# This makefile uses setup.py under the hood.
# In ubuntu, python and pip are symlinks to python2 and pip2, not
# python3. So we have to specify python as python3 by default.
PYTHON := python3
PIP := pip3

all: build

build: naxalnet/__init__.py
	$(PYTHON) setup.py build

install: build
	$(PYTHON) setup.py install --root="$(DESTDIR)" --optimize=1 --skip-build

	$(PIP) uninstall -y naxalnet
	rm -rf /usr/share/naxalnet /usr/lib/systemd/system/naxalnet.service
	@echo "The directory /etc/naxalnet was not removed." && \
	echo "Do 'sudo make purge' to remove it."

# remove config files, like apt purge
purge: uninstall
	rm -rf /etc/naxalnet

	rm -rf build naxalnet.egg-info **/__pycache__