cmd/cmdlines with ascii art #define Qsrt_NORMAL 0x000004 // 'R' - reversed column sort (high to low) #define Show_JRSTRS 0x040000 // 'j' - right justify "string" data cols #define Show_JRNUMS 0x020000 // 'J' - right justify "numeric" data cols // these flag(s) have no command as such - they're for internal use #define NOPRINT_xxx 0x010000 // build task rows only (not for display) #define EQUWINS_xxx 0x000001 // rebalance all wins & tasks (off i,n,u/U) #ifndef USE_X_COLHDR #define NOHISEL_xxx 0x200000 // restrict Show_HICOLS for osel temporarily #define NOHIFND_xxx 0x100000 // restrict Show_HICOLS for find temporarily #endif // Default flags if there's no rcfile to provide user customizations #ifdef ORIG_TOPDEFS #define DEF_WINFLGS ( View_LOADAV | View_STATES | View_CPUSUM | View_MEMORY \ | Show_HIBOLD | Show_HIROWS | Show_IDLEPS | Show_TASKON | Show_JRNUMS \ | Qsrt_NORMAL ) #define DEF_GRAPHS2 0, 0 #define DEF_SCALES2 SK_Mb, SK_Kb #define ALT_WINFLGS DEF_WINFLGS #define ALT_GRAPHS2 0, 0 #else #define DEF_WINFLGS ( View_LOADAV | View_STATES | View_MEMORY | Show_CMDLIN \ | Show_COLORS | Show_FOREST | Show_HIROWS | Show_IDLEPS | Show_JRNUMS | Show_TASKON \ | Qsrt_NORMAL ) #define DEF_GRAPHS2 1, 2 #define DEF_SCALES2 SK_Gb, SK_Mb #define ALT_WINFLGS (DEF_WINFLGS | Show_HIBOLD) & ~Show_FOREST #define ALT_GRAPHS2 2, 0 #endif /* These are used to direct wins_reflag */ enum reflag_enum { Flags_TOG, Flags_SET, Flags_OFF }; /* These are used to direct win_warn */ enum warn_enum { Warn_ALT, Warn_VIZ }; /* This type helps support both a window AND the rcfile */ typedef struct RCW_t { // the 'window' portion of an rcfile int sortindx, // sort field (represented as procflag) winflags, // 'view', 'show' and 'sort' mode flags maxtasks, // user requested maximum, 0 equals all graph_cpus, // 't' - View_STATES supplementary vals graph_mems, // 'm' - View_MEMORY supplememtary vals summclr, // a colors 'number' used for summ info msgsclr, // " in msgs/pmts headclr, // " in cols head taskclr; // " in task rows char winname [WINNAMSIZ], // name for the window, user changeable fieldscur [PFLAGSSIZ]; // the fields for display & their order } RCW_t; /* This represents the complete rcfile */ typedef struct RCF_t { char id; // rcfile version id int mode_altscr; // 'A' - Alt display mode (multi task windows) int mode_irixps; // 'I' - Irix vs. Solaris mode (SMP-only) float delay_time; // 'd'/'s' - How long to sleep twixt updates int win_index; // Curwin, as index RCW_t win [GROUPSMAX]; // a 'WIN_t.rc' for each window int fixed_widest; // 'X' - wider non-scalable col addition int summ_mscale; // 'E' - scaling of summary memory values int task_mscale; // 'e' - scaling of process memory values int zero_suppress; // '0' - suppress scaled zeros toggle } RCF_t; /* This structure stores configurable information for each window. By expending a little effort in its creation and user requested maintenance, the only real additional per frame cost of having windows is an extra sort -- but that's just on pointers! */ typedef struct WIN_t { FLG_t pflgsall [PFLAGSSIZ], // all 'active/on' fieldscur, as enum procflgs [PFLAGSSIZ]; // fieldscur subset, as enum RCW_t rc; // stuff that gets saved in the rcfile int winnum, // a window's number (array pos + 1) winlines, // current task window's rows (volatile) maxpflgs, // number of displayed procflgs ("on" in fieldscur) totpflgs, // total of displayable procflgs in pflgsall array begpflg, // scrolled beginning pos into pflgsall array endpflg, // scrolled ending pos into pflgsall array begtask, // scrolled beginning pos into total tasks begnext, // new scrolled delta for next frame's begtask #ifndef SCROLLVAR_NO varcolbeg, // scrolled position within variable width col #endif varcolsz, // max length of variable width column(s) usrseluid, // validated