#!/bin/sh . ../lib/common.sh cleanup() { zpool export "$pool" || : qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0 || : rm -rf "$tmpdir" } command -v zfs > /dev/null || exit 222 set -ef trap cleanup EXIT INT devmgr=${DEVMGR:-proc} arch=${ARCH:-$(uname -m)} kernel=${KERNEL:-$(uname -r)} vmlinuz=${VMLINUZ:-"/boot/vmlinuz-${kernel}"} mkdir -p "${tmpdir:=${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${0##*/}.$$}" pool="pool$$" root="${tmpdir}/root" config="${tmpdir}/config" image="${tmpdir}/root.qcow2" initrd="${tmpdir}/initramfs-$(uname -r)" qemu-img create -f qcow2 "$image" 1G qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 "$image" # o: Create MBR table. # n: Add new partition to table. # p: Primary partition. # 1: Partition number. # newline: Use default value for first sector. # newline: Use default value for last sector. # w: Write changes and re-read partition table. fdisk /dev/nbd0 << EOF o n p 1 w EOF dd bs=512 count=1 if=/dev/urandom of="${tmpdir}/key" zpool create -m none "$pool" /dev/nbd0p1 zfs create \ -o mountpoint=legacy \ -o canmount=noauto \ -o encryption=on \ -o keyformat=passphrase \ -o keylocation="file://${tmpdir}/key" \ "${pool}/root" cat > "$config" << EOF hooks=$devmgr,zfs root=${pool}/root root_type=zfs # required if mountpoint != legacy #root_opts=zfsutil zfs_key=${tmpdir}/key # toybox/busybox blkid doesn't support zfs. fallback to /dev/* (unstable) zfs_root=/dev/vda1 EOF mkdir -p "$root" mount -t zfs "${pool}/root" "$root" ( tmpdir=$root; cd "$tmpdir" mkdir -p \ dev sys tmp run proc \ root usr/lib usr/bin ln -s usr/lib lib ln -s usr/bin bin ln -s usr/bin sbin ln -s bin usr/sbin copy_exec sh copy_exec zfs cat > sbin/init << EOF #!/bin/sh exec zfs set success:=true "${pool}/root" EOF chmod +x sbin/init ) zpool export "$pool" qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0 (cd .. && ./tinyramfs -lk "$kernel" -c "$config" "$initrd") set -- \ -no-reboot \ -initrd "$initrd" \ -kernel "$vmlinuz" \ -device virtio-scsi \ -drive file="$image",if=virtio if [ -c /dev/kvm ]; then set -- -enable-kvm -cpu host "$@" fi if [ "$DEBUG" ]; then set -- -append 'panic=-1 rdpanic debug rddebug console=ttyS0' -nographic "$@" else set -- -append 'panic=-1 rdpanic' -display none "$@" fi "qemu-system-${arch}" "$@" qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 "$image" # Re-read partition table. fdisk /dev/nbd0 << EOF w EOF zpool import -Nd /dev/nbd0p1 "$pool" [ "$(zfs get -Ho value success: "${pool}/root")" = true ]