// Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file is part of the thin-provisioning-tools source. // // thin-provisioning-tools is free software: you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // thin-provisioning-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with thin-provisioning-tools. If not, see // . #include "base/error_state.h" #include "base/nested_output.h" #include "persistent-data/file_utils.h" #include "persistent-data/space-maps/core.h" #include "thin-provisioning/metadata.h" #include "thin-provisioning/metadata_checker.h" #include "thin-provisioning/metadata_counter.h" #include "thin-provisioning/superblock.h" using namespace boost; using namespace persistent_data; using namespace thin_provisioning; //---------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { class superblock_reporter : public superblock_detail::damage_visitor { public: superblock_reporter(nested_output &out) : out_(out), err_(NO_ERROR) { } virtual void visit(superblock_detail::superblock_corruption const &d) { out_ << "superblock is corrupt" << end_message(); { nested_output::nest _ = out_.push(); out_ << d.desc_ << end_message(); } err_ << FATAL; } base::error_state get_error() const { return err_; } private: nested_output &out_; error_state err_; }; //-------------------------------- class devices_reporter : public device_tree_detail::damage_visitor { public: devices_reporter(nested_output &out) : out_(out), err_(NO_ERROR) { } virtual void visit(device_tree_detail::missing_devices const &d) { out_ << "missing devices: " << d.keys_ << end_message(); { nested_output::nest _ = out_.push(); out_ << d.desc_ << end_message(); } err_ << FATAL; } error_state get_error() const { return err_; } private: nested_output &out_; error_state err_; }; //-------------------------------- class data_ref_counter : public mapping_tree_detail::mapping_visitor { public: data_ref_counter(space_map::ptr sm) : sm_(sm) { } virtual void visit(btree_path const &path, mapping_tree_detail::block_time const &bt) { sm_->inc(bt.block_); } private: space_map::ptr sm_; }; class mapping_reporter : public mapping_tree_detail::damage_visitor { public: mapping_reporter(nested_output &out) : out_(out), err_(NO_ERROR) { } virtual void visit(mapping_tree_detail::missing_devices const &d) { out_ << "missing all mappings for devices: " << d.keys_ << end_message(); { nested_output::nest _ = out_.push(); out_ << d.desc_ << end_message(); } err_ << FATAL; } virtual void visit(mapping_tree_detail::missing_mappings const &d) { out_ << "thin device " << d.thin_dev_ << " is missing mappings " << d.keys_ << end_message(); { nested_output::nest _ = out_.push(); out_ << d.desc_ << end_message(); } err_ << FATAL; } error_state get_error() const { return err_; } private: nested_output &out_; error_state err_; }; //-------------------------------- error_state examine_superblock(block_manager::ptr bm, block_address sb_location, nested_output &out) { out << "examining superblock" << end_message(); nested_output::nest _ = out.push(); superblock_reporter sb_rep(out); check_superblock(bm, sb_rep, sb_location); return sb_rep.get_error(); } error_state examine_devices_tree_(transaction_manager::ptr tm, superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, nested_output &out, bool ignore_non_fatal) { out << "examining devices tree" << end_message(); nested_output::nest _ = out.push(); devices_reporter dev_rep(out); device_tree dtree(*tm, sb.device_details_root_, device_tree_detail::device_details_traits::ref_counter()); check_device_tree(dtree, dev_rep, ignore_non_fatal); return dev_rep.get_error(); } error_state examine_top_level_mapping_tree_(transaction_manager::ptr tm, superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, nested_output &out, bool ignore_non_fatal) { out << "examining top level of mapping tree" << end_message(); nested_output::nest _ = out.push(); mapping_reporter mapping_rep(out); dev_tree