
set timeout 2
expect_after default {puts "\nFAIL"; exit 1}

if {$argc != 3} {
	puts "usage: gpasswd.exp <run_user> <group> <user_prompt>"
	exit 1

set run_user    [lindex $argv 0]
set group       [lindex $argv 1]
set user_prompt [lindex $argv 3]

# First, switch to the testsuite user
# (otherwise, no password will be asked)
send_user "# switch to user '$run_user'\n"
send_user "# and expect a '$user_prompt' prompt\n"
spawn /bin/su $run_user

expect "$user_prompt"		;# Wait for the prompt

send_user "\n# make sure we are now '$run_user'"
send_user "\n# whoami should return '$run_user'"
send "\r"			;# restore the prompt for the logs
send "whoami\r"			;# Verify we are really testsuite

expect {
	timeout {
		puts "\ntimeout...FAIL"
		exit 1

expect "$user_prompt"			;# Wait for the prompt

send_user "\n\n"
send_user "# now change '$group' 's admins to 'root'\n"
send_user "# and expect a permission denied"
send "\r"			;# restore the prompt for the logs
send "gpasswd -A root $group\r"		;# Change the password
expect "gpasswd: Permission denied."	;# Not an admin

send_user "\n"
send_user "# expect prompt '$user_prompt'\n"

expect {
	# Wait for the new prompt
	"$user_prompt" {
		send "exit\r"
		expect "$ "
		puts "\nPASS"
		exit 0

puts "\ntimeout...FAIL"
exit 1