// Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. // // This file is part of the thin-provisioning-tools source. // // thin-provisioning-tools is free software: you can redistribute it // and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // thin-provisioning-tools is distributed in the hope that it will be // useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with thin-provisioning-tools. If not, see // . #include #include #include #include "version.h" #include "persistent-data/space-maps/core.h" #include "thin-provisioning/device_tree.h" #include "thin-provisioning/file_utils.h" #include "thin-provisioning/mapping_tree.h" #include "thin-provisioning/superblock.h" using namespace persistent_data; using namespace std; using namespace thin_provisioning; //---------------------------------------------------------------- namespace { class end_message {}; class nested_output { public: nested_output(ostream &out, unsigned step) : out_(out), step_(step), beginning_of_line_(true), indent_(0) { } template nested_output &operator <<(T const &t) { if (beginning_of_line_) { beginning_of_line_ = false; indent(); } out_ << t; return *this; } nested_output &operator <<(end_message const &m) { beginning_of_line_ = true; out_ << endl; return *this; } void inc_indent() { indent_ += step_; } void dec_indent() { indent_ -= step_; } struct nest { nest(nested_output &out) : out_(out) { out_.inc_indent(); } ~nest() { out_.dec_indent(); } nested_output &out_; }; nest push() { return nest(*this); } private: void indent() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < indent_; i++) out_ << ' '; } ostream &out_; unsigned step_; bool beginning_of_line_; unsigned indent_; }; //-------------------------------- enum error_state { NO_ERROR, NON_FATAL, // eg, lost blocks FATAL // needs fixing before pool can be activated }; error_state combine_errors(error_state lhs, error_state rhs) { switch (lhs) { case NO_ERROR: return rhs; case NON_FATAL: return (rhs == FATAL) ? FATAL : lhs; default: return lhs; } } //-------------------------------- block_manager<>::ptr open_bm(string const &path) { block_address nr_blocks = get_nr_blocks(path); typename block_io<>::mode m = block_io<>::READ_ONLY; return block_manager<>::ptr(new block_manager<>(path, nr_blocks, 1, m)); } transaction_manager::ptr open_tm(block_manager<>::ptr bm) { space_map::ptr sm(new core_map(bm->get_nr_blocks())); sm->inc(superblock_detail::SUPERBLOCK_LOCATION); transaction_manager::ptr tm(new transaction_manager(bm, sm)); return tm; } //-------------------------------- class superblock_reporter : public superblock_detail::damage_visitor { public: superblock_reporter(nested_output &out) : out_(out), err_(NO_ERROR) { } virtual void visit(superblock_detail::superblock_corruption const &d) { out_ << "superblock is corrupt" << end_message(); { auto _ = out_.push(); out_ << d.desc_ << end_message(); } err_ = combine_errors(err_, FATAL); } error_state get_error() const { return err_; } private: nested_output &out_; error_state err_; }; //-------------------------------- class devices_reporter : public device_tree_detail::damage_visitor { public: devices_reporter(nested_output &out) : out_(out), err_(NO_ERROR) { } virtual void visit(device_tree_detail::missing_devices const &d) { out_ << "missing devices: " << d.keys_ << end_message(); { auto _ = out_.push(); out_ << d.desc_ << end_message(); } err_ = combine_errors(err_, FATAL); } error_state get_error() const { return err_; } private: nested_output &out_; error_state err_; }; //-------------------------------- class mapping_reporter : public mapping_tree_detail::damage_visitor { public: mapping_reporter(nested_output &out) : out_(out) { } virtual void visit(mapping_tree_detail::missing_devices const &d) { out_ << "missing all mappings for devices: " << d.keys_ << end_message(); { auto _ = out_.push(); out_ << d.desc_ << end_message(); } err_ = combine_errors(err_, FATAL); } virtual void visit(mapping_tree_detail::missing_mappings const &d) { out_ << "thin device " << d.thin_dev_ << " is missing mappings " << d.keys_ << end_message(); { auto _ = out_.push(); out_ << d.desc_ << end_message(); } err_ = combine_errors(err_, FATAL); } private: nested_output &out_; error_state err_; }; //-------------------------------- struct flags { bool check_device_tree; bool check_mapping_tree_level1; bool check_mapping_tree_level2; }; error_state metadata_check(string const &path, flags fs) { block_manager<>::ptr bm = open_bm(path); nested_output out(cerr, 2); superblock_reporter sb_rep(out); devices_reporter dev_rep(out); mapping_reporter mapping_rep(out); out << "examining superblock" << end_message(); { auto _ = out.push(); check_superblock(bm, sb_rep); } if (sb_rep.get_error() == FATAL) return FATAL; superblock_detail::superblock sb = read_superblock(bm); transaction_manager::ptr tm = open_tm(bm); if (fs.check_device_tree) { out << "examining devices tree" << end_message(); { auto _ = out.push(); device_tree dtree(tm, sb.device_details_root_, device_tree_detail::device_details_traits::ref_counter()); check_device_tree(dtree, dev_rep); } } if (fs.check_mapping_tree_level1 && !fs.check_mapping_tree_level2) { out << "examining top level of mapping tree" << end_message(); { auto _ = out.push(); dev_tree dtree(tm, sb.data_mapping_root_, mapping_tree_detail::mtree_traits::ref_counter(tm)); check_mapping_tree(dtree, mapping_rep); } } else if (fs.check_mapping_tree_level2) { out << "examining mapping tree" << end_message(); { auto _ = out.push(); mapping_tree mtree(tm, sb.data_mapping_root_, mapping_tree_detail::block_traits::ref_counter(tm->get_sm())); check_mapping_tree(mtree, mapping_rep); } } return combine_errors(sb_rep.get_error(), dev_rep.get_error()); } int check(string const &path, flags fs) { error_state err; try { err = metadata_check(path, fs); } catch (std::exception &e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; return 1; } return (err == NO_ERROR) ? 0 : 1; } void usage(ostream &out, string const &cmd) { out << "Usage: " << cmd << " [options] {device|file}" << endl << "Options:" << endl << " {-q|--quiet}" << endl << " {-h|--help}" << endl << " {-V|--version}" << endl << " {--super-block-only}" << endl; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; flags fs; bool quiet = false; const char shortopts[] = "qhV"; const struct option longopts[] = { { "quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'}, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, { "super-block-only", no_argument, NULL, 1}, { "skip-mappings", no_argument, NULL, 2}, { NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0 } }; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'h': usage(cout, basename(argv[0])); return 0; case 'q': quiet = true; break; case 'V': cout << THIN_PROVISIONING_TOOLS_VERSION << endl; return 0; case 1: // super-block-only fs.check_device_tree = false; fs.check_mapping_tree_level1 = false; fs.check_mapping_tree_level2 = false; break; case 2: // skip-mappings fs.check_device_tree = true; fs.check_mapping_tree_level1 = true; fs.check_mapping_tree_level2 = false; break; default: usage(cerr, basename(argv[0])); return 1; } } if (argc == optind) { cerr << "No input file provided." << endl; usage(cerr, basename(argv[0])); exit(1); } return check(argv[optind], fs); }