dtree(*tm, sb.data_mapping_root_, mapping_tree_detail::mtree_traits::ref_counter(*tm)); check_mapping_tree(dtree, mapping_rep, ignore_non_fatal); return mapping_rep.get_error(); } error_state examine_mapping_tree_(transaction_manager::ptr tm, superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, nested_output &out, optional data_sm, bool ignore_non_fatal) { out << "examining mapping tree" << end_message(); nested_output::nest _ = out.push(); mapping_reporter mapping_rep(out); mapping_tree mtree(*tm, sb.data_mapping_root_, mapping_tree_detail::block_traits::ref_counter(tm->get_sm())); if (data_sm) { data_ref_counter dcounter(*data_sm); walk_mapping_tree(mtree, dcounter, mapping_rep, ignore_non_fatal); } else check_mapping_tree(mtree, mapping_rep, ignore_non_fatal); return mapping_rep.get_error(); } error_state examine_top_level_mapping_tree(transaction_manager::ptr tm, superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, nested_output &out, bool ignore_non_fatal) { error_state err = examine_devices_tree_(tm, sb, out, ignore_non_fatal); err << examine_top_level_mapping_tree_(tm, sb, out, ignore_non_fatal); return err; } error_state examine_mapping_tree(transaction_manager::ptr tm, superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, nested_output &out, optional data_sm, bool ignore_non_fatal) { error_state err = examine_devices_tree_(tm, sb, out, ignore_non_fatal); err << examine_mapping_tree_(tm, sb, out, data_sm, ignore_non_fatal); return err; } error_state compare_metadata_space_maps(space_map::ptr actual, block_counter const &expected, nested_output &out) { error_state err = NO_ERROR; block_address nr_blocks = actual->get_nr_blocks(); for (block_address b = 0; b < nr_blocks; b++) { ref_t c_actual = actual->get_count(b); ref_t c_expected = expected.get_count(b); if (c_actual != c_expected) { out << "metadata reference counts differ for block " << b << ", expected " << c_expected << ", but got " << c_actual << end_message(); err << (c_actual > c_expected ? NON_FATAL : FATAL); } } return err; } error_state collect_leaked_blocks(space_map::ptr actual, block_counter const &expected, std::set &leaked) { error_state err = NO_ERROR; block_address nr_blocks = actual->get_nr_blocks(); for (block_address b = 0; b < nr_blocks; b++) { ref_t c_actual = actual->get_count(b); ref_t c_expected = expected.get_count(b); if (c_actual == c_expected) continue; if (c_actual < c_expected) { err << FATAL; break; } // Theoretically, the ref-count of a leaked block // should be only one. Here a leaked ref-count of two // is allowed. if (c_expected || c_actual >= 3) err << NON_FATAL; else if (c_actual > 0) leaked.insert(b); } return err; } error_state clear_leaked_blocks(space_map::ptr actual, block_counter const &expected) { error_state err = NO_ERROR; std::set leaked; err << collect_leaked_blocks(actual, expected, leaked); if (err != NO_ERROR) return err; for (auto const &b : leaked) actual->set_count(b, 0); return err; } error_state check_metadata_space_map_counts(transaction_manager::ptr tm, superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, block_counter &bc, nested_output &out) { out << "checking space map counts" << end_message(); nested_output::nest _ = out.push(); if (!count_metadata(tm, sb, bc)) return FATAL; // Finally we need to check the metadata space map agrees // with the counts we've just calculated. space_map::ptr metadata_sm = open_metadata_sm(*tm, static_cast(&sb.metadata_space_map_root_)); return compare_metadata_space_maps(metadata_sm, bc, out); } error_state compare_space_maps(space_map::ptr actual, space_map::ptr expected, nested_output &out) { error_state err = NO_ERROR; auto nr_blocks = actual->get_nr_blocks(); if (expected->get_nr_blocks() != nr_blocks) { out << "internal error: nr blocks in space maps differ" << end_message(); err << FATAL; } else { for (block_address b = 0; b < nr_blocks; b++) { auto a_count = actual->get_count(b); auto e_count = expected->get_count(b); if (a_count != e_count) { out << "data reference counts differ for block " << b << ", expected " << e_count << ", but got " << a_count << end_message(); err << (a_count > e_count ? NON_FATAL : FATAL); } } } return err; } void print_info(transaction_manager::ptr tm, superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, nested_output &out) { out << "TRANSACTION_ID=" << sb.trans_id_ << "\n" << "METADATA_FREE_BLOCKS=" << tm->get_sm()->get_nr_free() << end_message(); } block_address mapping_root(superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, check_options const &opts) { return opts.override_mapping_root_ ? *opts.override_mapping_root_ : sb.data_mapping_root_; } //-------------------------------- class metadata_checker { public: metadata_checker(std::string const &path, check_options check_opts, output_options output_opts) : path_(path), options_(check_opts), out_(cerr, 2), info_out_(cout, 0), expected_rc_(true), // set stop on the first error err_(NO_ERROR) { if (output_opts == OUTPUT_QUIET) { out_.disable(); info_out_.disable(); } sb_location_ = get_superblock_location(); } void check() { block_manager::ptr bm = open_bm(path_, block_manager::READ_ONLY, !options_.use_metadata_snap_); err_ = examine_superblock(bm, sb_location_, out_); if (err_ == FATAL) { if (check_for_xml(bm)) out_ << "This looks like XML. thin_check only checks the binary metadata format." << end_message(); return; } transaction_manager::ptr tm = open_tm(bm, sb_location_); superblock_detail::superblock sb = read_superblock(bm, sb_location_); sb.data_mapping_root_ = mapping_root(sb, options_); print_info(tm, sb, info_out_); if (options_.sm_opts_ == check_options::SPACE_MAP_FULL) { // data block reference counting is disabled // until that there's a better solution in space // and time complexity space_map::ptr data_sm{open_disk_sm(*tm, &sb.data_space_map_root_)}; optional core_sm; err_ << examine_data_mappings(tm, sb, options_.data_mapping_opts_, out_, core_sm); if (err_ == FATAL) return; // if we're checking everything, and there were no errors, // then we should check the space maps too. err_ << examine_metadata_space_map(tm, sb, options_.sm_opts_, out_, expected_rc_); // verify ref-counts of data blocks if (err_ != FATAL && core_sm) err_ << compare_space_maps(data_sm, *core_sm, out_); } else err_ << examine_data_mappings(tm, sb, options_.data_mapping_opts_, out_, optional()); } bool fix_metadata_leaks() { if (!verify_preconditions_before_fixing()) { out_ << "metadata has not been fully examined" << end_message(); return false; } // skip if the metadata cannot be fixed, or there's no leaked blocks if (err_ == FATAL) return false; else if (err_ == NO_ERROR) return true; block_manager::ptr bm = open_bm(path_, block_manager::READ_WRITE); superblock_detail::superblock sb = read_superblock(bm, sb_location_); transaction_manager::ptr tm = open_tm(bm, sb_location_); persistent_space_map::ptr metadata_sm = open_metadata_sm(*tm, static_cast(&sb.metadata_space_map_root_)); tm->set_sm(metadata_sm); err_ = clear_leaked_blocks(metadata_sm, expected_rc_); if (err_ != NO_ERROR) return false; metadata_sm->commit(); metadata_sm->copy_root(&sb.metadata_space_map_root_, sizeof(sb.metadata_space_map_root_)); write_superblock(bm, sb); out_ << "fixed metadata leaks" << end_message(); return true; } bool clear_needs_check_flag() { if (!verify_preconditions_before_fixing()) { out_ << "metadata has not been fully examined" << end_message(); return false; } if (err_ != NO_ERROR) return false; block_manager::ptr bm = open_bm(path_, block_manager::READ_WRITE); superblock_detail::superblock sb = read_superblock(bm); if (!sb.get_needs_check_flag()) return true; sb.set_needs_check_flag(false); write_superblock(bm, sb); out_ << "cleared needs_check flag" << end_message(); return true; } bool get_status() const { if (options_.ignore_non_fatal_) return (err_ == FATAL) ? false : true; return (err_ == NO_ERROR) ? true : false; } private: