(library (functional-tests) (export info temp-file temp-file-containing slurp-file temp-thin-xml run run-with-exit-code run-ok run-fail scenario scenarios add-scenario list-scenarios describe-scenarios define-scenario fail run-scenario run-scenarios) (import (chezscheme) (fmt fmt) (list-utils) (thin-xml) (srfi s8 receive) (only (srfi s1 lists) drop-while)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------- (define (vector-sort-by cmp key-fn v) (define (compare x y) (cmp (key-fn x) (key-fn y))) (vector-sort compare v)) (define (chomp line) (list->string (reverse (drop-while char-whitespace? (reverse (string->list line)))))) ;; FIXME: write a decent log library (define info-lines '()) (define (info . args) (set! info-lines (cons (apply fmt #f args) info-lines))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------- (define temp-file (let ((counter 0)) (lambda () (let loop () (let ((path (fmt #f (cat (dsp "/tmp/thinp-functional-tests-") (pad-char #\0 (pad/left 4 (num counter))))))) (set! counter (+ counter 1)) (if (file-exists? path) (loop) path)))))) ;; Creates a temporary file with the specified contents. (define (temp-file-containing contents) (let ((path (temp-file))) (with-output-to-file path (lambda () (put-string (current-output-port) contents))) path)) (define (slurp-file path) (define (slurp) (let ((output (get-string-all (current-input-port)))) (if (eof-object? output) output (chomp output)))) (with-input-from-file path slurp)) (define (temp-thin-xml) (temp-file-containing (fmt #f (generate-xml 10 1000)))) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Run a sub process and capture it's output. ;;; Ideally we'd use open-process-ports, but that loses us the exit code which ;;; we need for testing. So we use system, and redirect stderr and stdout to ;;; temporary files, and subsequently read them in. Messy, but fine for tests. (define (build-command-line cmd-and-args) (apply fmt #f (map dsp (intersperse " " cmd-and-args)))) (define (run . cmd-and-args) (let ((stdout-file (temp-file)) (stderr-file (temp-file))) (let ((cmd (fmt #f (dsp (build-command-line cmd-and-args)) (dsp " > ") (dsp stdout-file) (dsp " 2> ") (dsp stderr-file)))) (info (dsp "cmd: ") (dsp cmd)) (let ((exit-code (system cmd))) (values exit-code (slurp-file stdout-file) (slurp-file stderr-file)))))) (define (run-with-exit-code pred cmd-and-args) (receive (exit-code stdout stderr) (apply run cmd-and-args) (if (pred exit-code) (values stdout stderr) (begin (info (fmt #f (dsp "stdout: ") stdout)) (info (fmt #f (dsp "stderr: ") stderr)) (fail (fmt #f (dsp "unexpected exit code (") (num exit-code) (dsp ")"))))))) (define (run-ok . cmd-and-args) (run-with-exit-code zero? cmd-and-args)) (define (run-fail . cmd-and-args) (define (not-zero? x) (not (zero? x))) (run-with-exit-code not-zero? cmd-and-args)) ;;;-------------------------------------------------------------------- (define-record-type scenario (fields desc thunk)) (define scenarios (make-hashtable equal-hash equal?)) (define (add-scenario syms s) (hashtable-set! scenarios syms s)) (define (fmt-keys prev-keys keys) (define (fmt-keys% n keys) (if (null? keys) fmt-null (cat (space-to n) (dsp (car keys)) (if (null? (cdr keys)) fmt-null nl) (fmt-keys% (+ n 2) (cdr keys))))) (let loop ((n 0) (keys keys) (prev-keys prev-keys)) (if (and (not (null? keys)) (not (null? prev-keys)) (eq? (car keys) (car prev-keys))) (loop (+ n 2) (cdr keys) (cdr prev-keys)) (begin (if (zero? n) (cat nl (fmt-keys% n keys)) (fmt-keys% n keys)))))) (define (list-scenarios) (define (fmt-keys ks) (fmt #f (dsp ks))) (vector->list (vector-sort-by string