Feature: thin_rmap Scenario: print version (-V flag) When I run `thin_rmap -V` Then it should pass with: """ 0.1.5 """ Scenario: print version (--version flag) When I run `thin_rmap --version` Then it should pass with: """ 0.1.5 """ Scenario: print help When I run `thin_rmap --help` Then it should pass with: """ Usage: thin_rmap [options] {device|file} Options: {-h|--help} {-V|--version} {--region }* Where: is of the form .. for example 5..45 denotes blocks 5 to 44 inclusive, but not block 45 """ Scenario: print help When I run `thin_rmap -h` Then it should pass with: """ Usage: thin_rmap [options] {device|file} Options: {-h|--help} {-V|--version} {--region }* Where: is of the form .. for example 5..45 denotes blocks 5 to 44 inclusive, but not block 45 """ Scenario: Unrecognised option should cause failure When I run `thin_rmap --unleash-the-hedeghogs` Then it should fail