uid for 'u/U' user selection usrseltyp, // the basis for matching above uid usrselflg, // flag denoting include/exclude matches hdrcaplen; // column header xtra caps len, if any char capclr_sum [CLRBUFSIZ], // terminfo strings built from capclr_msg [CLRBUFSIZ], // RCW_t colors (& rebuilt too), capclr_pmt [CLRBUFSIZ], // but NO recurring costs ! capclr_hdr [CLRBUFSIZ], // note: sum, msg and pmt strs capclr_rowhigh [CLRBUFSIZ], // are only used when this capclr_rownorm [CLRBUFSIZ], // window is the 'Curwin'! cap_bold [CAPBUFSIZ], // support for View_NOBOLD toggle grpname [GRPNAMSIZ], // window number:name, printable #ifdef USE_X_COLHDR columnhdr [ROWMINSIZ], // column headings for procflgs #else columnhdr [SCREENMAX], // column headings for procflgs #endif *captab [CAPTABMAX]; // captab needed by show_special() struct osel_s *osel_1st; // other selection criteria anchor int osel_tot; // total of other selection criteria char *findstr; // window's current/active search string int findlen; // above's strlen, without call overhead struct pids_stack **ppt; // this window's stacks ptr array struct WIN_t *next, // next window in window stack *prev; // prior window in window stack } WIN_t; // Used to test/manipulate the window flags #define CHKw(q,f) (int)((q)->rc.winflags & (f)) #define TOGw(q,f) (q)->rc.winflags ^= (f) #define SETw(q,f) (q)->rc.winflags |= (f) #define OFFw(q,f) (q)->rc.winflags &= ~(f) #define ALTCHKw (Rc.mode_altscr ? 1 : win_warn(Warn_ALT)) #define VIZISw(q) (!Rc.mode_altscr || CHKw(q,Show_TASKON)) #define VIZCHKw(q) (VIZISw(q)) ? 1 : win_warn(Warn_VIZ) #define VIZTOGw(q,f) (VIZISw(q)) ? TOGw(q,(f)) : win_warn(Warn_VIZ) // Used to test/manipulte fieldscur values #define FLDon(c) ((c) |= 0x80) #define FLDget(q,i) ((FLG_t)((q)->rc.fieldscur[i] & 0x7f) - FLD_OFFSET) #define FLDtog(q,i) ((q)->rc.fieldscur[i] ^= 0x80) #define FLDviz(q,i) ((q)->rc.fieldscur[i] & 0x80) #define ENUviz(w,E) (NULL != memchr((w)->procflgs, E, (w)->maxpflgs)) #define ENUpos(w,E) ((int)((FLG_t*)memchr((w)->pflgsall, E, (w)->totpflgs) - (w)->pflgsall)) // Support for variable width columns (and potentially scrolling too) #define VARcol(E) (-1 == Fieldstab[E].width) #ifndef SCROLLVAR_NO #ifdef USE_X_COLHDR #define VARright(w) (1 == w->maxpflgs && VARcol(w->procflgs[0])) #else #define VARright(w) ((1 == w->maxpflgs && VARcol(w->procflgs[0])) || \ (3 == w->maxpflgs && EU_XON == w->procflgs[0] && VARcol(w->procflgs[1]))) #endif #define VARleft(w) (w->varcolbeg && VARright(w)) #define SCROLLAMT 8 #endif /* Special Section: end ------------------------------------------ */ /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /*###### Some Miscellaneous Macro definitions ##########################*/ /* Yield table size as 'int' */ #define MAXTBL(t) (int)(sizeof(t) / sizeof(t[0])) /* A null-terminating strncpy, assuming strlcpy is not available. ( and assuming callers don't need the string length returned ) */ #define STRLCPY(dst,src) { strncpy(dst, src, sizeof(dst)); dst[sizeof(dst) - 1] = '\0'; } /* Used to clear all or part of our Pseudo_screen */ #define PSU_CLREOS(y) memset(&Pseudo_screen[ROWMAXSIZ*y], '\0', Pseudo_size-(ROWMAXSIZ*y)) /* * The following three macros are used to 'inline' those portions of the * display process involved in formatting, while protecting against any * potential embedded 'millesecond delay' escape sequences. */ /** PUTT - Put to Tty (used in many places) . for temporary, possibly interactive, 'replacement' output . may contain ANY valid terminfo escape sequences . need NOT represent an entire screen row */ #define PUTT(fmt,arg...) do { \ char _str[ROWMAXSIZ]; \ snprintf(_str, sizeof(_str), fmt, ## arg); \ putp(_str); \ } while (0) /** PUFF - Put for Frame (used in only 3 places) . for more permanent frame-oriented 'update' output . may NOT contain cursor motion terminfo escapes . assumed to represent a complete screen ROW . subject to optimization, thus MAY be discarded */ #define PUFF(fmt,arg...) do { \ char _str[ROWMAXSIZ]; \ const int _len = snprintf(_str, sizeof(_str), fmt, ## arg); \ if (Batch) { \ char *_eol = _str + (_len < 0 ? 