use io_uring::opcode::{self, types}; use io_uring::IoUring; use safemem::write_bytes; use std::alloc::{alloc, dealloc, Layout}; use std::fs::File; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::io::Result; use std::io::{self, Read, Seek, Write}; use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut}; use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt; use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, RawFd}; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::{Arc, Condvar, Mutex}; use crate::file_utils; //------------------------------------------ pub const BLOCK_SIZE: usize = 4096; pub const SECTOR_SHIFT: usize = 9; const ALIGN: usize = 4096; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Block { pub loc: u64, data: *mut u8, } impl Block { // Creates a new block that corresponds to the given location. The // memory is not initialised. pub fn new(loc: u64) -> Block { let layout = Layout::from_size_align(BLOCK_SIZE, ALIGN).unwrap(); let ptr = unsafe { alloc(layout) }; assert!(!ptr.is_null(), "out of memory"); Block { loc, data: ptr } } pub fn zeroed(loc: u64) -> Block { let r = Self::new(loc); write_bytes(r.get_data(), 0); r } pub fn get_data<'a>(&self) -> &'a mut [u8] { unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut::<'a>(, BLOCK_SIZE) } } pub fn zero(&mut self) { unsafe { std::ptr::write_bytes(, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } } } impl Drop for Block { fn drop(&mut self) { let layout = Layout::from_size_align(BLOCK_SIZE, ALIGN).unwrap(); unsafe { dealloc(, layout); } } } unsafe impl Send for Block {} //------------------------------------------ pub trait IoEngine { fn get_nr_blocks(&self) -> u64; fn get_batch_size(&self) -> usize; fn read(&self, b: u64) -> Result; // The whole io could fail, or individual blocks fn read_many(&self, blocks: &[u64]) -> Result>>; fn write(&self, block: &Block) -> Result<()>; // The whole io could fail, or individual blocks fn write_many(&self, blocks: &[Block]) -> Result>>; } fn get_nr_blocks(path: &Path) -> io::Result { Ok(file_utils::file_size(path)? / (BLOCK_SIZE as u64)) } //------------------------------------------ pub struct SyncIoEngine { nr_blocks: u64, files: Mutex>, cvar: Condvar, } struct FileGuard<'a> { engine: &'a SyncIoEngine, file: Option, } impl<'a> FileGuard<'a> { fn new(engine: &'a SyncIoEngine, file: File) -> FileGuard<'a> { FileGuard { engine, file: Some(file), } } } impl<'a> Deref for FileGuard<'a> { type Target = File; fn deref(&self) -> &File { self.file.as_ref().expect("empty file guard") } } impl<'a> DerefMut for FileGuard<'a> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut File { match &mut self.file { None => { todo!(); } Some(f) => f, } } } impl<'a> Drop for FileGuard<'a> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.engine.put(self.file.take().expect("empty file guard")); } } impl SyncIoEngine { fn open_file(path: &Path, writable: bool, excl: bool) -> Result { let file = OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .write(writable) .custom_flags(if excl { libc::O_EXCL } else { 0 }) .open(path)?; Ok(file) } pub fn new(path: &Path, nr_files: usize, writable: bool) -> Result { SyncIoEngine::new_with(path, nr_files, writable, true) } pub fn new_with( path: &Path, nr_files: usize, writable: bool, excl: bool, ) -> Result { let nr_blocks = get_nr_blocks(path)?; // check file mode eariler let mut files = Vec::with_capacity(nr_files); for _n in 0..nr_files { files.push(SyncIoEngine::open_file(path, writable, excl)?); } Ok(SyncIoEngine { nr_blocks, files: Mutex::new(files), cvar: Condvar::new(), }) } fn get(&self) -> FileGuard { let mut files = self.files.lock().unwrap(); while files.len() == 0 { files = self.cvar.wait(files).unwrap(); } FileGuard::new(self, files.pop().unwrap()) } fn put(&self, f: File) { let mut files = self.files.lock().unwrap(); files.push(f); self.cvar.notify_one(); } fn read_(input: &mut File, loc: u64) -> Result { let b = Block::new(loc); * BLOCK_SIZE as u64))?; input.read_exact(b.get_data())?; Ok(b) } fn write_(output: &mut File, b: &Block) -> Result<()> { * BLOCK_SIZE as u64))?; output.write_all(b.get_data())?; Ok(()) } } impl IoEngine for SyncIoEngine { fn get_nr_blocks(&self) -> u64 { self.nr_blocks } fn get_batch_size(&self) -> usize { 1 } fn read(&self, loc: u64) -> Result { SyncIoEngine::read_(&mut self.get(), loc) } fn read_many(&self, blocks: &[u64]) -> Result>> { let mut input = self.get(); let mut bs = Vec::new(); for b in blocks { bs.push(SyncIoEngine::read_(&mut input, *b)); } Ok(bs) } fn write(&self, b: &Block) -> Result<()> { SyncIoEngine::write_(&mut self.get(), b) } fn write_many(&self, blocks: &[Block]) -> Result>> { let mut output = self.get(); let mut bs = Vec::new(); for b in blocks { bs.push(SyncIoEngine::write_(&mut output, b)); } Ok(bs) } } //------------------------------------------ pub struct AsyncIoEngine_ { queue_len: u32, ring: IoUring, nr_blocks: u64, fd: RawFd, input: Arc, } pub struct AsyncIoEngine { inner: Mutex, } impl AsyncIoEngine { pub fn new(path: &Path, queue_len: u32, writable: bool) -> Result { AsyncIoEngine::new_with(path, queue_len, writable, true) } pub fn new_with( path: &Path, queue_len: u32, writable: bool, excl: bool, ) -> Result { let nr_blocks = get_nr_blocks(path)?; // check