.TH THIN_DUMP 8 "Thin Provisioning Tools" "Red Hat, Inc." \" -*- nroff -*- .SH NAME thin_rmap \- output reverse map of a thin provisioned region of blocks from metadata device or file .SH SYNOPSIS .B thin_rmap .RB [options] .I {device|file} .SH DESCRIPTION .B thin_rmap outputs the reverse mapping stored in the metadata on a .I device or .I file between a region of thin provisioned pool blocks and the associated thin provisioned devices. .IP "\fB\\-\-region\fP \fI\fP". output reverse map .IP "\fB\-h, \-\-help\fP". Print help and exit. .IP "\fB\-V, \-\-version\fP". Output version information and exit. .SH EXAMPLES output reverse map for pool blocks 5..45 (denotes blocks 5 to 44 inclusive, but not block 45) .sp .B thin_rmap -r 5..45 /dev/vg/pool .SH DIAGNOSTICS .B thin_rmap returns an exit code of 0 for success or 1 for error. .SH SEE ALSO .B thin_check(8) .B thin_dump(8) .B thin_repair(8) .B thin_restore(8) .B thin_metadata_size(8) .SH AUTHOR Joe Thornber .br Heinz Mauelshagen