use anyhow::Result; use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt::Display, io::prelude::*, io::BufReader, io::Write}; use quick_xml::events::attributes::Attribute; use quick_xml::events::{BytesEnd, BytesStart, Event}; use quick_xml::{Reader, Writer}; //--------------------------------------- #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Superblock { pub uuid: String, pub time: u64, pub transaction: u64, pub flags: Option, pub version: Option, pub data_block_size: u32, pub nr_data_blocks: u64, pub metadata_snap: Option, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Device { pub dev_id: u32, pub mapped_blocks: u64, pub transaction: u64, pub creation_time: u64, pub snap_time: u64, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Map { pub thin_begin: u64, pub data_begin: u64, pub time: u32, pub len: u64, } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Visit { Continue, Stop, } pub trait MetadataVisitor { fn superblock_b(&mut self, sb: &Superblock) -> Result; fn superblock_e(&mut self) -> Result; fn device_b(&mut self, d: &Device) -> Result; fn device_e(&mut self) -> Result; fn map(&mut self, m: &Map) -> Result; fn eof(&mut self) -> Result; } pub struct XmlWriter { w: Writer, } impl XmlWriter { pub fn new(w: W) -> XmlWriter { XmlWriter { w: Writer::new_with_indent(w, 0x20, 2), } } } fn mk_attr_<'a, T: Display>(n: T) -> Cow<'a, [u8]> { let str = format!("{}", n); Cow::Owned(str.into_bytes()) } fn mk_attr(key: &[u8], value: T) -> Attribute { Attribute { key, value: mk_attr_(value), } } const XML_VERSION: u32 = 2; impl MetadataVisitor for XmlWriter { fn superblock_b(&mut self, sb: &Superblock) -> Result { let tag = b"superblock"; let mut elem = BytesStart::owned(tag.to_vec(), tag.len()); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"uuid", sb.uuid.clone())); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"time", sb.time)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"transaction", sb.transaction)); if let Some(flags) = sb.flags { // FIXME: is this really a nr? elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"flags", flags)); } elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"version", XML_VERSION)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"data_block_size", sb.data_block_size)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"nr_data_blocks", sb.nr_data_blocks)); if let Some(snap) = sb.metadata_snap { elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"metadata_snap", snap)); } self.w.write_event(Event::Start(elem))?; Ok(Visit::Continue) } fn superblock_e(&mut self) -> Result { self.w .write_event(Event::End(BytesEnd::borrowed(b"superblock")))?; Ok(Visit::Continue) } fn device_b(&mut self, d: &Device) -> Result { let tag = b"device"; let mut elem = BytesStart::owned(tag.to_vec(), tag.len()); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"dev_id", d.dev_id)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"mapped_blocks", d.mapped_blocks)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"transaction", d.transaction)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"creation_time", d.creation_time)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"snap_time", d.snap_time)); self.w.write_event(Event::Start(elem))?; Ok(Visit::Continue) } fn device_e(&mut self) -> Result { self.w .write_event(Event::End(BytesEnd::borrowed(b"device")))?; Ok(Visit::Continue) } fn map(&mut self, m: &Map) -> Result { match m.len { 1 => { let tag = b"single_mapping"; let mut elem = BytesStart::owned(tag.to_vec(), tag.len()); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"origin_block", m.thin_begin)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"data_block", m.data_begin)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"time", m.time)); self.w.write_event(Event::Empty(elem))?; } _ => { let tag = b"range_mapping"; let mut elem = BytesStart::owned(tag.to_vec(), tag.len()); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"origin_begin", m.thin_begin)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"data_begin", m.data_begin)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"length", m.len)); elem.push_attribute(mk_attr(b"time", m.time)); self.w.write_event(Event::Empty(elem))?; } } Ok(Visit::Continue) } fn eof(&mut self) -> Result { let w = self.w.inner(); w.flush()?; Ok(Visit::Continue) } } //--------------------------------------- // FIXME: nasty unwraps fn string_val(kv: &Attribute) -> String { let v = kv.unescaped_value().unwrap(); let bytes = v.to_vec(); String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap() } // FIXME: there's got to be a way of doing this without copying the string fn u64_val(kv: &Attribute) -> Result { let n = string_val(kv).parse::()?; Ok(n) } fn u32_val(kv: &Attribute) -> Result { let n = string_val(kv).parse::()?; Ok(n) } fn bad_attr(_tag: &str, _attr: &[u8]) -> Result { todo!(); } fn missing_attr(_tag: &str, _attr: &str) -> Result { todo!