#!/bin/bash # this script assumes that in # ~/bromite ---> there is the bromite repo # ~/chromium ---> there is the chromium repo RED='\033[0;31m' NC='\033[0m' # No Color cd ~ echo -e ${RED} -------- download bromite repo ${NC} mkdir ~/bromite cd ~/bromite git fetch git pull VERSION=$( cat ~/bromite/build/RELEASE ) echo -e ${RED} -------- lastest version is: $VERSION ${NC} echo -e ${RED} -------- download chromium repo ${NC} mkdir ~/chromium cd ~/chromium #fetch --nohooks --no-history android gclient config https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git echo "target_os=['android']" >>.gclient cd src # cleanup repo! #git reset #git reset --hard HEAD #git clean -fdx git fetch --depth 2 https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git +refs/tags/$VERSION:chromium_$VERSION #git tag #git checkout . #git clean -fdx #git am --abort && git reset 95a0064cd30fa82247881080e7f70d9904c79864^ && git reset --hard && git clean -f -d git checkout $VERSION echo -e ${RED} -------- git current status ${NC} git status git log echo -e ${RED} -------- sync other chromium repos ${NC} gclient sync -D --no-history # remove origin for chromium git remote remove origin echo -e ${RED} ------- apply patchs ${NC} for file in $(cat ~/bromite/build/bromite_patches_list.txt) ; do echo -e ${RED} " -> Apply $file" ${NC} REPL="0,/^---/s//FILE:"$file"\n---/" cat ~/bromite/build/patches/$file | sed $REPL | git am if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "Error on ~/bromite/build/patches/${file} press return" read -n 1 fi echo " " done file="Add-a-flag-to-always-view-desktop-site-for-all-websites.patch" REPL="0,/^---/s//FILE:"$file"\n---/" cat ~/bromite/build/patches/$file | sed $REPL | git am # install builds deps sudo build/install-build-deps-android.sh gclient runhooks # generate ninja files and autogenerated files gn gen --args="$(cat ~/bromite/build/GN_ARGS) target_cpu=\"arm64\" " out/arm64 # build time! set NINJA_SUMMARIZE_BUILD=1 date && autoninja -C out/arm64 chrome_public_apk && date && adb install out/arm64/apks/ChromePublic.apk PATH=/root/chromium/src/third_party/llvm-build/Release+Asserts/bin:/root/depot_tools/:$PATH ccache --max-size=10G export CCACHE_CPP2=yes export CCACHE_SLOPPINESS=time_macros gn gen --args="$(cat ~/bromite/build/GN_ARGS) target_cpu=\"arm64\" cc_wrapper=\"ccache\" " out/arm64