]> groupmod 8 System Management Commands shadow-utils &SHADOW_UTILS_VERSION; groupmod modify a group definition on the system groupmod options GROUP DESCRIPTION The groupmod command modifies the definition of the specified GROUP by modifying the appropriate entry in the group database. OPTIONS The options which apply to the groupmod command are: , GID The group ID of the given GROUP will be changed to GID. The value of GID must be a non-negative decimal integer. This value must be unique, unless the option is used. Values between 0 and 999 are typically reserved for system groups. Any files that have the old group ID and must continue to belong to GROUP, must have their group ID changed manually. , Display help message and exit. , NEW_GROUP The name of the group will be changed from GROUP to NEW_GROUP name. , When used with the option, allow to change the group GID to a non-unique value. , PASSWORD The encrypted password, as returned by crypt3 . Note: This option is not recommended because the password (or encrypted password) will be visible by users listing the processes. You should make sure the password respects the system's password policy. CONFIGURATION The following configuration variables in /etc/login.defs change the behavior of this tool: &MAX_MEMBERS_PER_GROUP; FILES /etc/group Group account information. /etc/gshadow Secure group account information. EXIT VALUES The groupmod command exits with the following values: 0 success 2 invalid command syntax 3 invalid argument to option 4 specified group doesn't exist 6 specified group doesn't exist 9 group name already in use 10 can't update group file SEE ALSO chfn1 , chsh1 , passwd1 , gpasswd8 , groupadd8 , groupdel8 , useradd8 , userdel8 , usermod8 .