(); } fn check_attr(tag: &str, name: &str, maybe_v: Option) -> Result { match maybe_v { None => missing_attr(tag, name), Some(v) => Ok(v), } } fn parse_superblock(e: &BytesStart) -> Result { let mut uuid: Option = None; let mut time: Option = None; let mut transaction: Option = None; let mut flags: Option = None; let mut version: Option = None; let mut data_block_size: Option = None; let mut nr_data_blocks: Option = None; let mut metadata_snap: Option = None; for a in e.attributes() { let kv = a.unwrap(); match kv.key { b"uuid" => uuid = Some(string_val(&kv)), b"time" => time = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"transaction" => transaction = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"flags" => flags = Some(u32_val(&kv)?), b"version" => version = Some(u32_val(&kv)?), b"data_block_size" => data_block_size = Some(u32_val(&kv)?), b"nr_data_blocks" => nr_data_blocks = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"metadata_snap" => metadata_snap = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), _ => return bad_attr("superblock", kv.key), } } let tag = "superblock"; Ok(Superblock { uuid: check_attr(tag, "uuid", uuid)?, time: check_attr(tag, "time", time)?, transaction: check_attr(tag, "transaction", transaction)?, flags, version, data_block_size: check_attr(tag, "data_block_size", data_block_size)?, nr_data_blocks: check_attr(tag, "nr_data_blocks", nr_data_blocks)?, metadata_snap, }) } fn parse_device(e: &BytesStart) -> Result { let mut dev_id: Option = None; let mut mapped_blocks: Option = None; let mut transaction: Option = None; let mut creation_time: Option = None; let mut snap_time: Option = None; for a in e.attributes() { let kv = a.unwrap(); match kv.key { b"dev_id" => dev_id = Some(u32_val(&kv)?), b"mapped_blocks" => mapped_blocks = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"transaction" => transaction = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"creation_time" => creation_time = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"snap_time" => snap_time = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), _ => return bad_attr("device", kv.key), } } let tag = "device"; Ok(Device { dev_id: check_attr(tag, "dev_id", dev_id)?, mapped_blocks: check_attr(tag, "mapped_blocks", mapped_blocks)?, transaction: check_attr(tag, "transaction", transaction)?, creation_time: check_attr(tag, "creation_time", creation_time)?, snap_time: check_attr(tag, "snap_time", snap_time)?, }) } fn parse_single_map(e: &BytesStart) -> Result { let mut thin_begin: Option = None; let mut data_begin: Option = None; let mut time: Option = None; for a in e.attributes() { let kv = a.unwrap(); match kv.key { b"origin_block" => thin_begin = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"data_block" => data_begin = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"time" => time = Some(u32_val(&kv)?), _ => return bad_attr("single_mapping", kv.key), } } let tag = "single_mapping"; Ok(Map { thin_begin: check_attr(tag, "origin_block", thin_begin)?, data_begin: check_attr(tag, "data_block", data_begin)?, time: check_attr(tag, "time", time)?, len: 1, }) } fn parse_range_map(e: &BytesStart) -> Result { let mut thin_begin: Option = None; let mut data_begin: Option = None; let mut time: Option = None; let mut length: Option = None; for a in e.attributes() { let kv = a.unwrap(); match kv.key { b"origin_begin" => thin_begin = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"data_begin" => data_begin = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), b"time" => time = Some(u32_val(&kv)?), b"length" => length = Some(u64_val(&kv)?), _ => return bad_attr("range_mapping", kv.key), } } let tag = "range_mapping"; Ok(Map { thin_begin: check_attr(tag, "origin_begin", thin_begin)?, data_begin: check_attr(tag, "data_begin", data_begin)?, time: check_attr(tag, "time", time)?, len: check_attr(tag, "length", length)?, }) } fn handle_event(reader: &mut Reader, buf: &mut Vec, visitor: &mut M) -> Result where R: Read + BufRead, M: MetadataVisitor, { match reader.read_event(buf) { Ok(Event::Start(ref e)) => match { b"superblock" => visitor.superblock_b(&parse_superblock(e)?), b"device" => visitor.device_b(&parse_device(e)?), _ => todo!(), }, Ok(Event::End(ref e)) => match { b"superblock" => visitor.superblock_e(), b"device" => visitor.device_e(), _ => todo!(), }, Ok(Event::Empty(ref e)) => match { b"single_mapping" =>, b"range_mapping" =>, _ => todo!(), }, Ok(Event::Text(_)) => Ok(Visit::Continue), Ok(Event::Comment(_)) => Ok(Visit::Continue), Ok(Event::Eof) => { visitor.eof()?; Ok(Visit::Stop) } Ok(_) => todo!(), // FIXME: don't panic! Err(e) => panic!("error parsing xml {:?}", e), } } pub fn read(input: R, visitor: &mut M) -> Result<()> where R: Read, M: MetadataVisitor, { let input = BufReader::new(input); let mut reader = Reader::from_reader(input); reader.trim_text(true); let mut buf = Vec::new(); loop { match handle_event(&mut reader, &mut buf, visitor)? { Visit::Continue => {} Visit::Stop => break, } } Ok(()) } //--------------------------------------- struct SBVisitor { superblock: Option, } impl MetadataVisitor for SBVisitor { fn superblock_b(&mut self, sb: &Superblock) -> Result { self.superblock = Some(sb.clone()); Ok(Visit::Stop) } fn superblock_e(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(Visit::Continue) } fn device_b(&mut self, _d: &Device) -> Result { Ok(Visit::Continue) } fn device_e(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(Visit::Continue) } fn map(&mut self, _m: &Map) -> Result { Ok(Visit::Continue) } fn eof(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(Visit::Stop) } } pub fn read_superblock(input: R) -> Result where R: Read, { let mut v = SBVisitor {superblock: None}; read(input, &mut v)?; Ok(v.superblock.unwrap()) } //---------------------------------------