file mode earlier let mut flags = libc::O_DIRECT; if excl { flags |= libc::O_EXCL; } let input = OpenOptions::new() .read(true) .write(writable) .custom_flags(flags) .open(path)?; Ok(AsyncIoEngine { inner: Mutex::new(AsyncIoEngine_ { queue_len, ring: IoUring::new(queue_len)?, nr_blocks, fd: input.as_raw_fd(), input: Arc::new(input), }), }) } // FIXME: refactor next two fns fn read_many_(&self, blocks: Vec) -> Result>> { use std::io::*; let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap(); let count = blocks.len(); let fd_inner = inner.input.as_raw_fd(); for (i, b) in blocks.iter().enumerate() { let read_e = opcode::Read::new(types::Fd(fd_inner),, BLOCK_SIZE as u32) .offset(b.loc as i64 * BLOCK_SIZE as i64); unsafe { let mut queue = inner.ring.submission().available(); queue .push( as u64)) .ok() .expect("queue is full"); } } inner.ring.submit_and_wait(count)?; let mut cqes = inner.ring.completion().available().collect::>(); if cqes.len() != count { return Err(Error::new( ErrorKind::Other, "insufficient io_uring completions", )); } // reorder cqes cqes.sort_by(|a, b| a.user_data().partial_cmp(&b.user_data()).unwrap()); let mut rs = Vec::new(); for (i, b) in blocks.into_iter().enumerate() { let c = &cqes[i]; let r = c.result(); if r < 0 { let error = Error::from_raw_os_error(-r); rs.push(Err(error)); } else if c.result() != BLOCK_SIZE as i32 { rs.push(Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "short read"))); } else { rs.push(Ok(b)); } } Ok(rs) } fn write_many_(&self, blocks: &[Block]) -> Result>> { use std::io::*; let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap(); let count = blocks.len(); let fd_inner = inner.input.as_raw_fd(); for (i, b) in blocks.iter().enumerate() { let write_e = opcode::Write::new(types::Fd(fd_inner),, BLOCK_SIZE as u32) .offset(b.loc as i64 * BLOCK_SIZE as i64); unsafe { let mut queue = inner.ring.submission().available(); queue .push( as u64)) .ok() .expect("queue is full"); } } inner.ring.submit_and_wait(count)?; let mut cqes = inner.ring.completion().available().collect::>(); // reorder cqes cqes.sort_by(|a, b| a.user_data().partial_cmp(&b.user_data()).unwrap()); let mut rs = Vec::new(); for c in cqes { let r = c.result(); if r < 0 { let error = Error::from_raw_os_error(-r); rs.push(Err(error)); } else if r != BLOCK_SIZE as i32 { rs.push(Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "short write"))); } else { rs.push(Ok(())); } } Ok(rs) } } impl Clone for AsyncIoEngine { fn clone(&self) -> AsyncIoEngine { let inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap(); eprintln!("in clone, queue_len = {}", inner.queue_len); AsyncIoEngine { inner: Mutex::new(AsyncIoEngine_ { queue_len: inner.queue_len, ring: IoUring::new(inner.queue_len).expect("couldn't create uring"), nr_blocks: inner.nr_blocks, fd: inner.fd, input: inner.input.clone(), }), } } } impl IoEngine for AsyncIoEngine { fn get_nr_blocks(&self) -> u64 { let inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap(); inner.nr_blocks } fn get_batch_size(&self) -> usize { self.inner.lock().unwrap().queue_len as usize } fn read(&self, b: u64) -> Result { let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap(); let fd = types::Fd(inner.input.as_raw_fd()); let b = Block::new(b); let read_e = opcode::Read::new(fd,, BLOCK_SIZE as u32) .offset(b.loc as i64 * BLOCK_SIZE as i64); unsafe { let mut queue = inner.ring.submission().available(); queue .push( .ok() .expect("queue is full"); } inner.ring.submit_and_wait(1)?; let cqes = inner.ring.completion().available().collect::>(); let r = cqes[0].result(); use std::io::*; if r < 0 { let error = Error::from_raw_os_error(-r); Err(error) } else if r != BLOCK_SIZE as i32 { Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "short write")) } else { Ok(b) } } fn read_many(&self, blocks: &[u64]) -> Result>> { let inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap(); let queue_len = inner.queue_len as usize; drop(inner); let mut results = Vec::new(); for cs in blocks.chunks(queue_len) { let mut bs = Vec::new(); for b in cs { bs.push(Block::new(*b)); } results.append(&mut self.read_many_(bs)?); } Ok(results) } fn write(&self, b: &Block) -> Result<()> { let mut inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap(); let fd = types::Fd(inner.input.as_raw_fd()); let write_e = opcode::Write::new(fd,, BLOCK_SIZE as u32) .offset(b.loc as i64 * BLOCK_SIZE as i64); unsafe { let mut queue = inner.ring.submission().available(); queue .push( .ok() .expect("queue is full"); } inner.ring.submit_and_wait(1)?; let cqes = inner.ring.completion().available().collect::>(); let r = cqes[0].result(); use std::io::*; if r < 0 { let error = Error::from_raw_os_error(-r); Err(error) } else if r != BLOCK_SIZE as i32 { Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof, "short write")) } else { Ok(()) } } fn write_many(&self, blocks: &[Block]) -> Result>> { let inner = self.inner.lock().unwrap(); let queue_len = inner.queue_len as usize; drop(inner); let mut results = Vec::new(); let mut done = 0; while done != blocks.len() { let len = usize::min(blocks.len() - done, queue_len); results.append(&mut self.write_many_(&blocks[done..(done + len)])?); done += len; } Ok(results) } } //------------------------------------------