0 : (size_t)_len >= sizeof(_str) ? sizeof(_str)-1 : (size_t)_len); \ while (_eol > _str && _eol[-1] == ' ') _eol--; *_eol = '\0'; putp(_str); } \ else if (Pseudo_row >= 0 && Pseudo_row < Screen_rows) { \ char *_ptr = &Pseudo_screen[Pseudo_row++ * ROWMAXSIZ]; \ if (!strcmp(_ptr, _str)) putp("\n"); \ else { \ strcpy(_ptr, _str); \ putp(_ptr); } } \ } while (0) /** POOF - Pulled Out of Frame (used in only 1 place) . for output that is/was sent directly to the terminal but would otherwise have been counted as a Pseudo_row */ #define POOF(str,cap) do { \ putp(str); putp(cap); \ Pseudo_screen[Pseudo_row * ROWMAXSIZ] = '\0'; \ if (Pseudo_row + 1 < Screen_rows) ++Pseudo_row; \ } while (0) /* Orderly end, with any sort of message - see fmtmk */ #define debug_END(s) { \ void error_exit (const char *); \ fputs(Cap_clr_scr, stdout); \ error_exit(s); \ } /* A poor man's breakpoint, if he's too lazy to learn gdb */ #define its_YOUR_fault { *((char *)0) = '!'; } /*###### Display Support *Data* ########################################*/ /*###### Some Display Support *Data* ###################################*/ /* ( see module top_nls.c for the nls translatable data ) */ /* Configuration files support */ #define SYS_RCRESTRICT "/etc/toprc" #define SYS_RCDEFAULTS "/etc/topdefaultrc" #define RCF_EYECATCHER "Config File (Linux processes with windows)\n" #define RCF_PLUS_H "\\]^_`abcdefghij" #ifdef VER_J_RCFILE #define RCF_PLUS_J "klmnopqrstuvwxyz" #define RCF_VERSION_ID 'j' #else #define RCF_VERSION_ID 'i' #define RCF_PLUS_J "" #endif /* The default fields displayed and their order, if nothing is specified by the loser, oops user. note: any *contiguous* ascii sequence can serve as fieldscur characters as long as the initial value is coordinated with that specified for FLD_OFFSET ( we're providing for up to 86 fields currently, ) ( with just one escaped value, the '\' character ) */ #define FLD_OFFSET '%' // seq_fields "%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" #ifdef ORIG_TOPDEFS #define DEF_FIELDS "¥¨³´»½ÀÄ·º¹Å&')*+,-./012568<>?ABCFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[" RCF_PLUS_H RCF_PLUS_J #else #define DEF_FIELDS "¥&K¨³´»½@·º¹56ÄFÅ')*+,-./0128<>?ABCGHIJLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[" RCF_PLUS_H RCF_PLUS_J #endif /* Pre-configured windows/field groups */ #define JOB_FIELDS "¥¦¹·º(³´Ä»½@<§Å)*+,-./012568>?ABCFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[" RCF_PLUS_H RCF_PLUS_J #define MEM_FIELDS "¥º»<½¾¿ÀÁMBNÃD34·Å&'()*+,-./0125689FGHIJKLOPQRSTUVWXYZ[" RCF_PLUS_H RCF_PLUS_J #define USR_FIELDS "¥¦§¨ª°¹·ºÄÅ)+,-./1234568;<=>?@ABCFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[" RCF_PLUS_H RCF_PLUS_J // old top fields ( 'a'-'z' ) in positions 0-25 // other suse old top fields ( '{|' ) in positions 26-27 #define CVT_FIELDS "%&*'(-0346789:;<=>?@ACDEFGML)+,./125BHIJKNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[" #define CVT_FLDMAX 28 /* The default values for the local config file */ #define DEF_RCFILE { \ RCF_VERSION_ID, 0, 1, DEF_DELAY, 0, { \ { EU_CPU, DEF_WINFLGS, 0, DEF_GRAPHS2, \ COLOR_RED, COLOR_RED, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_RED, \ "Def", DEF_FIELDS }, \ { EU_PID, ALT_WINFLGS, 0, ALT_GRAPHS2, \ COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_CYAN, \ "Job", JOB_FIELDS }, \ { EU_MEM, ALT_WINFLGS, 0, ALT_GRAPHS2, \ COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_MAGENTA, \ "Mem", MEM_FIELDS }, \ { EU_UEN, ALT_WINFLGS, 0, ALT_GRAPHS2, \ COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_YELLOW, \ "Usr", USR_FIELDS } \ }, 0, DEF_SCALES2, 0 } /* Summary Lines specially formatted string(s) -- see 'show_special' for syntax details + other cautions. */ #define LOADAV_line "%s -%s\n" #define LOADAV_line_alt "%s~6 -%s\n" /*###### For Piece of mind #############################################*/ /* just sanity check(s)... */ #if defined(RECALL_FIXED) && defined(TERMIOS_ONLY) # error 'RECALL_FIXED' conflicts with 'TERMIOS_ONLY' #endif #if (LRGBUFSIZ < SCREENMAX) # error 'LRGBUFSIZ' must NOT be less than 'SCREENMAX' #endif #if defined(TERMIOS_ONLY) # warning 'TERMIOS_ONLY' disables input recall and makes man doc incorrect #endif #if defined(MEMGRAPH_OLD) # warning 'MEMGRAPH_OLD' will make the man document Section 2c. misleading #endif /*###### Some Prototypes (ha!) #########################################*/ /* These 'prototypes' are here exclusively for documentation purposes. */ /* ( see the find_string function for the one true required protoype ) */ /*------ Tiny useful routine(s) ----------------------------------------*/ //atic const char *fmtmk (const char *fmts, ...); //atic inline char *scat (char *dst, const char *src); //atic const char *tg2 (int x, int y); /*------ Exit/Interrput routines ---------------------------------------*/ //atic void at_eoj (void); //atic void bye_bye (const char *str); //atic void error_exit (const char *str); //atic void sig_abexit (int sig); //atic void sig_endpgm (int dont_care_sig); //atic void sig_paused (int dont_care_sig); //atic void sig_resize (int dont_care_sig); /*------ Special UTF-8 Multi-Byte support ------------------------------*/ /*atic char UTF8_tab[] = { ... } */ //atic inline int utf8_cols (const unsigned char *p, int n); //atic int utf8_delta (const char *str); //atic int utf8_embody (const char *str, int width); //atic const char *utf8_justify (const char *str, int width, int justr); //atic int utf8_proper_col (const char *str, int col, int tophysical); /*------ Misc Color/Display support ------------------------------------*/ //atic void capsmk (WIN_t *q); //atic void show_msg (const char *str); //atic int show_pmt (const char *str); //atic void show_scroll (void); //atic void show_special (int interact, const char *glob); /*------ Low Level Memory/Keyboard/File I/O support --------------------*/ //atic void *alloc_c (size_t num); //atic void *alloc_r (void *ptr, size_t num); //atic char *alloc_s (const char *str); //atic inline int ioa (struct timespec *ts); //atic int ioch (int ech, char *buf, unsigned cnt); //atic int iokey (int action); //atic char *ioline (const char *prompt); //atic int mkfloat (const char *str, float *num, int whole); //atic int readfile (FILE *fp, char **baddr, size_t *bsize, size_t *bread); /*------ Small Utility routines ----------------------------------------*/ //atic float get_float (const char *prompt); //atic int get_int (const char *prompt); //atic inline const char *hex_make (long num, int noz); //atic const char *user_certify (WIN_t *q, const char *str, char typ); /*------ Basic Formatting support --------------------------------------*/ //atic inline const char *justify_pad (const char *str, int width, int justr); //atic inline const char *make_chr (const char ch, int width, int justr); //atic inline const char *make_num (long num, int width, int justr, int col, int noz); //atic inline const char *make_str (const char *str, int width, int justr, int col); //atic inline const char *make_str_utf8 (const char *str, int width, int justr, int col); //atic const char *scale_mem (int target, unsigned long num, int width, int justr); //atic const char *scale_num (unsigned long num, int width, int justr); //atic const char *scale_pcnt (float num, int width, int justr); //atic const char *scale_tics (TIC_t tics, int width, int justr); /*------ Fields Management support -------------------------------------*/ /*atic struct Fieldstab[] = { ... } */ //atic void adj_geometry (void); //atic void build_headers (void); //atic void calibrate_fields (void); //atic void display_fields (int focus, int extend); //atic void fields_utility (void); //atic inline void widths_resize (void); //atic void zap_fieldstab (void); /*------ Library Interface ---------------------------------------------*/ //atic void cpus_refresh (void); //atic void procs_refresh (void); //atic void sysinfo_refresh (int forced); /*------ Inspect Other Output ------------------------------------------*/ //atic void insp_cnt_nl (void); #ifndef INSP_OFFDEMO //atic void insp_do_demo (char *fmts, int pid); #endif //atic void insp_do_file (char *fmts, int pid); //atic void insp_do_pipe (char *fmts, int pid); //atic inline int insp_find_ofs (int col, int row); //atic void insp_find_str (int ch, int *col, int *row); //atic void insp_mkrow_raw (int col, int row); //atic void insp_mkrow_utf8 (int col, int row); //atic void insp_show_pgs (int col, int row, int max); //atic int insp_view_choice (struct pids_stack *obj); //atic void inspection_utility (int pid); /*------ Other Filtering ------------------------------------------------*/ //atic const char *osel_add (WIN_t *q, int ch, char *glob, int push); //atic void osel_clear (WIN_t *q); //atic inline int osel_matched (const WIN_t *q, FLG_t enu, const char *str); /*------ Startup routines ----------------------------------------------*/ //atic void before (char *me); //atic int config_cvt (WIN_t *q); //atic int config_insp (FILE *fp, char *buf, size_t size); //atic int config_osel (FILE *fp, char *buf, size_t size); //atic const char *configs_file (FILE *fp, const char *name, float *delay); //atic int configs_path (const char *const fmts, ...); //atic void configs_reads (void); //atic void parse_args (char **args); //atic void whack_terminal (void); /*------ Windows/Field Groups support ----------------------------------*/ //atic void win_names (WIN_t *q, const char *name); //atic void win_reset (WIN_t *q); //atic WIN_t *win_select (int ch); //atic int win_warn (int what); //atic void wins_clrhlp (WIN_t *q, int save); //atic void wins_colors (void); //atic void wins_reflag (int what, int flg); //atic void wins_stage_1 (void); //atic void wins_stage_2 (void); //atic inline int wins_usrselect (const WIN_t *q, struct pids_stack *p); /*------ Forest View support -------------------------------------------*/ //atic void forest_adds (const int self, unsigned level); //atic void forest_begin (WIN_t *q); //atic inline const char *forest_colour (const WIN_t *q, struct pids_stack *p); /*------ Interactive Input Tertiary support ----------------------------*/ //atic inline int find_ofs (const WIN_t *q, const char *buf); //atic void find_string (int ch); //atic void help_view (void); //atic void other_filters (int ch); //atic void write_rcfile (void); /*------ Interactive Input Secondary support (do_key helpers) ----------*/ //atic void keys_global (int ch); //atic void keys_summary (int ch); //atic void keys_task (int ch); //atic void keys_window (int ch); //atic void keys_xtra (int ch); /*------ Main Screen routines ------------------------------------------*/ //atic void do_key (int ch); //atic void summary_hlp (struct stat_stack *this, const char *pfx); //atic void summary_show (void); //atic const char *task_show (const WIN_t *q, struct pids_stack *p); //atic void window_hlp (void); //atic int window_show (WIN_t *q, int wmax); /*------ Entry point plus two ------------------------------------------*/ //atic void frame_hlp (int wix, int max); //atic void frame_make (void); // int main (int dont_care_argc, char **argv); #endif /* _Itop */