#include "transaction_manager.h" #include "core_map.h" #include "btree.h" #define BOOST_TEST_MODULE BTreeTests #include using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace persistent_data; //---------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { block_address const NR_BLOCKS = 102400; transaction_manager<4096>::ptr create_tm() { block_manager<4096>::ptr bm(new block_manager<4096>("./test.data", NR_BLOCKS)); space_map::ptr sm(new core_map(NR_BLOCKS)); transaction_manager<4096>::ptr tm(new transaction_manager<4096>(bm, sm)); return tm; } btree<1, uint64_traits, 4096>::ptr create_btree() { typename uint64_traits::ref_counter rc; return btree<1, uint64_traits, 4096>::ptr( new btree<1, uint64_traits, 4096>( create_tm(), rc)); } // Checks that a btree is well formed. // // i) No block should be in the tree more than once. // class constraint_visitor : public btree<1, uint64_traits, 4096>::visitor { public: void visit_internal(unsigned level, btree_detail::node_ref const &n) { check_duplicate_block(n.get_location()); } void visit_internal_leaf(unsigned level, btree_detail::node_ref const &n) { check_duplicate_block(n.get_location()); } void visit_leaf(unsigned level, btree_detail::node_ref const &n) { check_duplicate_block(n.get_location()); } private: void check_duplicate_block(block_address b) { if (seen_.count(b)) { ostringstream out; out << "duplicate block in btree: " << b; throw runtime_error(out.str()); } seen_.insert(b); } set seen_; }; void check_constraints(btree<1, uint64_traits, 4096>::ptr tree) { typedef btree<1, uint64_traits, 4096> tree_type; typename tree_type::visitor::ptr v(new constraint_visitor); tree->visit(v); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------- BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(empty_btree_contains_nothing) { auto tree = create_btree(); check_constraints(tree); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { uint64_t key[1] = {i}; BOOST_CHECK(!tree->lookup(key)); } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(insert_works) { unsigned const COUNT = 100000; auto tree = create_btree(); for (uint64_t i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { uint64_t key[1] = {i * 7}; uint64_t value = i; tree->insert(key, value); auto l = tree->lookup(key); BOOST_CHECK(l); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*l, i); } check_constraints(tree); } //----------------------------------------------------------------