block_address get_superblock_location() { block_address sb_location = superblock_detail::SUPERBLOCK_LOCATION; if (options_.use_metadata_snap_) { block_manager::ptr bm = open_bm(path_, block_manager::READ_ONLY, !options_.use_metadata_snap_); superblock_detail::superblock sb = read_superblock(bm, sb_location); sb_location = sb.metadata_snap_; if (sb_location == superblock_detail::SUPERBLOCK_LOCATION) throw runtime_error("No metadata snapshot found."); } return sb_location; } error_state examine_data_mappings(transaction_manager::ptr tm, superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, check_options::data_mapping_options option, nested_output &out, optional data_sm) { error_state err = NO_ERROR; switch (option) { case check_options::DATA_MAPPING_LEVEL1: err << examine_top_level_mapping_tree(tm, sb, out, options_.ignore_non_fatal_); break; case check_options::DATA_MAPPING_LEVEL2: err << examine_mapping_tree(tm, sb, out, data_sm, options_.ignore_non_fatal_); break; default: break; // do nothing } return err; } static error_state examine_metadata_space_map(transaction_manager::ptr tm, superblock_detail::superblock const &sb, check_options::space_map_options option, nested_output &out, block_counter &bc) { error_state err = NO_ERROR; switch (option) { case check_options::SPACE_MAP_FULL: err << check_metadata_space_map_counts(tm, sb, bc, out); break; default: break; // do nothing } return err; } bool verify_preconditions_before_fixing() const { if (options_.use_metadata_snap_ || !!options_.override_mapping_root_ || options_.sm_opts_ != check_options::SPACE_MAP_FULL || options_.data_mapping_opts_ != check_options::DATA_MAPPING_LEVEL2) return false; if (!expected_rc_.get_counts().size()) return false; return true; } std::string const &path_; check_options options_; nested_output out_; nested_output info_out_; block_address sb_location_; block_counter expected_rc_; base::error_state err_; // metadata state }; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- check_options::check_options() : use_metadata_snap_(false), data_mapping_opts_(DATA_MAPPING_LEVEL2), sm_opts_(SPACE_MAP_FULL), ignore_non_fatal_(false), fix_metadata_leaks_(false), clear_needs_check_(false) { } void check_options::set_superblock_only() { data_mapping_opts_ = DATA_MAPPING_NONE; sm_opts_ = SPACE_MAP_NONE; } void check_options::set_skip_mappings() { data_mapping_opts_ = DATA_MAPPING_LEVEL1; sm_opts_ = SPACE_MAP_NONE; } void check_options::set_override_mapping_root(block_address b) { override_mapping_root_ = b; } void check_options::set_metadata_snap() { use_metadata_snap_ = true; sm_opts_ = SPACE_MAP_NONE; } void check_options::set_ignore_non_fatal() { ignore_non_fatal_ = true; } void check_options::set_fix_metadata_leaks() { fix_metadata_leaks_ = true; } void check_options::set_clear_needs_check() { clear_needs_check_ = true; } bool check_options::check_conformance() { if (fix_metadata_leaks_ || clear_needs_check_) { if (ignore_non_fatal_) { cerr << "cannot perform fix by ignoring non-fatal errors" << endl; return false; } if (use_metadata_snap_) { cerr << "cannot perform fix within metadata snap" << endl; return false; } if (!!override_mapping_root_) { cerr << "cannot perform fix with an overridden mapping root" << endl; return false; } if (data_mapping_opts_ != DATA_MAPPING_LEVEL2 || sm_opts_ != SPACE_MAP_FULL) { cerr << "cannot perform fix without a full examination" << endl; return false; } } return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- bool thin_provisioning::check_metadata(std::string const &path, check_options const &check_opts, output_options output_opts) { metadata_checker checker(path, check_opts, output_opts); checker.check(); if (check_opts.fix_metadata_leaks_) checker.fix_metadata_leaks(); if (check_opts.fix_metadata_leaks_ || check_opts.clear_needs_check_) checker.clear_needs_check_flag(); return checker.get_status(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------