# # configuration # # uncomment and fill settings which you needed # debug mode # default - 0 # #debug=0|1 # overwrite initramfs # default - 0 # #force=0|1 # initramfs output path # # default - /tmp/initramfs-$kernel # example - output="/tmp/myinitramfs.img.gz" # #output="" # monolithic kernel # # default - 0 # enable this if you have monolithic kernel (builtin modules) # #monolith=0|1 # modules directory # # default - /lib/modules # example - moddir="/mnt/root/lib/modules" # #moddir="" # kernel version # # default - $(uname -r) # example - kernel="5.4.18_1" # #kernel="" # compression program # # default - gzip -9 # example - # compress="pigz -9" # compress="none" # disable compress # #compress="" # root # # supported - PARTUUID, DEVICE, LABEL, UUID # example - # root="/dev/sda1" # root="/dev/dm-0" # root="PARTUUID=35f923c5-083a-4950-a4da-e611d0778121" # #root="" # root type # # default - autodetected # example - root_type="btrfs" # #root_type="" # root options # example - see fstab(5) # #root_opts="" # device manager # supported - udev, mdev, mdevd # #devmgr="" # hostonly mode # # dramatically reduce initramfs size # useful only for modular kernels # #hostonly=0|1 # additional modules # example - modules="fat crc32c_generic" # #modules="" # exclude modules # example - modules_exclude="wmi fuse" # #modules_exclude="" # additional binaries # example - binaries="ls cat /path/to/mycustomprog" # #binaries="" # LVM support # default - 0 # #lvm=0|1 # LVM options # # supported - tag, name, group, config, discard # description - # tag - trigger lvm by tag # name - trigger lvm by logical volume name # group - trigger lvm by volume group name # config - embed host lvm config # discard - enable issue_discards # example - # lvm_opts="tag=lvm-server" # lvm_opts="name=lv1,group=vg1" # lvm_opts="config=1,discard" # lvm_opts="discard=1" # #lvm_opts="" # LUKS support # default - 0 # #luks=0|1 # LUKS encrypted root # # supported - PARTUUID, DEVICE, LABEL, UUID # example - # luks_root="/dev/sda1" # luks_root="PARTUUID=35f923c5-083a-4950-a4da-e611d0778121" # #luks_root="" # LUKS options # # supported - key, name, header, discard # description - # key - embed key # name - device mapper name # header - embed header # discard - enable allow-discards # example - # luks_opts="key=/path/to/keyfile,name=myluksroot,header=/path/to/header,discard" # luks_opts="discard=1" # #luks_opts=""