(library ;; We can't call this (bcache bcache) because it'll clash with the C lib (bcache block-manager) (export with-bcache get-nr-blocks get-nr-locked get-block block-data block-index release-block flush-cache get-flags prefetch-block with-block spine spine-exit spine-step spine-current spine-parent with-spine) (import (chezscheme) (fmt fmt) (srfi s8 receive) (utils)) (define __ (load-shared-object "./bcache/bcache.so")) (define bcache-simple (foreign-procedure "bcache_simple" (string unsigned) ptr)) (define bcache-destroy (foreign-procedure "bcache_destroy" (ptr) void)) (define-syntax with-bcache (syntax-rules () ((_ (name path nr-cache-blocks) b1 b2 ...) (let ((name (bcache-simple path nr-cache-blocks))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #f) (lambda () b1 b2 ...) (lambda () (bcache-destroy name))))))) (define get-nr-blocks (foreign-procedure "get_nr_blocks" (ptr) unsigned-64)) (define get-nr-locked (foreign-procedure "get_nr_locked" (ptr) unsigned-64)) (define-enumeration get-flag-element (zero dirty barrier) get-flags) (define (build-flags es) (define (to-bits e) (case e ((zero) 1) ((dirty) 2) ((barrier) 4))) (define (combine fs e) (fxior fs (to-bits e))) (fold-left combine 0 (enum-set->list es))) (define (fail msg) (raise (condition (make-error) (make-message-condition msg)))) (define-ftype Block (struct (data void*) (index unsigned-64))) (define (block-data b) (ftype-ref Block (data) b)) (define (block-index b) (ftype-ref Block (index) b)) (define (get-block cache index flags) (define getb (foreign-procedure "get_block" (ptr unsigned-64 unsigned) (* Block))) (let ((b (getb cache index (build-flags flags)))) (if (ftype-pointer-null? b) (fail (fmt #f "unable to get block " index)) b))) (define release-block (foreign-procedure "release_block" ((* Block)) void)) (define (flush-cache cache) (define flush (foreign-procedure "flush_cache" (ptr) int)) (let ((r (flush cache))) (when (< 0 r) (fail "flush_cache failed")))) (define prefetch-block (foreign-procedure "prefetch_block" (ptr unsigned-64) void)) (define-syntax with-block (syntax-rules () ((_ (b cache index flags) b1 b2 ...) (let ((b (get-block cache index flags))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #f) (lambda () b1 b2 ...) (lambda () (release-block b))))))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Spine ;;;-------------------------------------------------------- (define-record-type spine (fields (mutable max) (mutable entries)) (protocol (lambda (new) (lambda (max) (new max '()))))) (define (spine-exit sp) (for-each release-block (spine-entries sp))) (define (pop-last xs) (let ((rs (reverse xs))) (values (car xs) (reverse (cdr xs))))) (define (spine-step% sp b) (if (> (length (spine-entries sp)) (spine-max sp)) (receive (oldest-b es) (pop-last (spine-entries sp)) (release-block oldest-b) (spine-entries-set! sp (cons b es))) (spine-entries-set! sp (cons b (spine-entries sp))))) (define (spine-current sp) (car (spine-entries sp))) (define (spine-parent sp) (cadr (spine-entries sp))) (define-syntax with-spine (syntax-rules () ((_ (sp max) b1 b2 ...) (let ((sp (make-spine max))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #f) (lambda () b1 b2 ...) (lambda () (spine-exit sp))))))) (define-syntax spine-step (syntax-rules () ((_ sp (b expr) b1 b2 ...) (begin (spine-step% sp expr) (let ((b (spine-current sp))) b1 b2 ...))))) )