# /etc/limits contains user resource limits. # See limits(5). # # Format: # # # default entry is '*' for username # # Valid flags are: # A: max address space (KB) # C: max core file size (KB) # D: max data size (KB) # F: maximum filesize (KB) # M: max locked-in-memory address space (KB) [only for root on Linux 2.0.x] # N: max number of open files # R: max resident set size (KB) [no effect on Linux 2.0.x] # S: max stack size (KB) # T: max CPU time (MIN) # U: max number of processes # L: max number of logins for this user # # Examples: # the default entry #* L2 D6144 R2048 S2048 U32 N32 F16384 T5 C0 # another way of suspending a user login #guest L0 # this account has no limits #sysadm -