.\" (C) Copyright 2016 Craig Small .\" .\" %%%LICENSE_START(LGPL_2.1+) .\" This manual is free software; you can redistribute it and/or .\" modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public .\" License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either .\" version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. .\" .\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, .\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of .\" MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU .\" Lesser General Public License for more details. .\" .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public .\" License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software .\" Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA .\" %%%LICENSE_END .\" .TH PROCPS_PIDS_READ_OPEN 3 2016-04-19 "libproc-2" .\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the manpage. .\" .SH NAME procps_pids_read_open, procps_pids_read_next \- Load and iterate the PIDs information structure. .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .sp .BI "int procps_pids_read_open(struct procps_pidsinfo *" info ", enum pids_reap_type " which ");" .sp .BI "int procps_pids_read_next(struct procps_pidsinfo *" info ");" .sp .BI "int procps_pids_read_shut(struct procps_pidsinfo *" info ");" .sp Link with \fI\-lprocps\fP. .SH DESCRIPTION This trio of functions is one method of reading and iterating through the procps PIDS information. The info structure first needs to be initialised by .BR procps_pids_new (3). \fBprocps_pids_read_open()\fR is the function that will load the various files in the .BR proc (5) filesystem and fill the \fIinfo\fR structure with the parsed values. The function is able to parse only processes or also include threads, the option \fIwhich\fR can be set to \fBPROCPS_REAP_TASKS_ONLY\fR or \fBPROCPS_REAP_THREADS_TOO\fR to determine what is collected. Assuming that \fBprocps_pids_read_open()\fR returns successfully, a program can then iterate through a loop using \fBprocps_pids_read_next()\fR and using the accessor methods described in .BR libproc (3). One the loop has been completed or the information is no longer required, the function \fBprocps_pids_read_shut()\fR is used to free the information filled by \fBprocps_pids_read_open\fR. Note, the \fIinfo\fR structure is still allocated and requires .BR procps_pids_unref (3) to free \fIinfo\fR entirely. .SH RETURN VALUE \fBprocps_pids_read_open()\fR and \fBprocps_pids_read_shut()\fR returns 0 on success and one of the negative values below on failure. .PP \fBprocps_pids_read_next()\fR returns a pointer to struct pids_stack for the next process on success and NULL on failure. .TP .B -EINVAL One of the given parameters is incorrect. .TP .B -ENOMEM Unable to allocate memory for the structure. .B -1 Unable to parse the .BR proc (5) filesystem. .SH VERSIONS \fBprocps_pids_read_open()\fR, \fBprocps_pids_read_next()\fR and \fBprocps_pids_read_shut()\fR first appeared in libproc-2 version 0.0. .SH SEE ALSO .BR libproc (3), .BR procps_pids_new (3), .BR procps_pids_unref (3), .BR proc (5).