dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT(free.c) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) dnl sets package name and version AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(procps,3.0) AC_SUBST(FLASK_LINUX) AC_ARG_ENABLE(flask,[ --enable-flask Enable Security-Enhanced Linux features], AC_DEFINE([FLASK_LINUX],1,[Use Security-Enhanced Linux features]),) dnl Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_LN_S AM_PROG_LIBTOOL dnl Checks for libraries. dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lc: #AC_CHECK_LIB(c, main) dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lefence: #AC_CHECK_LIB(efence, main) dnl Replace `main' with a function in -lproc: #AC_CHECK_LIB(proc, main) dnl Checks for header files. #AC_HEADER_DIRENT #AC_HEADER_STDC #AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT #AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h limits.h sys/ioctl.h sys/time.h unistd.h) dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. #AC_C_CONST #AC_TYPE_UID_T #AC_C_INLINE #AC_TYPE_PID_T #AC_TYPE_SIZE_T #AC_STRUCT_ST_RDEV #AC_HEADER_TIME #AC_STRUCT_TM dnl Checks for library functions. #AC_FUNC_GETPGRP #AC_PROG_GCC_TRADITIONAL #AC_HEADER_MAJOR #AC_FUNC_MMAP #AC_TYPE_SIGNAL #AC_FUNC_STRFTIME #AC_FUNC_VPRINTF #AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gettimeofday regcomp select strcspn strdup strerror strspn strstr strtod strtol strtoul uname) AC_SUBST(NCURSES_LIB) AC_CHECK_LIB(ncurses, initscr,NCURSES_LIB="-lncurses",AC_MSG_ERROR(Need ncurses to compile this program)) AC_OUTPUT(Makefile ps/Makefile proc/Makefile)