#include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "test_utils.h" #include "persistent-data/data-structures/btree_damage_visitor.h" #include "persistent-data/endian_utils.h" #include "persistent-data/space-maps/core.h" #include "persistent-data/transaction_manager.h" using namespace std; using namespace persistent_data; using namespace test; using namespace testing; //---------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { block_address const BLOCK_SIZE = 4096; block_address const NR_BLOCKS = 102400; block_address const SUPERBLOCK = 0; struct thing { thing(uint32_t x_ = 0, uint64_t y_ = 0) : x(x_), y(y_) { } bool operator ==(thing const &rhs) const { return (x == rhs.x) && (y == rhs.y); } uint32_t x; uint64_t y; }; struct thing_disk { le32 x; le64 y; }; struct thing_traits { typedef thing_disk disk_type; typedef thing value_type; typedef persistent_data::no_op_ref_counter ref_counter; static void unpack(thing_disk const &disk, thing &value) { value.x = to_cpu(disk.x); value.y = to_cpu(disk.y); } static void pack(thing const &value, thing_disk &disk) { disk.x = to_disk(value.x); disk.y = to_disk(value.y); } }; template class btree_layout : public btree::visitor { public: struct node_info { typedef boost::shared_ptr ptr; bool leaf; unsigned depth; unsigned level; block_address b; range keys; }; typedef btree_detail::node_location node_location; typedef btree tree; typedef boost::shared_ptr ptr; virtual bool visit_internal(node_location const &loc, typename tree::internal_node const &n) { record_node(false, loc, n); return true; } virtual bool visit_internal_leaf(node_location const &loc, typename tree::internal_node const &n) { record_node(true, loc, n); return true; } virtual bool visit_leaf(node_location const &loc, typename tree::leaf_node const &n) { record_node(true, loc, n); return true; } virtual void visit_complete() { } vector const &get_nodes() const { return nodes_; } node_info const &random_node() const { if (nodes_.empty()) throw runtime_error("no nodes in btree"); return *nodes_[::random() % nodes_.size()]; } private: // We rely on the visit order being depth first, lowest to highest. template void record_node(bool leaf, node_location const &loc, N const &n) { typename node_info::ptr ni(new node_info); ni->leaf = leaf; ni->depth = loc.depth; ni->level = loc.level; ni->b = n.get_location(); if (n.get_nr_entries()) ni->keys = range(n.key_at(0)); else { if (loc.key) ni->keys = range(*loc.key); else ni->keys = range(); } if (last_node_at_depth_.size() > loc.depth) { typename node_info::ptr &last = last_node_at_depth_[loc.depth]; last->keys.end_ = ni->keys.begin_; last_node_at_depth_[loc.depth] = ni; } else last_node_at_depth_.push_back(ni); nodes_.push_back(ni); } vector nodes_; vector last_node_at_depth_; }; class value_visitor_mock { public: MOCK_METHOD1(visit, void(thing const &)); }; class damage_visitor_mock { public: MOCK_METHOD1(visit, void(btree_detail::damage const &)); }; class BTreeDamageVisitorTests : public Test { public: BTreeDamageVisitorTests() : bm_(create_bm(NR_BLOCKS)), sm_(setup_core_map()), tm_(new transaction_manager(bm_, sm_)), tree_(new btree<1, thing_traits>(tm_, rc_)) { } space_map::ptr setup_core_map() { space_map::ptr sm(new core_map(NR_BLOCKS)); sm->inc(SUPERBLOCK); return sm; } void commit() { block_manager<>::write_ref superblock(bm_->superblock(SUPERBLOCK)); } void trash_block(block_address b) { ::test::zero_block(bm_, b); } void insert_values(unsigned nr) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < nr; i++) { uint64_t key[1] = {i}; thing value(i, i + 1234); tree_->insert(key, value); } } void expect_no_values() { EXPECT_CALL(value_visitor_, visit(_)).Times(0); } void expect_value_range(uint64_t begin, uint64_t end) { while (begin < end) { EXPECT_CALL(value_visitor_, visit(Eq(thing(begin, begin + 1234)))).Times(1); begin++; } } void expect_nr_values(unsigned nr) { expect_value_range(0, nr); } void expect_value(unsigned n) { EXPECT_CALL(value_visitor_, visit(Eq(thing(n, n + 1234)))).Times(1); } void expect_no_damage() { EXPECT_CALL(damage_visitor_, visit(_)).Times(0); } void expect_damage(unsigned level, range keys) { EXPECT_CALL(damage_visitor_, visit(Eq(damage(level, keys, "foo")))).Times(1); } typedef typename btree_layout<1, thing_traits>::node_info node_info; vector get_nodes() { btree_layout<1, thing_traits> layout; tree_->visit_depth_first(layout); return layout.get_nodes(); } unsigned node_index_of_nth_leaf(vector const &nodes, unsigned target) const { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) if (nodes[i]->leaf) { if (!target) break; else target--; } if (target) throw runtime_error("not that many leaf nodes"); return i; } unsigned get_nr_leaf_nodes(vector const &nodes) { unsigned nr_leaf = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) if (nodes[i]->leaf) nr_leaf++; return nr_leaf; } void run() { // We must commit before we do the test to ensure // all the block numbers and checksums are written // to the btree nodes. commit(); block_counter counter; btree_damage_visitor visitor(counter, value_visitor_, damage_visitor_); tree_->visit_depth_first(visitor); } with_temp_directory dir_; block_manager<>::ptr bm_; space_map::ptr sm_; transaction_manager::ptr tm_; thing_traits::ref_counter rc_; btree<1, thing_traits>::ptr tree_; value_visitor_mock value_visitor_; damage_visitor_mock damage_visitor_; }; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- TEST_F(BTreeDamageVisitorTests, visiting_an_empty_tree) { expect_no_values(); expect_no_damage(); run(); } TEST_F(BTreeDamageVisitorTests, visiting_a_tree_with_a_trashed_root) { trash_block(tree_->get_root()); expect_no_values(); expect_damage(0, range(0ull)); run(); } TEST_F(BTreeDamageVisitorTests, visiting_a_populated_tree_with_no_damage) { insert_values(10000); expect_nr_values(10000); expect_no_damage(); run(); } TEST_F(BTreeDamageVisitorTests, visiting_a_populated_tree_with_a_damaged_leaf_node) { insert_values(10000); commit(); vector const &nodes = get_nodes(); unsigned nr_leaf = get_nr_leaf_nodes(nodes); unsigned target = random() % nr_leaf; unsigned i = node_index_of_nth_leaf(nodes, target); typename node_info::ptr n = nodes[i]; trash_block(n->b); expect_value_range(0, *n->keys.begin_); expect_value_range(*n->keys.end_, 10000); expect_damage(0, n->keys); run(); } TEST_F(BTreeDamageVisitorTests, visiting_a_populated_tree_with_a_sequence_of_damaged_leaf_nodes) { insert_values(10000); commit(); vector const &nodes = get_nodes(); unsigned nr_leaf = get_nr_leaf_nodes(nodes); unsigned target = random() % (nr_leaf - 6); unsigned i = node_index_of_nth_leaf(nodes, target); block_address begin = *nodes[i]->keys.begin_, end; for (unsigned count = 0; count < 5 && i < nodes.size(); i++, count++) { typename node_info::ptr n = nodes[i]; if (n->leaf) { end = *n->keys.end_; trash_block(n->b); } } expect_value_range(0, begin); expect_value_range(end, 10000); expect_damage(0, range(begin, end)); run(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------